I just got through 3 boxing this mob today with a 14k warrior, 70 shaman and cleric. Cleared the area around Yoppa, used invis vs animals and said the trigger to Yoppa. Then I moved to the north shore area of the beach with the shaman. Used the cleric to pacify the 2 lesser sharks and pulled Ancient Megalodon to the shore. It was a short easy fight. After the Ancient went down, the warrior went back and pulled the other two. They hit for such a small amount it was no problem at all.
This fight is possible. You just need skilled players.
Our guild is a casual players only guild who raids twice a week, tops. We tried him once and got him to 30% and wiped. We knew we did not have enough healing power so we did not re atempt that night. Following week we came back with actually less people. 16 people to be exact and four of those were boxed toons. One of the two clerics was a box of the puller.
None of our people are even close to time geared or Anguish. We had two tanks. One 10k HP warrior with DoN cultural and a 12k HP pally with a lot of AAXP. The warrior tanked until defensive wore off then the pally stepped in. When defensive came back up, the warrior was switched in as main tank. Throughout the fight one was the tank the other was rampage tank so made healing them easy. Our three druids, one was 66 one was 54 and one was 70 (but very under equipted) kept them healed while the two clerics chain healed the groups. We also used HoT potions which helped out a bunch.
Three things that are very important. One is all than can should be sitting in a mount. You still get stunned but it does wear off a tick or two faster while sitting on a mount and also you do not get spun around which is a plus for the melee who always end up facing the oposite way. I can confirm the faster wear off since I was duo boxing a mounted toon and an un-mounted toon. Secondly, positioning. Pull him straight up onto land. Do not allow the raid to push. We had one time where people got punchy too early on and he got pushed right underneatht he dock and the MA got stuck. If he goes up on the wall you will lose some melee DPS. Rampage is not AOE so you do nto need to worry about the raid position and the AOE is unresistable. Steadfast servants helped a bit too. Third thing is to make sure he is debuffed properly. Do tash and malos/putrid decay. Ro line would not land until the very end but druids reported rains landed fine with the other debuffs. He does seem to be more prone to go after casters after debuffs than other mobs. We did same debuffs, same time as we always do and had caster deaths we do not normally have. At least not from debuffing :) he is very resistant to all spells unless you get the debuffs on and stuck. Once debuffs were done, slow landed just fine.
AOE is unresistable and has a huge range. Do not try to ahve casters run out of range to avoid it or try to get around the side of the rock face. Literally, byt the time they get out of range, he casts, they run back, he will be casting again. There is no way to avoid the AOE as an outdoor zone. We had bodies of folks who ran back after death to help way the heck out in the water outside the cove.
he doesn't hit as hard as some 1.5 mobs but does do substantial damage and is a bit fast. He has a ton of HPs. No matter what the DPS is it will be a long fight. He is chain spawnable as the spawning NPC does not despawn. He does despawn pretty quickly once he has regenned to full health. he does have substantial regen so dots are important. He does rampage and enrage at the end.
Did this mob with myself (65 shm, baz equipped), a 70 rng and shm (both high end equipped), my 63 Chanty bot (for tash) and when the mob was around 54% a 70 Zerker came to help finish it. Chanty died just before zerker came. Here are a few observations that I can relate to you:
The mob has a TON of hp and the stun really affects DPS in such a small group. He Rampages and Enrages.
USE A MOUNT while fighting this guy, you won't spin in circles when stunned (you will technically, but the screen won't spin).
PULL HIM ONTO LAND just inside the cove where you do the initial hail to spawn him.
Don't try and run around the edge of the cove to avoid the AoE. You won't...you'll just die (like my chanter did).
Park your pet well away from this encounter (if you're a shm). This guy will eat Jobantik for breakfast.
Hope this helps someone. Good Luck
------------ Sscarz Spiritseer 65 Shaman <Avatars of Bane> Bristlebane Server
Also did this with less than one group of non-Time flagged chars (EP/DoD geared mostly).
70 War, Sham, Cleric, Druid. Warrior buffed to around 14k hps/2300 AC. Casters had around 8000 mana, C6/FT15 and mounts.
Cleric just cast group heals every minute or two. Druid patched tank and did some dps, shammy healed and dotted. We used SotG, Ancestral Aid, Celestial Regen a couple of times each and the warrior also got through about 8 HoT potions.
It took around 40 mins to wear him down with our low dps.
A few points: Mob parsed to around 500k hps, but low melee dps (160 or so slowed - didnt use defensive). The Rampage message came up, but no one got hit by it, so it has a small range and can be avoided by casters. Seemed resistant to fire (hand of ro resisted), but cold, magic and poison landed fine after malos.
This guy does not hit hard at all. Worry more about the other groups than the main tank. Ensure the MA has aggro and this can be killed easily. We just killed him with less than 3 groups in gear that is sub TIME.
Killed this guys a few days ago with my guild. Took about 25-30 people. 2 clrs and 2 druid, and a lot of pallies doing group heals. As a raid, we took him down to about 20%. Pulled him on land which worked well, but dont let him jump up on the pillar, or your melee dps is gone.
Anyways, at about 20%, we were down to 1 group. The MT, a clr, a druid, a bst, a 2 other dps. By the time he was dead, it was just the clr, the dru, and the MT. They 3 manned him down the last 5% or so, which took as long as the first 80%, but it worked. Basically yeah, he has a lot of hp, but if you have the heal power, theres no reason you should lose.
Killed this mob today 21st December 05 for my Shaman box.
The group consisted of two Warriors, a Shadow Knight, a Cleric, a Druid and my boxed Shaman.
Most of us are all GoD geared, except the other Warrior who is Time / GoD geared. it was a long fight, maybe 10 minutes plus and the SK had aggro from me alot of the time.
I initially used defensive discipline (which was ready to use again by the end of the ight). He didn't really hit for that much, or that fast, the AE stun is bad though.
Group Heal over time spells worked well. It's just a case of keeping the mob off of the casters and plugging away at him. He has alot of HP. My Shammy who has nearly 10K mana buffed was nearly OOM at the end of the fight.
Just tried this guy twice on 7th Hammer. First time had 3 groups.. lvl avg was 64. Tried to keep casters out of harms way and send them in after AE went off. MT was 11k and I had a cleric (lvl 70) and a druid (70 too) healing him. Got him to 80% when we wiped... Regroup with 4 full groups now, went back in and tried to pull him on land. AE went off as soon as he aggroed and 1/2 my casters went down right away. We got him to 70% this time and wiped again. Called the raid on lack of healers.. I'm thinking if you have group heals going non stop and someone healing the MT it shouldnt be that hard. My problem was we just didnt have enough healers. Was fun though, looking forward to trying again
we tried this guy with 70 shammy 70 Cleric 70 War with 500+AAs 70 Ranger with 700+ AAs 70 Beast and 70 Chanter we only tried once and got him down to 57% b4 tank went down due to no heal from stun. he was an easy slow with BoD we did this in water and the AE ate up our mana. we gonna add one more grp to the mix and try again tomorrow. let ya know how it turned out
Attempted this guy twice so far with the same group.
70 warrior 801 AAs 13.5k hps 70 pally 550+ AAs 12.2k hps ( just over 7k mana ) 70 shaman 191 AAs 8.3k hps ( just over 7k mana ) 70 cleric 151 AAs 7k hps ( just under 7k mana ) 70 wizard 100 + AAs 6k hps ( just under 7k mana ) 70 wizard 500 + AAs 8k hps ( just over 8k mana )
Anyways, seems the wizards were landing most everything they casted, that wasnt the issue, but i would highly reccomend higher hit point melee for this encounter. My lesson learned is that casters are gonna be mana sponges.
Best we have done single group style is 59% . Ah well, guess ill have to grab another group of folks on this one.
We couldnt hide from the AoE either as others have posted.
...i wish i woulda did this guy before SOE went nuts with the nerf bat ><
Well these posts were great for information...but he's definitely not easy for average geared players.
Finally took him down last night after two wipes with 2 and half groups. Warning for casual pick up groups trying this mob...he has a wackload of hps...and you absolutely must have group heals.
Anyways, took him down last night and chest loot was Muramite plate boots.
I 5-boxed and he played his 62 sham 1. 16k hp 70 warrior 2. 8.7k mana 70 cleric 3. 7.8k mana 70 druid 4. 9.5k hp 69 monk 5. gimp 69 ench used for tash only then ran far away 6. 62 sham
most hits were 187 on war, max hit was 1082, that's with 33% shielding + all mitigation AA
he did AE rampage and he was slowable, the AE went off about every 12 seconds or so, fight was like 15 minutes, used group heals on cleric and nuked with druid. at end of fight, 40% mana on both.
hope this helps someone, he's not too hard, go get those sham epics =o
Did him with a little over 2 groups the other night, no deaths. We had 2 clerics on MA and 2 others casting Ethereal Elixor (group HoT) when needed.
His AE is unresistable, and don't bother climbing a hill nearby either trying to escape it. Even while stunned the pally (11khps) had no prob holding aggro. Definitely one-groupable if you have the time lol.
All toons were DoN/OoW geared mostly, a bit of GoD, but nothing uber.
I am getting ready to set a date to kill this guy with my guild and wanted to know what type of resists this guy has and what is the average he hits for besides the ae and what type of hps he has. Any info would be great thanks.
the shaman was boxed just to spawn him and slow him.
Fight lasted 13 minutes, the AE is not resistable, 1 cleric did group heals every 2nd or 3rd AE (does about 1500 dmg pro AE), 1 cleric did CH on warrior and the other cleric just patched when CH would be interupted by the stun.
Never resisted the AE, not even with Vet AA and everything maxed out.
Biggest problem we had was warrior going down at 40%, rogue tanked, warrior took over at 20%. because of rezzing and drop in dps (tanking rogue) clerics where almost OOM at the end. A higher geared tank would mean 1 less cleric and add more dps would have made it faster.
But its possible with 1 group that are partly EP geared and OoW geared.
ps, we went for 1 group, if we created a 2nd group we would have needed another healer for that group and we had not.
a is if someone got the exact amount of time between ae stun casts, then the healers could back out until spell is cast since it is instant. Also his whirlpool spell IS reflectable, so try and have that maxed out. Also, can he have his mana drained?
also after trying this again-(failed) rangers are very usefull in this. they can most of the time get far enuf away to avoid spin stun, while still able to shoot AM. key to this fight is to get it on land, cauz in the water it is very nasty
also another tip is if u got the clerics u can have an extra cleric you can have him stationed far behind the group(s). if you have most casters at the very farthest they can be w/o being to far to cast then the cleric can heal group members even when spin stun goes off.
another tip is since its an old world zone if your attempting to only have one cleric, get him a manastone- the extra mana helps for a fight, and a ranger can heal cleric if needed, or shaman
Get an awesome MT like 15k if possible get 2 verry verry verry nice clerics bout 7k mana unbuffed let the clerics use groupheals all the time and let the other healers heal MT
GET A TON of dps get melee cause everyone will be stunned moast of the time
We just fought this guy tonight we did awsome we have 15 members arg. around lvl 66 we got him down to 72% we just shy hof DPS Did great on tatics His Stun Spin will interuped your spells and Sitting will make the spinning go away but your still stun he seems to cast it ever 35 40 sec. He spawns Very South west part of the zone.
We tried this guy last week and wiped twice. The Spin Stun AE is killing us. Massive Ping Ponging and basically he is having his way with us. We had 24 peeps non Elemental/time or any God stuff but we have killed many mobs at this level but that f'ing Spin Stun goes off way too often and no matter how far away the healers/casters are, they get hit with it. It is interruptable so we tried to have all hit mob from one side to keep him moving but as soon as The MT got hit the mob would run away and turn onto someone else so we ended just chasing him and yes the AE still went off like every 15 secs. Can he be stunned/mezzed?
Doable with 12 need good tank 10+ atleast 2 clerics and get apllys cause of groupheals clerics need to have a good mana pool also need good rampage tank 9k+
Guys am I on crack or is this mob 1.5 not 2.0:)), I understand you have to get 1.5 to get 2.0 but this is kinda confusing considering AM is a 1.5 kill not a 2.0 kill:))
Guys am I on crack or is this mob 1.5 not 2.0:)), I understand you have to get 1.5 to get 2.0 but this is kinda confusing considering AM is a 1.5 kill not a 2.0 kill:)), Oh and after todays patch to make this guy easier, bout the only thing that has changed is his mad regen all else seems to be about the same.:) Still tough fight but now seems doable.