Chronographer Muon  

Quest NPC

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Say "yes" to zone into special PoI location.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2016-11-27 17:23:15.

Level: 70
Expansion: Planes of Power
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 19:34:21

Known Habitats:
  Plane of Innovation
  Planar Progression

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# Apr 19 2015 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
30, -310, 3.75
Veludeus Exmachina - Bristlebane

*rate the posts, please*
how to revist time projection chamber in POI
# Mar 05 2013 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
accessing the time machine in plane of innovation a second can be annoying.

I had a fully flagged characterwho accessed potime the original way back when the content was current. with the quintessence in my house I re-hailed maelin in pok, got the dialouge about going to see muon in POI, but when I got to muon he told me to get lost.

I then got my quintessence out of the bank and rehailed maelin. nothing was different in his dialouge. I then went back to muon and he had the propoer dialouge asking if i wanted to proceed to the time projection chamber. I believe just having the quintessence in your inventory when speaking to muon is all that was required (I probably did not need to rehail maelin).

saying "yes" will port you to the machine, but ONLY if you are grouped. he wasn't porting me at first, but when i popped my merc and formed a group it worked fine (group of 2 works).

there is no reason to revist the time machine in POI, but its an area in EQ that not a lot of people have been to so it's fun to check out if you are bored. maelin spawns down there and has some dialouge about the pop storyline.

physically the time machine area is very deep underneath the rest of the zone. the z-axis is about -1800. I guess the draw distances back in the day were shorter, because if you look up into the sky from the time machine you can see other parts of the zone clipping through the sky.

Edited, Mar 6th 2013 12:32am by NewbishTroll
how to revist time projection chamber in POI
# Jun 06 2013 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
NewbishTroll wrote:
accessing the time machine in plane of innovation a second can be annoying.

I had a fully flagged characterwho accessed potime the original way back when the content was current. with the quintessence in my house I re-hailed maelin in pok, got the dialouge about going to see muon in POI, but when I got to muon he told me to get lost.

I then got my quintessence out of the bank and rehailed maelin. nothing was different in his dialouge. I then went back to muon and he had the propoer dialouge asking if i wanted to proceed to the time projection chamber. I believe just having the quintessence in your inventory when speaking to muon is all that was required (I probably did not need to rehail maelin).

saying "yes" will port you to the machine, but ONLY if you are grouped. he wasn't porting me at first, but when i popped my merc and formed a group it worked fine (group of 2 works).

there is no reason to revist the time machine in POI, but its an area in EQ that not a lot of people have been to so it's fun to check out if you are bored. maelin spawns down there and has some dialouge about the pop storyline.

physically the time machine area is very deep underneath the rest of the zone. the z-axis is about -1800. I guess the draw distances back in the day were shorter, because if you look up into the sky from the time machine you can see other parts of the zone clipping through the sky.
Thanks so much for the info! I was getting a little frustrated until I looked at your post and added my merc to the group. Then it was an easy port!

Edited, Mar 6th 2013 12:32am by NewbishTroll

Still works
# Oct 18 2012 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
770 posts
Bored with current content, I just recently ran through the entire PoP flagging on 3 alts. Muon teleported all 3 to the Time Chamber area of Innovation, no problems.
# Jun 18 2011 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,603 posts
After all these years, I finally got Plane of Earth B (Council) done. I went and completed the flag as normal (so, it still works).


Function broken.
# Sep 24 2010 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Does not transport to the time-projection chamber anymore. Thanks to plane of time being open to anybody of the appropriate level, his function was broken and I doubt it gets fixed. Sucks too cause I finally completed planar progression and just need to use the time machine to finish the true time flag.
re: Function broken.
# Feb 23 2011 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
I also just completed the real Time key and found this mob doesnt port you to Loreseeker Maelin anymore. I was dead set on completing the flag though so i petition and low and behold a GM came into game and ported me to Loreseeker Maelin in PoI and i was able to complete the flag.
# Jan 25 2006 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
where is this guy
Time access
# Oct 19 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
Part of Planar progression -- for Time access.
not 65
# Aug 22 2004 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
This ****** conned red to me at 65. He assists things in the factory and hit me for 860.
Who is he?
# Aug 01 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
He got pulled to the entrance at PoI and killed our cleric.
Anyone have any info on this guy?


Kaffi Coffeeheart
Mithaniel's Mirth
Erollisi Marr server

Edited, Sun Aug 1 12:09:04 2004
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