I decided to see if Jazolix charm could be resisted in Fire. He charmed me as expected, but now I can't get my character out of game. I finally had to quit EQ via the task manager, but I can't get back in. It is stuck at "removing character from game" after failing once to remove him. Any suggestions?
Thursday oct. of 2013......saw the post by Lias up above and just wanted to throw this out there. U can all laugh but this is funny and serious at the same time. 91 SK on --TRIBUNAL/BRISTLEBANE--NON-PVP im telling you. Was PLing guildie and he says, "Can u take that bird?"....it's green, green to me. Run up hit him twice, he fear/charms me for the next 15-20 min, kills guildie, but keeps my merc alive and doesn't attack him. Nor can he kill me, he cant hit that hard. keeps me under himself on pedestal. I try FD, I try gate potion, running, attacking, anything.... Some poor 60s-70s warrior walks out of the keep thing just to look around and BAM! is rudely ambushed by an SK that looks suspiciously like another player! i'm as confused as him as I completely obey and start to chop this guy down! He's like "WTF! WTF!" I cant type at all.....he runs, almost dead. The bird charms HIM, flies up and 1, 2, 3's him as my charm wears off. I make tracks to the keep sending /tells, "Did u %$@#ing see what I just did to you??!" so, he does charm, ALL lvls! he can make u attack on non pvp as well. I was glad I got away! SOE , that's %#$ing sneaky stuff! good show. still chuckling bout it
I wound up getting stuck in a charm loop and called for a little help, so I haven't solo'd this beastie yet, but it's possible. Next time, I will. A fellow mage and I, along with our mercs, beat the stuffing out of the two chickens and found some interesting things.
Could easily be solo'd if you park your pet in assist range of the bird, float around his buddy and down into the lava. Pull the bird with your pet and back it up to its guard point, wait 10 seconds, and you're good to go. I was expecting him to attempt to charm one of the two (four?) of us for the entire fight, but he never cast the charm again.
EDIT: I wasn't satisfied with "could" so I went and did it today. Pulled Criare from her perch solo with a click from my Tash orb, popped him with Malo, tagged her with the 81 Air pet and just refreshed Promised Rejuv. every time the pet dropped to 80% and just kept tossing Shock of Discordant Steel and Deluge of Thunderbolts her way, and sending in a gargoyle every time Gift of Mana popped. She didn't resist anything, and if she hit me with something, I didn't notice.
Once Criare was down, I parked my pet (/pet sit, spam Companion's Relocation) in front of the bridge and set him to guard, hopped in the lava under the bridge. Pre-emptive Promised Rejuv., sicced the pet, waited for PR to hit before crawling out and finishing her off the same way I did Criare. Cakewalk for me, but I'm just slightly overpowered for the zone.
85 Mage, 1500 AAs, maxed pet AAs 30khp, 33km Theft of Essence 6 Enhanced Minion VIII Self+merc buffs Shock rk2 Deluge rk2 Rancorous rk3 Malo rk3 Promised rk3
Edited, Sep 5th 2010 11:00pm by nyteshayd
Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
Tried to drag a corpse past him and he stunned me then charmed me and walked me back to his "nest" pot thing. And kept me there. 2mins later when charm faded off i got feared by him and recharmed. Happened 3 times in a row. /q did not work during this so u cant get out that way. Last time it broke and he didnt come. He sould kill u by the 3rd time but i had more than 10k hps =(
When I managed to aggro this MOB I was also charmed and walked back to the nest. As soon as charm wore off I was attacked but managed to Feign Dead on about 10% HP. There I lay for about 20 minutes whilst I slowly regenned back up towards full hitpoints, wondering what I was going to do and whether someone could perhaps CoH me.
This being on Zek, a wonderful server for non-grief PvP, things were decided for me by several members of the guild Ascending Dawn who decided to sit on the cliff and fire spells at me, breaking my Feign Death.
Well, I did not get killed by Jaxoliz. Neither did I get PKed. Instead I got charmed and immediately charged into the PKers and started doing whatever charmed trolls do. When charm wore off there were several fewer Ascending Dawn in the zone and Jaxoliz was nowhere in sight. One quick "Origin" later and I was safe in Neriak.