a grotesque statue  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Appears towards the end of the Terris Thule fight.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:08:00.

Level: 62
Expansion: Planes of Power
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TT raid
# Nov 07 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
Had a fun try at her today on an open raid, and we failed due to a few easy problems to fix next time...
1. Make sure the call to exit is heeded by all before the AE debuff hits, and especially remind all not to re-enter the dome until MT calls out that it has gone off...
2. Tell the kiters to stand next to the gargs and begin trying to gain aggro as quickly as possible..our raid wiped when the gargs weren't pulled away fast enough(although our MT and SA were already down, as well as several healers from the butterflies...)
3. Form groups with the separate tasks of kiting and such in mind; this will lessen the confusion considerably.

Once the raid is set up and running, getting to TT is cake; with good planning and smooth execution, the final battle will prove fun and educational in basic raiding discipline...
# Feb 24 2004 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
Does anoyne know if they can be snared?
RE: Snared?
# Apr 24 2004 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
Can no longer be snared hehe found out the hard way and got message "cant change running speed etc...." so u still get agro with snare cast then I do another quick debuff and kite em OUTSIDE of TT area


Hope it works - perhaps some can be snared but the few I tried can't.

RE: Snared?
# Apr 13 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
Dealing with gargs
# Nov 26 2003 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
Gargs are part of the Terris Thule encounter, they are always up when she is but are untargetable until later in the fight.

These guys hit HARD and have lots of HP.

They are not mezzable or charmable either.

And guess what, there are four of them that come alive when Terris gets low on health. (30% or so)

When she does so your raid can deal with it in two ways:
1. Tank-mezz them and kill them one by one while CH-loop+MT stay on Terris.
2. Kite them around the circular battle area using four kiters. This is what my guild does and it works well for us. Note that if a kiter dies there will be rogue gargs running amok through your raid so assign them to people you trust, and have a backup kiter/knight standing by.
# Nov 06 2003 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
are these mezzable by an enc or bard?
RE: mezzable?
# Nov 15 2003 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
These mobs are not mezzable or Charmable by any means.
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