Fennin Ro, The Tyrant of Fire  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded March 19th, 2022 by nytmare
Updated March 20th, 2022

@4200AC, 35% shielding Cleric

Max hit: 1540 on cleric, 1890 on mage.

Low hit: 626

Avg hit: 889

Avg Dps: 675

Total HP: ~900-950K

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2009-03-02 10:01:26.

Level: 80
Expansion: Planes of Power
Effects Used:Cataclysm of Ro
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Post Comment
# Aug 01 2012 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Respawn timer on this script?
how to pop?
# Mar 10 2011 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
113 posts
Is this guy quest triggered to pop?
how to pop?
# Mar 10 2011 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
Yes, he has a script that has to run.
Easy solo
# Sep 06 2010 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Tower/T9 and some UF T6 (raid) geared ranger with 1700 AAs... did whole fenin ro encounter in about 25 minutes. Fenin ro himself took 3 minutes. T5 merc never left 100% mana.

Edited, Sep 6th 2010 3:57pm by Kutsuudaoc
# Aug 27 2010 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Taken down by an 85 Shaman with Tank Merc and an 85 Chanter with a Cleric merc...

Went relatively easy, we both have a few tower pieces but this was by far an easy fight.
Second Al'Kabor kill loot
# Aug 18 2009 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
Same as first kill except in place of the dagger, the Greatstaff of Power dropped which was surprising since that is supposed to be a Rallos Zek Plane of Timeb drop. Go figure. Al'Kabor is just different!
Al'Kabor Server First!
# Jul 28 2009 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Temerity takes down The Tyrant of Fire in a server first with a force of 52 mostly VT geared raiders!


Ifir, Dagger of Fire
Earring of Eternal Flame
Elemental Chain Pant Pattern

This is the Mac server, we only go through PoP. It's the closest thing to a Classic server that you're gonna find!
Utdaan Twoswords
65 Forest Stalker of Al`Kabor, Macintosh server
solo attempt 1
# Mar 10 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
First off, I'm callin a bluff on that necro claiming to solo. Nearly got this ******* solo on a 85, 1900 35k ranger, but wound up dying off after about 25 mins of fighting while the mob was left up around 6% because mobs repopped and agroed me. There is no way a necro could deliver a million dmg in 3 minutes, even if you were chain lifetapping, especially considering you couldn't land any fire dots on him... I might actually believe it if you could. All in all, I will be attempting this again sometime soon... wish me luck.
# Feb 26 2009 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Have him at about 950k, maybe more because pet was out of range while tanking (so I could avoid AE) - fight took maybe 3 minutes, easy solo for necro.
# Feb 19 2009 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
85 Cleric and gimp 78 Mage bot(like 13K mana and 200aa's). Cleric, mainly Solteris/MMM gear) was 32K/4200AC buffed at the time. Self buffs only besides clarity potion. Could be soloed easy, going to try next go round. Mage just sped up the process, I ended fight with over 70% mana and that was with quite a bit of nuking.
Fight Length: 24 minutes.
Damage to NPC: 814,000
Damage to PC: 972,000
Max hit: 1540 on cleric, 1890 on mage.
Low hit: 626
Avg hit: 889
Avg Dps: 675
# Dec 04 2008 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Killed this guy on first try. Used 81 ranger and 81 cleric + 2 mercs.

Everything in the event before is easier compared to him.

Does hit max 1.9k, has at least 3 times more hp then the minibosses.


Silk Pant Pattern

No dagger =(.
Soloed on Bertox
# Sep 13 2008 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
I realize it's old content, but I recently soloed this event. The mana drain was hard to deal with, but otherwise it really wasn't close, I popped servant around 50 percent health when I ran out of mana and out of potions, and he was able to keep me healed for the rest of the fight.
# Jan 16 2008 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
it's ironic that the day after i posted this my guild went and powned this guy fight went quick=)
# Dec 20 2007 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
Wow look at this thing cant wait to go and raid his home for valuebles lol still a little wet behind the ears for that one i guess.
My favorite Pic of Tyrant
# Mar 22 2007 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
Just thought I would share:



Edited, Mar 23rd 2007 1:20am by pinkysbliss

Woot Got it to work)>

Edited, Mar 23rd 2007 1:24am by pinkysbliss
My favorite Pic of Tyrant
# Apr 15 2007 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Works for me, that is one dead fire monkey :)
My favorite Pic of Tyrant
# Mar 22 2007 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
Blah! can get link to work know sorry for messed p post...

Tactics for the Win.
# Oct 18 2006 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Target: Fennin Ro
Location: Beyond 2nd Castle in PoFire
Flag: None Required. Gives ¼ of PoTime
Scout: Ranger
MGBs Needed: ?
Classes Needed: Healers
Needs of the classes: Preslow offtank targets if possible
Approximate Groups to Kill: 3 (lvl 70+)

Pulling Tips: Nothing real special on pulling, other than not to pull too many mobs with the demon type ones, since they are pretty hard. Named split pretty easy, just takes a while since the first 4 have lots of guards. Make sure puller calls what named are inc beforehand so raid knows what to expect.

General Strategy:

1. Move raid to tables

2. Pull and kill the trigger mob (Guardian of Doomfire)

3. Pull trash mobs from the path. The Chaosfiends hit hard and rampage

4. Move raid to first platform. Continue pulling trash

5. Move raid to 3rd platform Continue pulling trash. Named will be pulled to this platform. Avoid the one section(location?) of the platform, people get stuck in it.

6. Pull named 1 at a time. Azobian the Darklord, Hebabbilys the Ragelord, Javonn the Overlord, Reaxnous the Chaoslord

7. Move raid down to the platform just before bridge

8. Pull the Named bird (Chancellor Traxom) and spider (Chancellor Kirta)

9. Move raid across bridge and to the right along wall in the open area out front of Fennin Ro’s castle.

10. MT assumes position. Healers check their distance. All meleers get arrows.

11. Pull guards and named. Warlord Prollaz, Omni Magus Crato

12. MT assumes position. Fro is pulled. Puller runs by MT. MT incites/Furious/Attacks Fro just as he passes the corner on the wall. MT pushes Fro into the corner

13. Heal, shoot, nuke… Kill Fro

14. Hail projection

15. TL home

Named Mob Details:

Name: Azobian the Darklord
Location: path to Fro’s castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages ?/?/?
Melee attack # / amount ?/? hits hard
pbaoe blindness, 50', last 2 ticks
Special abilities/etc
Resists needed: Nothing Special
Spellshield: No
Slowable: Magic, Mitigates
Healing: cure blindness on MT, 3 second CH cycle
MGB: ?
Pulling: nothing special
Tanking: defensive required

Name: Hebabbilys the Ragelord
Location: path to Fro’s castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages: No/No/?
Melee attack # / amount 4/3500
Procs/AoE's/Spells: None
Special abilities/etc: Heavy Hitter
Resists needed: None
Spellshield: None
Slowable: Magic, Mitigates
Healing: 3 second CH cycle + fst heals
MGB: n
Pulling: nothing special
Tanking: defensive required

Name: Javonn the Overlord
Location: path to Fro’s castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages: ?/?/?
Melee attack # / amount ?/1950
Fiery Assault – PBAE 100’, Fire(-400), recast 30sec
Stun 2sec, 500DD, SpinStun
Special abilities/etc: Nothing special
Resists: Fire
Spellshield: No
Slowable: Magic, Mitigates
Healing: 3 second CH cycle + fast heals on each AE stun
MGB: ?
Pulling: nothing special
Tanking: defensive preferred

Name: Reaxnous the Chaoslord
Location: path to Fro’s castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages: ?/?/?
Melee attack # / amount ?/1000
Rain of Burning Fire – Target AE 100’, Fire(-400), recast 30sec
Decrease hp by 1000
Special abilities/etc: Nothing special
Resists: Fire
Spellshield: No
Slowable: Magic, Mitigates
Healing: 3 second CH cycle + fast heals on each AE stun
MGB: ?
Pulling: nothing special
Tanking: defensive preferred

Name: Chancellor Kirta
Location: near bridge before Fro Castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages: No/No/?
Melee attack # / amount: 4/900ea
Web of Flame – PB AE 150’, Fire(-150), every 60sec
-50 Mana per tick
Special abilities/etc: Nothing Special
Resists needed: Fire
Spellshield needed: NO
Slowable: Magical, Mitigates
Healing: 3 second CH cycle
MGB: ?
Pulling: Nothing Special
Tanking: Defensive preferred

Name: Chancellor Traxom
Location: near bridge before Fro Castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages: ?/?/?
Melee attack # / amount: ?/?
Procs/AoE's/Spells: Nothing Special
Special abilities/etc: Nothing Special
Resists needed: Nothing Special
Spellshield needed: No
Slowable: Magic, Mitigates
Healing: 3 second CH cycle
MGB: ?
Pulling: Nothing Special
Tanking: Defensive preferred

Name: Omni Magus Crato
Location: Fro’s Castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages: ?/?/?
Melee attack # / amount: ?/?
Procs/AoE's/Spells: ?
Special abilities/etc: ?
Resists: ?
Spellshield: ?
Slowable: Magic Mitigates
Healing: 3 second CH cycle
MGB: ?
Pulling: ?
Tanking: defensive required

Name: Warlord Prollaz
Location: Fro’s Castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages: ?/?/?
Melee attack # / amount: ?/?
Procs/AoE's/Spells: nothing special
Special abilities/etc: nothing special
Resists: None
Spellshield: No
Slowable: Magic, Mitigates
Healing: ?
MGB: ?
Pulling: nothing special
Tanking: defensive

Name: Fennin Ro
Location: his castle
Rampages/Flurries/Enrages: ?/?/Yes
Melee attack # / amount 4/1950
Cataclysm of Ro – PBAE 100’, Fire(-700), recast
100HpDot, 3k DD, -100ManaDot, Curse Counter 18
Overwrites Bo9
Special abilities/etc: Nothing special
Resists: Fire
Spellshield: Yes, all of them
Slowable: Magic, Slightly
Healing: 2 CH cycles. 1 cleric 1 druid. prefer a 2 second cleric cycle, but generally dont have enough clerics for it, so we use 3. Also good to have 1-2 extra clerics for quick heals. All our cleric boxes generally fast heal the hell out of tank as they can manage it.
MGB: ?
Pulling: pull out the right door, then run right past the MT (between the wall and MT)
Tanking: Furious, Defensive, Offensive. Very important to wait until Fennin Ro is just past the corner of the right pillar before inciting on the pull. Push Fro into that corner. Always be alert for a summon so you can run back into healing range ASAP
General: Deaggro on all debuffers plus healers if possible. Make sure they postpond their casting so no one over aggros. Bard song needs to be off til FR is in camp.

Trivial now
# Apr 11 2006 at 5:21 AM Rating: Default
We did a mini raid to get alts flaged for fire, funny thing happened as we were flag dragging alts whilst we were setting up at tables a late comer managed to bring Blazzax the Omnifirnd as an uninvited guest! unannounced he took us by suprise, but we managed to recover and kill him dropped 2 flaming capes! Cleared down to Fennin and killed him all done with 17 people, fun way to spend an afternoon, got about 10 alts flagged too.

Slace ~ Heyokah of (Druzzil Ro)
~ A Member of Old Continent ~
RE: Trivial now
# May 19 2006 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
How did you get 10 alts flagged for fire on a 17 man raid? I could see 2 alts that got flagged or 10 alts that got their piece for time. But they would have needed to already be flagged for the zone.
RE: Trivial now
# May 19 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts
Where he said they were flag dragging I think that implies they would move 2 in at a time up to position. Once Fennin is dead just log them in since it makes no difference if you have enough flags. It takes 1 minute for the zone to recognise you don't have a flag and a further 3 before it kicks you, more than enough for the hail.
The Real Iksar

# Sep 15 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
This guy is friggen UGLY! i thinks its best we put him down :D
Single grouped
# Aug 02 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Single grouped it 2 nights ago. Just to see if it could be done! Bard,Ranja,Cleric,Shammy,Druid,Shadowknight. took about an hour 20 mins to clear to him..F ro himself was about 35min fight.

Droped Belt and something else i forget.

Edited, Tue Aug 2 06:20:39 2005
# Jul 13 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
hehe... Solusek's daddy is a ugly ******* eh? wonder who his mommy is...
RE: Strange...
# Sep 15 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
actually it druzzil ro in plane of time
RE: Strange...
# Jul 26 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
# Jan 16 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
Well here's the tactics I remember being used, only one death and I'm pretty sure it was intentional.
As a necromancer I was in the cleric channel for mana purposes (whenever a cleric is below 90% mana I and the other necros heal them up untill they say they're good), we had 6 clerics at the time each with an almost identical CH-rotation hot key. The hotkeys were set to tell the others that it was a 2 second rotation.
As for pulling, fennin, from what I remember always comes single (thank god for that). We head 4 warriors each using the 2hs Blade of War, the purpose of that I think is to limit riposte damage. We pulled him from the right side of his area right in front of the lava. Everyone but the warriors stayed back and used range attacks.
We had one of the warriors kinda scuicide to another so his body would be the marker for where you're out of the CH range.Anyway we pulled fennin with one of the warriors instead of a monk because the whole changing aggro thing just doesn't always work as planned. This warrior turned all his discs on that he could (sorry man, nec here so I'm not really sure what discs they use. If your warrior doesn't know that at this point you probably shouldn't be attempting EP). The beginings always go shaky so this warrior's discs died while fennin was at 80%, once his discs wore he announced it and the clerics immediately stopped the CH rot on him and switched it to the warrior second in command who by now turned on his discs too. The puller warrior died and aggro was successfully switched, he was then gimp (necro) rezzed back and continued fighting, but this time as 4th person on the aggro list.
That really is the most important part; as a revied here's what to do:
-stay in the CH range marked by the corpse beacon.
-DPS is a big factor in this fight, but let the warriors take fennin down to about 95% on their own and announce it when they're sure they have aggro.
-make sure your warriors do a rotation of their own, before the fight have one plan to be the main tank for pulling then have another sub taunt so he can be tossed aggro right after the first dies.
-keep away from fennin or keep a mgb cycle up and his AE is almost nonexistant.
-attack with range (as if this already hasn't been made obvious) have rogues, monks, rangers, whatever use bows and throwing. Int casters, for this part crown contol plays very little so just go along doing your DPS thing and assisting the priests.
-druids and shamans, it's your job to keep the group healed and cured including the cleric, not dps.
-clerics, CH rotation, 2 seconds, call if LoM or near it.
Fin. Well I know I'm missing something so just respond to this if you need to know more, and if you wanna get someone in after you're past fennin's five annoying guards, the second or third has a very annoying AE that I experienced (-1000hp per) have him die by graveyard area I think if he can't be coh'd and have a group leader (not gimped in is best) die and go invite him to group at entrance, then have a nec summon and rez both corpses to fennin area. We never had to do this, but I think it's best. This was after oow so we had 56 people in raid average level 67, pulling tank was level 70, second was level 67. Clearing to Fennin is hella long, but easy. Fennin is the easiest of all EP gods and fell to us in 15-30 mins, not sure.
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