Rhionn Leafsblade  

Quest NPC

Level: 45
Expansion: Planes of Power
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-01-28 17:01:35
Known Loot:
icon Glittering Ring

Known Habitats:
  Plane of Justice

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Unsolved Quest - or just a Story?
# Apr 15 2004 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
Some people have speculated that this is related to an undiscovered arrow (possibly the best arrow in the game). Or maybe, these are just little stories for fun and don't relate to actual quests. For anyone interested, here are the transcripts of the 2 NPC's that seem related to this possible quest (Leafsblade and Thunderhoof) -

You say, 'Hail, Rhionn Leafsblade'
Rhionn Leafsblade raises his head from his hands, it appears he was weeping. 'Murderer! I am a [murderer].'
You say, 'what murderer'
Rhionn Leafsblade sighs heavily, wiping his face with his sleeve. 'I am a ranger as I am sure you could have guessed. I spent my entire life serving Karana, I was a loyal husband, I loved my [wife] with all of my heart.'
You say, 'what wife'
Rhionn Leafsblade says 'My wife was beautiful, a wonder to behold. A friend came to me one day to tell me that my wife was killed by a band of ruffians. I was heartbroken and blind from rage. The bandit leader, I was told, was a man by the name of Filland Rallis. I knew [Filland], he was once a noble paladin, but he fell from his God's graces.'
You say, 'who is Filland?'
Rhionn Leafsblade says 'Filland never lost his honor, I'm not sure what action he performed to fall, but he had never committed an ignoble act. I was shocked that he would take to murder; all of his crimes were stealing from those who had excess, and giving to those that were needy. He was a [hero] to many of us.'
You say, 'how was he a hero?'
Rhionn Leafsblade says 'Yes, I have heard bards even still sing of his laurels. He was renowned for his skill with a blade, and his mithril armor was legendary, and heirloom of his family name. Without investigation or research I assumed that the rumors of my wife's death were accurate and I set to [slay her killer].'
You say, 'slay her killer?'
Rhionn Leafsblade says 'It was to be no easy task. I was no match for him in close quarters, there were few that were when he held a sword in his hands. I knew that he would be no match for my bowmanship. So I went to a friend, a [centaur] I had done much business with, and had him make a magical arrow, one capable of piercing Filland's armor.'
You say, 'what centaur?'
Rhionn Leafsblade says 'Shaldyn Thunderhoof, the greatest fletcher Norrath has ever known. He sent me far and wide to collect components for the arrow. When I returned he assembled it for me. I never let him know what the arrow was to be used for, I felt better not to burden him with my sorrows. Then I set out to [kill Filland]'
You say, 'how did you kill Filland?'
Rhionn Leafsblade says 'I went to his hideout, he was out when I arrived. I awaited his arrival on the roof of his home. When he returned with his caravan I let my arrow fly, as soon as I saw the gleam from his armor. It flew true, as all of Shaldyn's arrows did, and struck Filland in the heart. He was dead before he hit the ground. Moments after his death I saw my wife emerge from his wagon, he was returning from [her rescue].'
You say, 'her rescue?'
Rhionn Leafsblade begins weeping again, 'Aye, she was kidnapped by true bandits and I killed her savior. I deserve to be here, this is the fate I made for myself.'

You say, 'Hail, Shaldyn Thunderhoof'
Shaldyn Thunderhoof looks up at you with a curious gleam in his eyes. 'Ahh, a visitor. Is there something you need or are you here for a story?'
You say, 'i want to hear your story'
Shaldyn Thunderhoof says 'Well I'll tell you my story then. I was once a master fletcher, my arrows flew straighter and farther than any made before and any that have come since. I was a master of my craft; a bowman with a quiver of my arrows and one of my bows could drop a griffon at 20 paces with a single shot. One day a [ranger] came with a special order, one that I couldn't let pass.'
You say, 'what ranger?'
Shaldyn Thunderhoof says 'His name was Rhionn Leafsblade, I believe he resides here with me as well. He wanted a magical arrow, a single arrow able to pierce even the strongest mithril breastplate. I had done work with Rhionn before, and believed him an honorable man, and the [challenge] was not one that I could pass up.'
You say, 'what challenge?'
Shaldyn Thunderhoof smiles. 'The arrow of course. Mundane materials would not have been sufficient to hold the enchantments necessary to get this bow to perform as he requested. I had Rhionn gather the materials I needed, the claw of a black drake, feathers from the Spiroc Lord, and a dracolich bone for the shaft. I had no idea what he would [use it for].
You say, 'what did he use it for?'
Shaldyn Thunderhoof says 'He used it for murder. Cold blooded murder. In my trade sect we were held responsible for the actions of our weapons. When the sect council found what my arrow was used for, they sent me before the Tribunal. I was found guilty for assisting in the murder of an innocent, and now I am here.'
You say, 'what arrow?'
You say, 'tell me about the arrow?'
You say, 'what murder?'
You say, 'fletch'
You say, 'what black drake?'
You say, 'what spiroc lord?'
You say, 'why are you guilty?'
You say, 'what feather?'

(Gave up trying to find out more at that point! Will have to think up some more ideas and try again)
RE: Unsolved Quest - or just a Story?
# Apr 16 2004 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
6,998 posts
At the recent Fan Faire (Las Vegas, 2004), the developers confirmed that this is flavor text and there is in fact no hidden quest arrow that results from this.
# Dec 20 2002 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
what's his story?
RE: .
# Feb 11 2003 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
He's imprisoned for murdering a paladin.

Apparantly he thought the paladin was after his woman, but it turned out the paladin was, in fact, rescuing his woman at the time.

He killed the paladin with a magical arrow that he tricked Shaldyn Thunderhoof into fletching for him
RE: .
# Apr 28 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
He's imprisoned for murdering a paladin.

Is that really a crime? Paladin's like to die.
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