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Rum Runners' Guide to Rum  

WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM

Language:Common Tongue
Item Type:Book
Merchant Value:1 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Bolwyn Whipstitch - Celestial Navigators (Maelin Starpyre)
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 10:35:54
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

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Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Barren Coast

Book Text:

Rum be t' true nectar o' t'
gods. Don't let others fool
you with their juices and
other grog. They don't know
what they be talkin' about!

You will not be able t'
make rum only in your
still, you will actually
need some o' your skills in
bakin' t' make it.

You will need t' make
yourself sugar cane juice
and various qualities o'
rum in order t' make t'
glorious variety that thar
be in rum.

Take three sections o'
sugarcane and crush them in
a bowl with a dairy spoon
until you get a nice juice
from them. Discard t' pulp

as you will not need it.

T' get molasses, boil t'
sugarcane juice in a pot
until some o' t' sugar
separates and you be port
with sugar and molasses.
You can boil t' molasses
again t' get more sugar and
second molasses. You can
get away with one more
boilin' and boil t' second
molasses t' get yet more
sugar, and some black strap
molasses. Blackstrap
molasses be not very tasty,
but it be actually
reasonably high in
nutrition. So keep any that
you have made.

Finally we get t' t' rum.
T' most basic rum be as
simple as can be. Simply

ferment some black strap
molasses and yeast in a

T' make a light rum, simply
replace t' black strap
molasses with plain
molasses. Dark rum be made
o' second molasses. For a
nice spiced rum, use
molasses and spices t' your

When you make these rums
you will have a yeast
byproduct called dunder.
You can use this dunder t'
make some o' t' finest rum
thar be. Use pure sugarcane
juice and dunder in a cask
t' make a rum like you ave
never tasted before.

If you need t' make your

rum last, you can make
yourself grogg. Grogg be
simply rotgut rum mixed
with three flasks o' water.
While it will not appeal t'
some, it will allow your
rum t' last longer.

If you want a more
fulfillin' drink, mix some
o' t' freetide rum with two
limes two oranges and two
bits o' ice.

If you find yourself t' be
a bit o' a landlubber and
need a bit o' food t' go
with your rum, thar be some
very good rations you can
make usin' black strap
molasses. Take two measure
o' black strap molasses,
mix it with oats, deadbone
barley, fish jerky, horse

jerky, shark jerky,
basilisk jerky, drake
jerky, and cragbeast jerky.
While those in'redients may
give you pause, you will be
surprised at its taste.


Uploaded July 30th, 2009 by GOMN
Updated August 7th, 2009
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