Fortifying Innoruuk's Realm Volume IV
The spies quickly headed to meet back up with Officer R'nar to communicate what they had overheard.
The next day Officer R'nar gathered additional volunteers. She told them that they must make every
| effort to track down the sacrificial troll before the ritual could take place. She had learned of a troll that that was being escorted to Neriak by several Teir'Dal troops. However, they had no way of knowing if this troll was the chosen one or not. Unfortunately for them, their efforts did not stop
the movement.
Later that day, Officer R'nar furthered attempts to stop the sacrifice. Spread across the lands near Freeport and Highpass Hold, dark elf campsites were in the process of being set up to act as guard stations for protection of the trolls heading to Neriak.
| Each camp was assigned a steward to handle the disbursement of supplies. Corporal Vi'Dar, a dark elf quartermaster was traveling to bring supplies to these camps. Officer R'nar gathered forces to clear out the campsites before the Corporal could arrive. As they cleared the campsite, they retrieved
armament crates but found that the Teir'Dal Corporal had already visited the campsites and the containers were emptied. Their ambush was too late.
After a Vision of Hate appeared before the Teir'Dal King and Queen last evening and gave word that a troll must be
| sacrificed but did not mention which he has chosen, several trolls traveled back to Neriak to meet up with a representative curious whether or not they were selected as the chosen one.
The representative informed them that they would not know who would be the
sacrifice until the time of the ritual a few days from then. Because they did not know who was going to be the sacrifice, all of those willing were prepared over the course of a few days.
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