Yes, if this item is used in a KNOWN quest, please post what it is and where! Don't leave us hanging here...remember, No Rent does not always mean Quest item...look how many No Rent items are dropped by Shadowed Men and not all of them are for quests (granted, many are though).
Ok there is NPC Dark elf chained to a wall in back, she neds a key to set her free and she rewards you for setting her free also, you get that robe and there is a necklace gold something or other that drops off simular mobs. both items have to be given to a NPC who gives you that key to set the DE free, thats all I know :P
I don't think this item is in a quest or if it is it can't be that great a quest. This item drops off of every single ritualist on level 3 so you end up picking alot of them up just to destroy them. If you need this item you could get one faster then it took you to run to the zone.