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The Neriak Signal Vol. 8 No. 3 |
Item Lore: | Neriak Local Newspaper -- Teir`Dal Edition |
Language: | Common Tongue |
Item Type: | Book |
Stackable: | No |
Merchant Value: | 0 pp 0 gp 2 sp 5 cp |
Lucy Entry By: | nameless.Cocodrilo |
Item Updated By: | SwiftyMUSE |
Source: | Live |
IC Last Updated: | 2021-07-27 10:38:14 |
Page Updated: | Thu Oct 9th, 2008 |
| Average Price: No Data Pricing Data... | Rarity: Common | Level to Attain: 1 |
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Book Text:
}----------------------------} ::The Neriak Signal::
Volume 8, No. 3
~Wayfarers Discover Taelosia~
The Wayfarers Brotherhood
| took the great ship, the Queen of Thorns, across the Abysmal Sea and found a continent surrounded by turbulent storms. Using the strange new stones, the ship now rests protected off the shores.
That foul Magus Wenla said he had been in touch with a scout who was sent back to
| Antonica to prepare others to sail to the new continent.
"The scout said it was a terrible journey, but they followed the Grozmok Stone the whole way -- it did as Calliav thought. It was a compass that led them into a safe harbor on the west side of the continent,"
| Wenla said.
There is a boat that will travel between Nedaria's Landing and the Abysmal Sea, Wenla said. He added that the scout had mentioned terrible creatures in that new part of the world. Only the most sturdy and skilled should dare venture to the
| continent.
~Glory by Hate~
The city of Neriak will overcome the ignorance of the foul god Innoruuk who dared turn his back to the Teir'Dal. The time has come to rise above the gods, as all dark elves knew was possible.
| By focusing energy on creating an essence of pure hate, the city has created a magical aura in the stone of dark city that all dark elves may draw from. Give your belongings to the cause of Hate, for if you do, you will be granted with powers to aid in your efforts to rule in Norrath
| and beyond.
Seek out the city Tribute Master. He will take your donations and bestow powers upon you.
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