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The Halas Gazette Vol. 9 No. 7  

WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Item Lore:Halas Local Newspaper
Language:Common Tongue
Item Type:Book
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 2 sp 5 cp
Lucy Entry By:Zaray.[Tenacity].DRo
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-28 06:59:08
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Book Text:

::Halas Gazette::
Vol. 9 No. 7

~ Ykesha on the Warpath ~

The fearsome children of
Cazic Thule, along with the
cursed elves of Innoruuk,
are on the warpath.
Rumored to be lead by the
resurrected Troll warlord
Ykesha, the army was
spotted leaving the forests
of Nektulos a few days ago.

"I've never been so scared
in my life," one of the
Freeport militia guardsman
commented. "A Troll by
itself is very scary,
seeing an army of them,
unified, and marching with

discipline is something I
have never witnessed
before. This would
frighten even the bravest
of warriors."

The mass of Troll and Dark
Elf soldiers shortly split
into two armies, one headed
south into the Deserts of
Ro, the other headed
westerly towards what is
suspected to be Rathe
Mountains. They completely
ignored Freeport and its
defenders on their march
through the Commonlands.

The leaders of Halas made
this statement at the most
recent council meeting. "It
is quite obvious what is
happening now, the Trolls
move on Gukta with the Dark

Elves at their sides. The
Frogloks are a noble race,
blessed by Marr, and we
shall aid them in whatever
way we can. Agents of the
Tribunal and Marr, ready
yourselves. We may be
unable to reach Gukta in
time, but we can be a thorn
in the side of the armies
of Ykesha! The other
sovereigns of the world may
not be willing to aide the
Frogloks in their time of
need, but cursed will Halas
be if we allow Cazic's
fearful stare to detour us
from aiding our noble
allies in the glory of

The reporters of the Halas
Gazette urge those strong
enough to bear arm to begin

assisting the Frogloks in
anyway they can. The more
support we build up, the
sooner we will be able to
act! There is only so much
time before the armies
converge on Gukta, the time
to act is now!

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