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Mithril Blade of Isqual  

No Trade Placeable
Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 25
DMG: 7 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +3 MANA: +30
WT: 2.0 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Replica of the sword used by Sir Jevik Isqual
Item Type:1H Slashing
Lucy Entry By:unknown
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 08:09:51
Page Updated:Sat Sep 7th, 2019

Rarity: No Longer Dropped
Level to Attain: 1

[Comments ]

Given out in a GM event.

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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# May 18 2001 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
Lol my best friends mom got this on a Gm event on rodcet

Valygar Odinblade
22th ranger of Tunare
Noble Crusaders
Rodcet Nife
# May 12 2001 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
Yes, I received this item. I sent the pic in bla bla bla. I received it at a gm event on mith marr, when ferona vie came to the high elf city. Now, i was given this at level 35 and i already had better items i still enjoy pulling this out of the bag once in a wile. It has a VERY unique look to it. I have to say it’s the best looking sword i have ever seen in game. I have been offered a lot of money for it wich I have to laugh about concetering that its no drop.
# May 02 2001 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
Sheesh, I am sick and tired of spoiled bastards ruining the fun of others. You are so busy looking at the 20 damage 25 delay, 45 ac armor dragon/god drops that you see on spoiler boards and on twinks and super guilds, that you do not realize there are people who play this game for fun and not the amassment of the best equipment. Not to mention unique items are very good for the game as a whole. Way to go Verant, its about time you showed this game isnt just for the highlevel
spoiled pricks with no life.
Let's face it
# Apr 30 2001 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
I have been to several Gm event and the only one i can remember being worth a crap was the chaos that preceded the opening of the Plane of Fear. The events are always laggy and confusing and usually end with the GM's being killed anyways no matter hwat the object of the event is(on mith marr anyways). Let them give out items to newbs, it diversivies the game and makes it more reinteresting. When i was a newb 7 25 +3str +30 mana would ahve been great for still wearing some leather at 19 ***** Times have changed and items like this mean almost nothing due to a flooded market and twinks galore. So go camp or buy what you want and let this level 11 sk enjoy his free item.
Nice to me
# Apr 30 2001 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
ok....a guildmate of mine lvl 11 shadowknight has is soooooooo cool looking...if anyone is on the saryrn server his name is Karom....but its actually a nice weapon for someone in the teens.

Rarain- 11 cleric
Rodcet Nife
# Apr 30 2001 at 4:16 AM Rating: Default
Pretty crappy for an item given out at a gm event, or was it a first prize for some newbie best of the best competition, there the only ones i could see appreciating this piec of crap.
j00 b4k4
# Apr 27 2001 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default

I think the point he was trying to make, was that the shield was given to a ROGUE. If you still don't understand, Rogues dual wield 95% of the time.
# Apr 27 2001 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
I'm just tired of the metal of mithril being thrown anywhere its convenient. I dont like that dark elves and ogres make the same metals but cant equip between themselves (ought to make it different metals). The NPC version of mithril is WAY better than the high elven smithed mithril and that sucks, besides the smithed version is just as hard to make as any quest is to finish (one of the components might as well be a quest, you have to go so far to get the different parts). If they want to make a better version of the armor spread the word adamantite around a little more or they could be creative and try making up some new names. Unimaginative dopes :(
# Apr 27 2001 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
Another crap item handed to another clueless newb picked at random from the crowd at another crap GM event.
At least they aren't giving 75ac *UBER* shields to lvl 30 rogues anymore(actually happened on The Rathe).
Quit yer yappin'
# Apr 27 2001 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
How funny. You insult a low level item given out in a GM quest (there should be more. . .constructive criticism would be more useful from you), AND a UBER item given out by a GM quest. Can't have it both ways me boy.
# Apr 27 2001 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
This thing isn't all that great to begin with. Maybe for a mid lvl char 20-30. But really, there has been mich better stuff you can get with better stats.
bah humbug
# Apr 27 2001 at 2:58 AM Rating: Default
and its no drop dingy
# Apr 26 2001 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
read the top right corner Silent
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 26 2001 at 9:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Did anybody notice, the website is listing its rarity as "No longer drops". But yet it is under the recently found items list. LOL
Did YOU notice?
# Apr 27 2001 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
"Given out in a GM event"

That means it never dropped in the first place, it was handed to a player during (you guessed it) a GM event.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 27 2001 at 12:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) wHAT THAT MEANS IS SOME gm HAD AN EVENT IN WHICH HIS FRIENDS WERE INVITED/KNEW ABOUT IT AND 1 OF THEM 'WON' THE BLADE (***** it, caps lock was down and I'm not retyping)
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 26 2001 at 7:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) NT
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