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Alsa Thel Droplet  

No Trade
WT: 0.0 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Lore:A tiny drop of the Triumvirate's blood
Item Type:Combinable
Lucy Entry By:Phlint
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-11 05:31:01
Page Updated:Fri Aug 10th, 2012

Expansion: Veil of Alaris Veil of Alaris

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 95

[Drops | Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Condemning the Next Generation
Confront Your Nemesis
Descend to Ascend
Inherit the Wind
Raptor Rampage
Severing the Vines
Taming the Living Blades
The Heat of Battle
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Beastly Scavengers
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Become the Thel Ereth Ril
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Conquest of the Triumvirate
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Electrocution Danger
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Gift of Stabbing
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Harmonious Magic
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: High Tide
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Illegal Mining
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Persuading the Weak Minded
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Secreting Supplies
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Summation of Nightmares
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Target the Healers
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: The Cloud of Decay
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: The Hunger of Thel
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Touched by a Thel Ereth Ril
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril: Trimming the Overgrowth


This item is found on creatures.

Sepulcher East
NPC Name
a beast
a beastling
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a bloody ape
a breathing orchestration
a burrowing goral
a caretaker of Lunanyn
a cave selyrah
a champion of Kolos
a clot of light
a composted heap
a conqueror of Kolos
a crystallization of light
a dark magic caster
a dark magic wielder
a defender of Kolos
a didact of Ryken
a dirty ape
a farmer of Lunanyn
a furrier of Kolos
a gale of truth
a grasping heap
a groundswell of nature
a gust of sophistry
a hunter of Kolos
a hurricane of truth
a light magic caster
a light magic wielder
a living dialogue
a lurching izon
a lustrous serpent
a nature magic caster
a nature magic wielder
a philosopher of Ryken
a raging beast
a serpent
a shade of darkness
a shadow of darkness
a shambling izon
a snarling beast
a sophist of Ryken
a squirming heap
a subterranean goral
a subterranean selyrah
a tattered pile
a tender of Lunanyn
a tracker of Kolos
a trapper of Kolos
a warden of Lunanyn
a whirlwind of sophistry
an academic of Ryken
an arcane denizen
an arcane magic caster
an arcane magic wielder
an archon of alsa thelara
an embodiment of arcanum
light magic caster
light magic wielder

Sepulcher of Order
NPC Name
a beacon of light
a bead of light
a blade mentor of alsa thelara
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladed ereth of order
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a blind scavenger
a boastful tricrystal
a body of darkness
a bone amalgamation
a bone mass
a brooding selyrah
a brutalizer of alsa thelara
a calcified ser thal
a carnifex of alsa thelara
a carnivorous prowler
a carrier of arcanum
a commanding wind
a crystalline healer
a deceased thelasa
a defender of alsa thel
a dense mound
a denuded ser thal
a departed thelasa
a disfigured thelasa ser
a disgusting soul
a disintegrating ser alsa thel
a fertile mound
a fleshless ser thal
a flow of alsa thel
a forgotten spirit
a fortified tideshell
a gale liege
a gale servant
a gleaming stonewalker
a greensward walker
a greensward webstitcher
a guardian of alsa thel
a hardened tideshell
a loamy pile
a luminous stonewalker
a moss jumble
a mutated thel imbiber
a nesting goral
a penitent of Beloth
a petrified ser thal
a plated tideshell
a pool of alsa thel
a protector of alsa thel
a proud tricrystal
a ravenous raptor
a resplendent soul
a revenant of thelasa
a rotflesh seeker
a savage raptor
a sea funnel
a ser alsa
a shouting element
a shroud of thelasa
a soul of darkness
a soul of nature
a spirit of nature
a starving raptor
a steel droplet
a steel hurricane
a steel mass
a steel tornado
a sub archon of alsa thelara
a sublime tricrystal
a swirling voice
a tarnished soul
a territorial goral
a thel eel
a thelara alsa ril of Alra
a tide creeper
a tide drain
a tide drifter
a torturer of alsa thelara
a transcendent adherent
a transfigured thel imbiber
a vessel of arcanum
a vicious raptor
a visage of darkness
a vociferous element
a whirlwind of steel
a wind liege
a wind servant
a zephyr of steel
Alra ser alsa
an Alra ser alsa
an alsa construct
an alsa thel embodiment
an alsa thel selyrah
an alsa thelara initiate
an alsa thelara worker
an apparition of thelasa
an arable mound
an arbiter ereth of order
an archon of alsa thelara
an armipotent ser alsa thel
an armored tideshell
an ascended ser alsa thel
an aspect of darkness
an engorged ser alsa thel
an enraptured ser alsa thel
an ereth of Alra
an ereth of law
an ereth of order
an herbivorous prowler
an imbued ser alsa thel
an infant eel
an infused alsa construct
an overgrown mound
blades of anger
brutalizer of alsa thelara
carnifex of alsa thelara
ereth of Alra
living blades
thelara alsa ril of Alra

Sepulcher West
NPC Name
a beast of steel
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a bone assembly
a bone bruiser
a cave great white
a cave hammerhead
a consumer of death
a filth eater
a forgotten spirit
a fouled warrior
a giant of steel
a high thelasa of Ladrys
a high thelasa of Oseka
a myrmidon of Oseka
a noviate of Ladrys
a risen ser alsa
a ser alsa deceased
a ser alsa hadal
a ser alsa thel hadal
a servitor of the depths
a shard of Illdaera
a shard of purity
a sightless turtle
a soiled warrior
a splash of Illdaera
a steel breeze
a steel torrent
a subterranean kraken
a subterrestrial kraken
a sunken turtle
a thel eel
a thelasa of Ladrys
a tide creeper
a tide drifter
a warrior of Oseka
a wizened thelasa
a worshipper of decay
a worshipper of filth
an adherent of Ladrys
an alsa thelara champion
an alsa thelara conqueror
an alsa thelara legend
an alsa thelara nonpareil
an alsa thelara wind archer
an alsa thelara wind tamer
an archon of alsa thelara
an armored tideshell
an devotee of Ladrys
an infant eel
an initiate of Ladrys
ser alsa hadal
ser alsa thel hadal


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Sepulcher of Order
Quest Name
To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Sepulcher East
Sepulcher West
Sepulcher of Order
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pre lootable
# Oct 15 2012 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Used in the "To Kill a Thel Ereth Ril" task. Is prelootable, the task will update itself to account for what you have on you and in the bank, like the HoT potions tasks.
Alsa Thel Droplet
# Dec 28 2011 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I know this stacks up to 500.
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