Quit ******** wow. I'm not in an uber guild, not by a long shot. Go to the zone you want and get in a pickup group/raid. There's tons of them. If not, /ooc in pok and general chat and make a group -- there's lots of folks who will join you. Get off your **** and get to work, you frickin boobs.
well thanks alot sony for yet again doing the for a small majority what you should do for the vast majority. if you are not in a large raiding guild do ot even attempt these mobs you will be wasteing your time. sony has made the fabled into a oh well we did not do anything for the raiding guilds in p.o.r. so lets give em the fable. funny thing is most guilds are not messing with the fabled alot becouse risk reward sucks. they drop 1 item and unless you like haveing a raid move for 1 item most wont touch em so kudos to you sony
Yeah? Well they are all still there waiting for you. The only mobs that require a high end raid force from this anniversary are the ones that required a high end raid force when Velious first came out. Just like last year when they made Kunark mobs fabled and the year before that...
Not only that, there are plenty of fabled mobs in Velious that DON'T require a raid force, but they aren't going to give you some 300hp/mana items.
The fact is, the mob you are complaining about STILL takes a raid force or a group of high end players in order to kill, even when it is not fabled.