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Sword of the Gathering [ID 31705]  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 22
DMG: 14 Dmg Bonus: 33
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +7 STA: +7
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:1H Slashing
Lucy Entry By:Nilwean (Blades of Wrath)
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 10:05:52
Page Updated:Sat Sep 7th, 2019

Rarity: No Longer Dropped
Level to Attain: 1

[Comments ]

Given out to the winners at the Baltimore Fan Faire

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
Updated December 2nd, 2008
Send a correction
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# Oct 24 2002 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Uploaded a pic here. Won at Orlando Fan Faire.

I was chosen as runner for Team Mith Marr and ran around the hotel hailing people in costume. They handed out different quests and I ran the info back to our team of about 10 people who figured out the riddles, clues, puzzles, ect. My favorite part was hailing a Dwarf in the bar who had a huge mug of beer. I mistakenly said 'Hail Sir' to a short stocky female dwarf with a full red face beard and huge bushy eye brows that matched. She began to berate me in front of the whole bar and not everyone in there was part of the Fan Faire. There was lots of laughing while she was verbally abusing me for calling her sir so I quickly retreated and worked on other quests. After about 30 minutes I figured she forgot and calmed down so I went back. She snickered at me when I said 'Hail Mam' and gave me her quest.

I believe we won overall because there was a Treat in far off and quiet corner of the hotel that looked more like a decoration. It looked weird to me so I made sure no one was looking and Hailed the large hotel decoration. It surprised me by talking and let me know I was the first to receive its quest all day. It was a chain quest and it was already late in the day so I made sure we finished it up. I think that was how we got an edge on the other teams and ended up winning. Had to be one of the best times I had back in the day.

Jeso of the Nexus
Formerly of Mith Marr now Bertoxx

Edited, Fri Oct 25 00:14:30 2002

Edited, Mar 1st 2020 4:58am by jeso
awesome lookin
# Jul 11 2002 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
This weapon is very very beautiful. Take a CLS remove the red writing make it black. Make the jagged edgeds Long spikes on the top of the hilt and make them smaller as it goes up. I can't even describe it. It is VERY pretty i seen a guy with one of these on the seventh hamme rtoday and about $hit myself lol
# Apr 03 2002 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
153 posts
Wow this tread is basically what I imagine conversation is like on the short bus.

#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 20 2001 at 3:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ROFL i could have gotten this item if i drove 2 hours but nooo i said to myself no i'll rather go to a movie. Next time they have a fan fair in Baltimore i'm the first one there and what did they have to do, to get this nice weapon
Nice treat!
# Jun 08 2001 at 5:35 AM Rating: Default
I for one, hope that VI decides to host a Fan Faire out here in the Southeast. With my work and family, I don't have a lot of time (or money!) to book a trip and spend a weekend out of town.

For those of you who won one of these, Kudos to ya! For those of you who are whining cause you didn't... OH WELL! You guys are probably the same ones who bought your accounts on Ebay.

Get a life, and get over the fact that someone has a nice weapon that you don't and CAN'T GET.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 16 2001 at 7:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) fan fair items are lame, i mean what if you can't go from NY to vegas or whatever to get to the fan fair? you'll never see the item in your life, even if they make a quest for it thats as hard as an epic it would still be better than this
# May 26 2001 at 2:30 PM Rating: Default
This weapon shouldn't be posted if there is not a chance of getting it, what a waste of meg!!!!
# May 05 2001 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
The sword has got a .2 second faster delay than the blade of tactics/strategy (warrior epic). I am in UPoN, and this sword has the best look in the game IMO, I wonder why Aeth didn't post the pic of it, its awesome.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2001 at 7:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I need a good head all I have is a head that has 3 ac what is a better head i can buy for 50pp and below plz help me! tell me your help!
No more proc
# Feb 21 2001 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Just checked, this patch removed the "Effect: " line from the non-uber version of the sword. I am assuming that the same was done for the staff. Still, I like my non-procing sword :)
Lowdown on the effect
# Feb 13 2001 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
Finally tracked down the info on the "proc". Apparently there are TWO versions of this sword. The "common drop" has no proc, and will have no proc. The "rare drop" DOES have a proc, but I do not know who it is. IF you look at the list of the winners there are 4 "uber-weapon" winners listed at the bottom. They are the ones that received the proc version of the sword/staff. Everybody else (incl me) got the lesser, non-procing weapon.
RE: Lowdown on the effect
# Feb 16 2001 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
That's an interesting comment... taking what a previous poster (and apparently, winner of something at the Faire) said, there were four random ticket-prizers that got some sort of special award, and four "uber-winners" by your post. If those four uber-winners all went for the Melee-prize, then we just might have solved our proc vs. "naked" weapons enigma.

--Corlian of Drinal
RE: Lowdown on the effect
# Feb 17 2001 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent

There are 4 different versions of the sword, at the time of the fan faire it hadn't been decided which proc to give out. The swords are going to be changed according to Ester in the next patch.
RE: Lowdown on the effect
# Feb 20 2001 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
Yep, tomorrow. I'll post tomorrow night when I find out what they did to my sword *hopes for a proc, fears no proc :)*
RE: Lowdown on the effect
# Apr 01 2001 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
tomorrow eh? that was 4 weeks ago.
Warrior Epic
# Feb 11 2001 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
This sword has a better dmg/dly ratio than one of the warrior epic swords...ok the quest IRL might have been hard and crap but they could have given out like a title or a lesser item..c'mon BETTER THAN THE EPIC??????
RE: Warrior Epic
# Apr 09 2001 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
I was one of 17 who just won this sword at the San Diego FanFair (14 in our team and 3 drawing winners) The team was comprised of my guildmates and I and 6 others from our server (Seventh Hammer). For 3 hours we ran through the rain jumped fences and ran a well-organized RL quest team in the name of server pride. That’s right Seventh Hammer RULES! Out of 130+ Competing teams we took the prize. So the reward was earned and just an FYI this sword and staff has been nerfed, we were the last to get these wondrous items. So your epic is only competing with 45 weapons in existence. They will be coming out with something new. So attend your FanFairs they can pay off big time. ;)
RE: Warrior Epic
# Apr 01 2001 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
the warrior epic swords are the same. except when combined. the damage and delay(i think) are the same as this, war epic has MORE stats.
RE: Warrior Epic
# Apr 07 2001 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
This weapon isn't BETTER than warrior epic, comparable? Yes, but no where near "better".

Think of it this way, plane ticket to Baltimore and hotel stay will probably run you about $1500 at least plus there's not garauntee that you'll actually win the contest. Ebaying an account with warrior epic is probably around there also, not that I encourage such actions, ahem. So in that sense, getting warrior epic might actually be easier :P
RE: Warrior Epic
# Jun 27 2001 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
# Feb 10 2001 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
first off id like to apologize for posting something here than is a whine, or rant at a whiner (becuae i gather this is what the msg boards where supposed to be used for) but i was just wondering what the proc on this item was. again sorry for staying on topic, and not whining about ebayers or something.
*ilasar wonders why people beleive that bickering with each other on an allakhazam messeage board will actually change anything, and leaves*
RE: proc
# Feb 10 2001 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
lol, meant to say -isn't- a whine, not is.
My 2 weighted coppers
# Feb 08 2001 at 5:09 AM Rating: Default
Sure, some people say that Verant has no reason to restrict rights to sell and profit off items from the game. In reality, they do, and with or without a reason everytime you play you agree not to profit off their items via the accept button. So they don't need a reason, further more, it DOES in fact make a difference in game. Sure, the item is still in game, but as another one posted, it really sucks to have levels 60's who are only camping an item on intent of selling it online. RUINING my game play which I pay for which supports Verant, that in itself is a reason. Verant gets payed less because people ruin their game by camping and deriving monthly fees.

The game is to have fun, not make a business, if you don't like not profiting perhaps you should find a job or even work longer hours in the time that you play Everquest. Hell, you'd probably make more money and you wouldn't **** people off as much.
RE: My 2 weighted coppers
# Feb 11 2001 at 1:59 AM Rating: Default
forget that..collect your welfare checks you crack-babies!
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 08 2001 at 2:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You folks getting up in arms becasue Verrant gave out some door prizes are pathetic. Maybe you didn't/couldn't attend and be elligible, but guess what, you don't get to compete in al the gm events either. I think it was great of Verrant to dole out some rewards to those folks that think enough of the game to attend a function like the Fan Faire. You know everyone in EQ brings joy, some by arriving, other's by leaving. Don't let the doorknob hit you on your way out.
RE: Losers
# Apr 15 2001 at 3:17 AM Rating: Default
sorry have to say i live in the UK id love to have gone to the fan fair but get real it would have cost me at least a couple of MONTHS wages

distant denizen thinks good luck to the winners and is lookin out for gm events

RE: Losers
# Jun 17 2001 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
If you happen to actually be checking back to this post once in a while (not likely) but I was at the Minneapolis Fan Faire and the next one WILL be an European location. I don't think they said what specific location, though and I am too lazy to look it up to see if they have specified it. = ) If you read this and do go, GL on the real life quest. It's a lot more fun than it sounds. Even if my team DID get screwed. = P (see my post under staff of the gathering, if you give a rat's ***)
RE: Losers
# Apr 17 2001 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
The European distributor for Verant was at the SD FF, looking at how it was run, etc. Got the word from Cindy that if he was impressed enough (and I hope he was), a EUROPEAN Fan Faire would be in the future. The player support is sure there, and I would wholeheartedly endore this
RE: Losers
# Feb 26 2001 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
Can I get a HELL YEAH!!!

Namrah Gookefurk
41 ranger, Brell Serillis
Also a winner of the Sword of the Gathering in Aethdor's group at the Fan Faire
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 07 2001 at 9:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This so much makes me consider leaving EQ. If I ever saw you in game I would laugh at you for having a weapon that you deserve less than a twink. I hope you die in Fear or another spot were is is tough to recover your body and this sword rots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Who cares about your knowledge????
# Feb 07 2001 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
It's funny you say that.

By my understanding of your post, you would have a very different attitude if YOU won the sword. So if you won the sword, instead of leaving the game, you would be even happier no?

There's no point posting on a board how something is crap, when you don't state supporting reasons and or suggestions of improvement. Instead, you hope the winners die and let their swords rot.

Lyte of Quellious
Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
1,075 posts

These items are pretty darn hyprocritical of verant to give people at a pay for fan faire.

No, don't buy stuff on ebay but come and pay real life money for a chance to win a fan faire weapon.

They also rival very good in game items which makes it even more detestable. 22 spd 14 dam beats out some darn good weapons.

RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Aug 02 2001 at 1:59 AM Rating: Default
LOL! "Now Verant is making people pay real money." Ever played Everquest? Ever payed for it?
Let's think about the whole picture:
# Feb 07 2001 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
I've read most of the posts regarding the item,
but I have NOT seen the following details:

1) What exactly did the players have to do at the Baltimore Faire to win the item?

I am assuming that the "Real Life Quest" or whatnot, were actually NOT that easy to accomplish without extensive knowledge of the game in general. And USUALLY, people with extensive knowledge of the game are mid-level to a fairly high level. So with this information in hand,

Is the item really that unbalancing?
There are NOT that many weapons with a better ratio than the Sword of the Gathering, but they "control" the number of these Swords because there's only 1.

Lyte of Quellious
RE: Let's think about the whole picture:
# Feb 07 2001 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
Here is the scoop:

One team (don't remember the server) each won their choice of weapons by completing the RL quest event, which was set up similarly to the regular EQ quest. Puzzles (word searches, mazes, word jumbles, etc.) were given by each "NPC" (I loved the bard, he actually played a guitar).

One team of Rangers won their choice by answering the most trivia questions (List ALL the norrath zones, list ALL the quests in Neriak, Ak'Anon, etc).

I won my sword by playing EQ Jeopardy and getting the highest score (30,000)

And finally, 4 people won "door prizes" by having thier ticket randomly drawn. These winners received something different apparently, since the rest of the regular winners were asked to leave the room when these prizes were given.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
Verant does not allow ebay auctions because you are making a profit off of their product, which violates just about everything you agree to every time you turn EverQuest on. Ya know that little agreement box you have to click everytime you play? And no selling the time it takes you to get the items does not get you around that. I know if I owned a business selling a product and people stripped it down and sold the individual components for more than my product I would get angry. Let's get serious, you bought the game for 30-40 dollars, and then people turn around and sell individual items for hundreds and account for up to a thousand. I'd be pretty pissed if I was in their situation. Now as for giving out items for a paid fanfaire.... that is fine they own the product they can give it out at a paid fainfaire, that is a lot different than ebay selling.

And the weapon is far from unbalancing. There are numerous weapons available ingame with better stats and procs on them to boot.

Only thing worse than whiners are ones who don't think before they post.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
You had a pretty good post with a valid argument... that is until I read you last line. Why did you have to resort to insults and name calling in that last sentence when the rest of your post was so mature and intelligent. I was going to rate your post as good; sorry I had to give it the worst rating instead!
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 07 2001 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry, but he's dead on in his assesment of the person. Whiners make me want to puke, and ones that don't think before they post, like the idiot that started this whole mess... sorry, had to pop a Tums on that one.

And you honestly think that rating a post bad is going to hurt anyone's feelings, or make them angry? Get a life.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 09 2001 at 1:14 AM Rating: Default
I think you missed the point of Nafaria's post: YES, the assessment is dead on, but too many of the posts on these boards degenerate into name calling and foul language. That, I think, is why the previous posts "last sentence" was specifically mentioned. Read people's entire posts before you reply.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
Verant shouldnt care if people make money off them, Its the american way. We buy something and turn around and sell it for a profit. They make their money (and lots of it from the looks of people who play) so why should they care what the people do with the characters they play with for endless hours. I feel Verant is just mad at that cause they dont get any of the money from the sells. Boo Hoo lets all cry for Verant!!!
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Apr 01 2001 at 8:53 PM Rating: Default
let me make a few points:

1:Verant does NOT make as much money as you would like to belive.

2:If you created a product and you make 25cents per sale, and someone else used your creation to make 25$ per sale, would you be a little ticked?

3:Do you actually live in America? you dont seem to know our laws.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
The fact of the matter is that there are copywright laws in our country, and I assume there are similar laws in other countries. Just like you can't take someone's piece of literary work and sell it for a profit, you can't take items created by Verant and sell them. Now, if you want to pay a royalty to the author for selling their work, or get their permission to sell it without a royalty, they you're fine. Same goes for Verant. They made it, its theirs. The American way is not to take other people's creations and sell them. It is to use every opportunity you have to create you own ideas and inventions and thereby become wealthy. At least that's what I learned in high school civics class.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 10:09 PM Rating: Default
I just hope they don't extend this "intellectual property" thing too far. Technically, our favorite EQ information site is compiling "Verant's intellectual property," posting it on a website, and then charging people to advertise on said website. Isn't that also making money off of someone else's intellectual property? And I am sure we all know Verant's opinion of "spoiler sites." I am also sure that if Verant targets this form of "copyright violation" those that supported the eBay auction bans will be singing a different tune. Just my 2 coppers.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Apr 01 2001 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
this is a free site. why do you say that they are making money? Allakhazams more likly loses money. if you donate to keep the site up thats your choice.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 6:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Besides, e-bayers just plane suck. If your pharming and item for cash, then your in the way of someone who can accually benifit from that item in the game.

There's nothing more annoying (stops himself from cussing) for a melee class than tring to get into a frenzy group when there's 3 lvl 60 e-bay farmers sitting in. When you do this yo not only steal from Sony, but you steal from me!! I paid to play everquest. Its a bloody game. Not your buisness.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
OK first this is neither a for or against E-baying !! But lets take a real look at the issue, The items being sold and bought on e-bay are 1. NOT REAL, 2. Are still being used in game wich means someone is still paying to play just with better items or a higher lvl character. Verant does not lose anything they still get there monthly fee and the item is still in game or account is still being used. Some people have money to burn if they wanna blow it on a pixel let them, its not like verant made a real sword loaned it to you and you sold it, It never leaves the game. is it frustrating to see people that never lvl with high lvl stuff sure but its there time and money ignore them and play do you ***** if someone rich buys a nicer house, As far as the fan faire its no differant then any convention that offers prizes GODS PEOPLE STOP CRYING AND MIND YOU OWN BUSINESS !!!
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 07 2001 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
Whoever posted this is a complete ***. First of all, only 1 person in all EQ gets it and second it is kewl that if you are devoted enough to drive/fly your butt to Baltimore they offer some In-EQ prizes rather than cheesy door prizes. I for one, would have been pissed if this item had the stats of some rusty broadsword
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
If you think we all went to the Faire to just have a chance of winning those, I feel sad for you. Winning one of these was just a very thin icing on a very large cake. It was the spirit of the Gathering, the swapping of tales, te wonder of meeting face to face the people you bonded so closely with, the meeting with Verant staff and GMs, and being able to discuss problems directly. It was the drinking, flirting, joking, partying into the wee hours of the night. From the moment I arrived Friday afternoon, and said hello to my guild and other friends, till the moment I bade farewell to them on Sunday morning was an almost non-stop party, just like it was on the second Gathering in St. Louis, which I also attended.

Of course, if you are the kind of person who does not care about meeting the people, and cares only about getting a stinking sword, such gatherings are not for you. You'll have better luck farming Guk.
RE: Now Verant is making people pay real money...
# Feb 06 2001 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
damn wish i woulda thought about it there are a few ppl i woulda paid the airfare for so i could the crap out of them in real life!"Sumball on bristlebane" would be #1 damn camp stealers nothing worse than a high lvl camp stealer
You're not alone in that feeling
# Feb 07 2001 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
There's a few people on Tholuxe Paells that deserve to get the Sierra Hotel India Tango beaten outta them, and I know a few were going to the Faire! Oh, well, there's always the next one. Now, if I'm going to go IC, I'll have to add about 180 pounds of muscle to my frame and grow about 2 feet in height... *grin*
RE: You're not alone in that feeling
# Apr 23 2001 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
It's a Gnome Warrior! heheh.. Just kidding. ;)
twink weapon
# Feb 06 2001 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
twink wepaon i think not. they are both NODROP

Kudaar Mubaat - Innoruuk
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 06 2001 at 8:02 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) the winners of these items picked them up in-game with whatever characters they, yes...this can be a twink item...
RE: twink weapon
# Feb 07 2001 at 7:47 PM Rating: Excellent
I define twinking as GIVING, a low level character items outside of his level range. This item was earned through a real-life "quest", much like items are earned through in-game quests, only difference obviously being that there were no level restrictions on this quest. And it´s not like there wasn´t any effort put in to earning this item.
Small oversight
# Feb 06 2001 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
Let see...

The sword is usable only by armed melee-types, including bards & rogues.

The staff is usable only by casters, both intelligence & wisdom.

Gee, good thing none of the event winners play monks.
RE: Small oversight
# Feb 06 2001 at 2:14 AM Rating: Default
im sure they would have made something for the monks if a monk won.

both would make a awsome twink wep :)
RE: Small oversight
# Feb 07 2001 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
There was a monk item ready for the giving, but no monks won, so we will never know what it was
# Feb 06 2001 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
Hey there... btw, Aside from having extremly nice stats.. anyone who has not seen a pic of this might dig checking it out off of a link on everlore's site... Very nice looking, and extremely unique and intricate. I know my Warrior partner would walk a mile for one...=)

Ashremm Goldendawn
<Discordia Eternum>
Monk of 22 suns
# Feb 06 2001 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
Not bad. Wouldn't pay the transatlantic air fare to Baltimore for it tho.

Woot, 1st post!
RE: Hmmmm.
# Feb 06 2001 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
Good point. I am trying to get a reply from Verant about the missing effect. The sword will proc in combat, but just gives a message "Item is out of charges". No charges listed of course. I would like either the message to be removed, or a proc added. NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING :)
RE: Hmmmm.
# Feb 06 2001 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
You have to attend the next Fan Faire to get it charged, of course.
RE: Hmmmm.
# Feb 06 2001 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
RE: Hmmmm.
# Feb 07 2001 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, I have talked with Ester, and they will be fixing this oversight with the next patch. I still don't know WHAT the proc will be, but at least now it will do something.
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