They didn't find it first, they are the first ones to send in the stats...if it went on who found what first nearly every item you see posted would say one of three or four names FoH(veeshan) Celestial Tomb(veeshan) Triton(Povar)
Im In Midnight.Im sorry about the logo, talking to the guy putting them on the sight about making it smaller =) Were not trying to brag at all, he just went overboard a little =P
I have no problem with them putting thier logo on it, every else does, and you are right, they have some bragging rights. What is bothering everyone is the fact that they pasted it across the ENTIRE picture, and on some of the stuff they sent in, you can not even read anything but thier logo. Most folks just put a small stamp on the pic in the open area to "sign" the pic and that is good enough...
Posted:Jan 03 2001 at 4:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That's it exactly. I love to know that Midnight on my old world of Sol Ro were the ones that found it.. my only complaint is I'd like to be able to read the stats on the item. ;-) Other than that, sure as hell they deserve some bragging rights and guild pride.