Pretty nice grouping of stats, looks like possibly a bard item, lol. Any idea what mob, on what adventure it drops from? Anything would be greatly appreciated.
Drops off various named in Takish-Hiz (NRo) adventures. Seems to drop when average level of people in the adveture is high 50's.
Think bards would get most mileage out of this, though my monk is enjoying it too, hehe, mainly because until winning this still had a cougar claw earring.
I just got this, in dropped from an "Alert" Jeweled Guard. Not entirely sure on name, but it was a named mob in the Sweeping Tides. Group was composed of 54-59 at the time.
this dropped for my group today in the sweeping tides dungeon. group was made up of low 57 high 59. beast tanking =) was fun to watch. anyway mob was easy to take down. The mob gated on us at 1 percent health and we had to run back to his spawn spot he was back to 100 percent health and also ch'ed himself on the next round. 3rd round we didn't give him the chance. he died quick and dropped the earring. name was alert jeweleed architect guard. something very close to it might have the two middle words of name mixed up.