Have foraged 2 of theses "Flarefire Seeds" they are no trade and im not sure what they are used for. I(my wife's cleric) has foraged two of these in the new expansion SoD in Field Of Scale.
Some time ago I was hailing the npc's in and around Cabalis and I ran across one who was "munching on Flarefire Seeds." I don't remember the npc's name or what zone he was in, nor did he have [response] text. I tried finding him again to no avail, as I was going to try giving him some Flarefire Seeds, just to see what happened. I thought I might also try to ask him if I could bring him some seeds, or some other variation. He could be an intermediate step in another quest, however. But because the seeds are not food, I'm not sure why he's eating them. I guess I'll just keep looking for him, as I haven't quite thoroughly checked everybody. I can say that I think he is in one of the zones just outside Cabalis. Anyway.....
i just spend 2 hours in FOB tryn to get this seed for a druid quest and everyone around me is gettn em left and right and all i got the whole time were water a few daggers and stupid lichanclovers or somethin
The Lichenclover is used in the making of Lichen Dye, which in turn is used in the recipe to make the Iksar made LOY Robes, sell them in the Bazaar for 5pp each, or make the dye with brewing (Triv 127) and sell that for 15pp each.
I've heard rumors that having the seeds in your inventory reduces your hunger, thereby making you eat less. I'm not sure, and I'm too lazy to do a test myself, so don't take my word for it. Just a thought
Posted:Mar 20 2001 at 10:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Does anyone happen to know if there is any one area where they might be more likely to be found then another in the zone.
I forage these all the time in the Field of Bone with my Iksar Shadow Knight. They are No Drop, which is pretty annoying since they are apprently only useful to a druid.