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Miragul's Reanimation Formula  

Lore Item No Trade
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Lore:The smell from this substance is nauseating
Item Type:Misc
Submitted By:Fleven
Lucy Entry By:Knomercy
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-20 08:31:16
Page Updated:Tue Sep 27th, 2022

Expansion: Lost Dungeons of Norrath Lost Dungeons of Norrath

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 65

[Drops | Quests | Recipes | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Highpass Hold
Quest Name
Rogue Epic 1.5: Fatestealer

Used in 1 recipe.
Recipe list - Premium only.

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Miragul's Menagerie

Uploaded September 27th, 2022 by iventheassassin
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Picking barrels/chests
# Oct 26 2022 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
Not sure if working as intended, but 2 of the 3 picked in Hard LDoN poofed after 4 and 5 failed attempts. 313 skill. Last one was empty which is also annoying.
Some other things to worry about. SoS will likely be broken if you catch a trap even if you took no damage (AA is supposed to reduce this chance but has never worked on traps that I've experienced before 105), and will be re-broken after an Escape if the trap is still floating in the air, even at more than 30 feet, regardless whether it hits you or not. Most are not marked on Good's maps either so be extra careful sneaking through Miragul's, it is designed to keep everyone out including if not especially sneaky rogues trying to grind through the worst and most pedantic quest line ever designed.
Master Aeldwan the Coercer and Decimator Buddercup Voxslayer of MT/Emarr
Glance the Stabber, Raiding Rogue of The Last Revolution
Kaarse the Ash Warden, Striker of the Black Desert
Keonka the Mangler of Drenden and Kager Ironveins Paladin of Arathor
Skuffal Skugbref of Chaos Wastes
Raene, Defiant of Harrow
Argus Grimm Elite Sniper of Auraxis and the 2RAF
"Doing the improbable daily to make the impossible seem easy"
No need to do the mission.
# Feb 24 2022 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I did the high risk single boss, after I killed the boss I ran around looking for the chest. I wasn't really sure where they spawned or anything so I wasted a bunch of time and I eventually got ported out before I could find one. But then I read some comments here about just using sos to run around and not even start the mission, and after the 3rd instance I got the quest piece. After the first one that was a dud, I found 2-3 chests/barrels on the ones I did after.
-Orienn Starchaser 120 Ranger <Triton> Povar
Do hard.
# Aug 06 2019 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
151 posts
At 110 I took a hard kill mission. Was in the second chest I killed.
Recap and Clarification
# Oct 18 2015 at 4:59 AM Rating: Excellent
463 posts
Points addressed:
Level 70
The chests poof

At one place in these comments, it is suggested that above 70 do normal, below 70 do hard. I am exactly 70, although my companion is 82. I chose hard kill tasks for each of the adventures.

I found that each of the adventures have two (one may have had three) chests, barrels, tables. In the first adventure, after poking my lockpick at the container with no consequence, I attacked it with a weapon only to see it poof with the first strike. In the second adventure, I remembered to have my companion use the assessment spell. This had no consequence on those "chests" or any of the subsequent ones. (Companion had not scribed the other two related spells.) After seeing five chests just poof, on the sixth the weapon began to weaken and subsequently demolish the container. I was astonished. When the LDoN were new, the story was that successful opening of a chest was possible only by using the three spells by the correct class; any other process would cause the container to vanish with the loot. Besides that, mishandling of the chest could cause player death. Today there is still harm to players from handling chests, but not so serious as to be worrisome. I was joyful to be able to loot my quest piece upon beating the chest with my weapons. Perhaps this was possible because the chest was mechanically locked (even though not subject to lockpicks), rather than being secured by one of the two versions of magic. (A side note, there was also an aug in the chest, which I could not get from being assigned to me in the /advloot window to my inventory...just some strange remark about it coming from a chest.)

Today, there is no lockout timer. Adventures, even in the same camp, may be run in immediate succession.
Recap and Clarification
# Dec 03 2015 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
29 posts
To unlock using lockpicks you have to target the barrel/chest/etc, then use Sense Traps, then if necessary Disarm Traps until you disarm the detected trap and finally use the Pick Lock skill (clicking your lockpicks at it will NOT work like a door).
Got mine in a hard / random
# Jan 03 2015 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Lvl 103 rogue. Had done 6 regular random versions with 0 drops. First hard random version got my drop.
# Jun 04 2014 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
just messing around 100 bard 100 cleric evefrost requested a random adventure found a barrel disarmed trap then picked lock and it was inside

Edited, Jun 4th 2014 3:43am by corentheius
# Apr 23 2014 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Got in my 2nd ldon SoS'd around and found a frozen table that I picked open and it had the reanimation formula
# Apr 10 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I want to add to this post as a confirmation on how to get the reanimation formula. I tried 15-20 runs with one of my lower FTP characters in my group but logged out and just ran through solo. The mobs were very low level (35 or so) and I was an 85 rogue with merc. Try after try yielded nothing but a trader full of ornate gear for sell in the bazaar.

I invited a level 85 friend into my group, along with his merc and asked for a high risk random. After asking for the random I unsuspended my merc (85) and entered the instance. SoS lets you run past all of the mobs until you hit one of the ground traps, but it was really no big deal as most of the mobs are gray and green and taking on 6 at a time is no problem with a tank merc. Third barrel i found was at the back by the boss and it had the reanimation formula in it.

I think the catch is that you have to have a legit group, even if you are the only one that zones in. A group with characters logged out so you can get the instance does not seem to work. Hopefully this will save a lot of headache for other rogues coming back to the game.
# Aug 09 2013 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah, and I beat it open. No pick locking or disarming or anything of that nature.
# Aug 09 2013 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
So awhile back I tried for hours and hours and hours trying to get this damn item using logged off characters and things of that nature. I came back after a hiatus and got it the very first barrel.

It was my 90 rogue, 86 shaman, and the shaman's cleric merc. Shaman and merc were in PoK and rogue requested the LDoN. I requested a random with high risk. I ended up with an item collection adventure and when I zoned in it was called "The Spiders Den". It was in the very first "frost covered barrel". Woop woop!
first chest
# Jul 26 2012 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Did 20 or so hard LDoNs with 2 chars offline and rogue just getting mission (avg about 91+0+0/3 = 30). Cleared every one of them of chests and never saw this drop. First hard mission i did with 91 monk and 91 rogue, first chest dropped the item.

Edit: Some things i'd like to have known before trying to get this item:
  • Do not finish missions, success has a 20ish min lockout on all LDoNs. Failure has none as far as i could tell
  • You do not need to pick lock or disarm chests, my drop came from a table i melee'd open
  • Avg level has to be higher than 30 actual min is unknown, my first many tries yielded no drops but with avg at 91 first chest did

Edited, Jul 26th 2012 5:23pm by CenanofBB
# Feb 27 2012 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
Got mine off the first box. Make sure you do Hard adventures if you're under 70, and normal adventures if you're over 70 or else it won't spawn in boxes.
this thing is rare
# Aug 21 2011 at 11:42 PM Rating: Good
man ive opened atleast 50chests and havent seen this drop ever
# Jun 15 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent

/OPEN the box, it disappears.

I beat the box, it disappears.

I disarm the box, it disappears.

I pick the lock, it tells me "a frozen/frost table/chest/barrel. NPC"

What exactly am I doing wrong? I'm lvl 75, my husband is lvl 75, and it's a normal instance. There's the two of us and 2 mercs, so... what am I doing wrong here?

# Jun 21 2009 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Many boxes are empty; they don't have all have loot. When the right one comes along, just loot it as you would any other chest.
# Jan 15 2006 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
Just got tonight. Had 3 lvl 70 guildies in Seb invite me into their group, got assigned adventure (Laboratory one) left group, used SoS to run through zone, came to a Frozen Table. Inspected it (took about 400 dmg) said there was a small crack in it, lock picked it (took another 400 dmg) and looted. Had a +7 sv fire aug, lemming fur, 2 slush waters and Miragul's reanimation formula (looks like a gray bowl with brown water in it). If ur gonna do it by urself, SoS is important cuz all Holgresh looking things see regular invis.
not lvl 70
# Feb 21 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Got this from a crate, normal adventure, all lvl 69 except for me, 67 rogue
not everyone needs to be lvl 70
# Oct 17 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
did this today, and all normal missions were given as hard, though they were called normal. We had 70, 70, 70, 69, 68, 67.

Take some greater scrying stones with you (sold at magus), in case it is a non-mechanical lock and you have casters in your group that can use them.
RE: not everyone needs to be lvl 70
# Oct 17 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
for me, it was found in The Frosted Halls, in the first horseshoe, in a wooden box. A 2nd one was found in the same mission, in a frozen table in the middle of the same zone.

Edited, Sun Oct 17 14:26:00 2004
# Oct 10 2004 at 5:29 AM Rating: Good
233 posts
This item does not drop from creatures. It is received when you open chests, barrels, etc in Miragul's and perhaps MMC (not sure on MMC since I got one in MM). It has to be a hard level adv or all 70s to get an appropriate chest.
RE: Chests
# Oct 10 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
6,998 posts
Technically, the chests, barrels, etc., are creatures, they just don't move.
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