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Tainted Heartstone  

Lore Item
AC: 10
CHA: +10 WIS: +10 INT: +10 AGI: +10 HP: +75 MANA: +75 ENDUR: +75
SV FIRE: +12 SV COLD: +12 SV MAGIC: +12
Recommended level of 60.
WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Item Information:
Improves as you master uncommon languages:

Item Lore:This stone is rimmed with dark knowledge
Item Type:Charm
Charm Effect:Improves as you master uncommon languages:
Lucy Entry By:Lelyia [Dark Horizon]
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-19 04:48:03
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Omens of War Omens of War

Average Price: 200pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 65

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This item is found on creatures.

Wall of Slaughter
NPC Name
Bazu Bonesmasher

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Wall of Slaughter

Item Lore: This stone is rimmed with dark knowledge

Improves as you master uncommon languages.

Shown with maxed stats.


Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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26 languages
# Dec 14 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
Combine Tongue
Dark Elvish
Dark Speech
Elder Dragon
Elder Elvish
Elder Teir`dal (Kobald)
Old Erudin
Theives Cant
Val Shir
RE: 26 languages
# Jan 30 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
633 posts
Elder Tier`Dal is/was not Kobold.
RE: 26 languages
# Dec 14 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
You only listed 25, where's the 26th?
RE: 26 languages
# Dec 17 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
the 26 language is akheva
RE: 26 languages
# Dec 20 2004 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
And where do you learn that?
# Dec 12 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone tryed doing a /lang 1-27? I know you can change your languages by typing that, its possible that it may also show if the last language that everyone needs (or think they need) exists. i just got this items tonight and cant get back on untill tomarrow to check and see if this works. Will repost if I find anything out about it. I could be dead wrong though, just an idea.
RE: Maybe.....
# Jan 30 2005 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
633 posts
Yes, typing 26 or 27 gives you a note to go to the help file, and keeps you in the previously selected language. The Language help file appears to give a list of all languages known to it/or allowed to it anyway. Which is 25.
anything like this for a Pally?
# Nov 30 2004 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
Hi all,

I was wondering if there was something like this for a Paladin. I'd love to have this for my Paladin.

BTW, create some hotkeys, /g with something on it, and group with a few people. Make sure you have 2 at a time on the same language and they will go up! We were 6, 2 on each and brought them quick!

Rahll 57
Mithanial Marr
find the languages
# Nov 21 2004 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
check the <your character> here in allakazam, and check the skills. 25 languages are listed. I play on Firiona Vie, and Common doesnt exist there, so my stone is at the 9/11/72, and shouldnt raise if comomon is needed. currantly level 55, though., so cant verify the recommened level

oops my bad. common on FV is HUMAN.

Edited, Sun Nov 21 22:05:24 2004
# Nov 21 2004 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
Another site mentions that Akheva is the missing language, but does not provide a way to learn it. Akheva is a language spoken by some Luclin mobs I believe. Has anyone figured out a path to skilling up in it?
Missing language may not be missing at all...
# Nov 18 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
Is it possible the "missing language" is Froglok? I only say this because Froglok, up until LoY, was not a player language and may have been considered an uncommon language. This charm could have been in development originally when Froglok was not a player language. That might explain why no one can "find" it.
Has ANYONE got Max Stats on this?
# Nov 17 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I really like this Charm - for my Cleric, it's easy to get up languages. However....

Has ANYONE got it to the Max Stats shown yet?

I have 25 tongues at 100, but still showing the 9/72/11.
RE: Has ANYONE got Max Stats on this?
# Nov 17 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
I put this charm on my Wizard this morning and promptly began to spam the 12 uncommon languages with my cleric friend:

Orcish, Old Erud, Faerie, Dragon, Elder Dragon, Combine, Elder Elvish, Elder Teir'dal, Goblin, Gnoll, Theive's Cant, and Dark Speech

I am a master in all the the key languages, but am only level 58 at this time. The stats do not match what is shown above because of the recommended level 60 flag. My stats currently on this charm:

AC9 CH9 W9 I9
Fire11 Cold11 MR11
HP72 Mana72 End72
RE: Has ANYONE got Max Stats on this?
# Dec 02 2004 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
Unfortunately its not due to the level req. You will still be at +72/+11 even when you ding 60.
26th language?
# Nov 12 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
(1) Barbarian (100)
(2) Combine Tongue (100)
(3) Common Tongue (100)
(4) Dark Elvish (100)
(5) Dark Speech (100)
(6) Dragon (100)
(7) Dwarvish (100)
(8) Elder Dragon (100)
(9) Elder Elvish (100)
(10) Elder Tier'Dal (100)
(11) Elvish (100)
(12) Erudian (100)
(13) Faerie (100)
(14) Froglok (100)
(15) Gnoll (100)
(16) Gnomish (100)
(17) Goblin (100)
(18) Halfling (100)
(19) Lizardman (100)
(20) Ogre (100)
(21) Old Erudian (100)
(22) Orcish (100)
(23) Thieves Cant (100)
(24) Troll (100)
(25) Vah Shir (100)

What language am I missing? can't find a 26th anywhere, and stats don't meet that max listed
RE: 26th language?
# Nov 17 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
What about the following languages?

Elder Erudian
High Elf

Are these languages? I'm not sure where I got these from but I had them written down with the rest of my list.
RE: 26th language?
# Nov 23 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Good guesses! I can knock 3 of these out of the water, but maybe you're right on one of the other two.

Elder Erudian is called Old Erudian (Erudites are not an ancient race, having evolved from humans who left Qeynos)

Giant is not a language that I know of.

High Elves speak Elvish... same as the Wood Elves.

Kobald is not a language that I know of.

Tier'Dal is Dark Elvish .... it seems to me the skill used to be called Tier'Dal, but somewhere or another it changed.

I also do not have maxed stats, but my character that has this is only 57th level ... so I am hoping when she gets to 60 she will have maxed stats.

Edited to correct a typo.

Edited, Tue Nov 23 17:44:00 2004
RE: 26th language?
# Jan 30 2005 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
633 posts
You may not know Kobold, but it was a language once upon a time (see soulswagon above).
RE: 26th language?
# Dec 15 2004 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
Giant Tongue is aka Combine Tongue.
Kobald Tongue is aka Elder Teir'Dal (namely Elder Dark Elvish).
The debate is still on for a 26th or 27th tongue...never heard about them!
RE: 26th language?
# Jan 04 2005 at 2:50 AM Rating: Default
Combine is the language spoken by the former combine empire. They disappeared from norrath and after some infighting, split between two factions and moved to Luclin.

Definately not giant tongue.

Easy debate breaker.. /language 1-25 switches between the 25 known languages.. /language 26 doesn't work.
RE: 26th language?
# Jan 30 2005 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
633 posts
While I believe your "lore" to be correct. Giant did in fact become combine. I was playing the game when it happened and saw it happen myself. soulswagon and SaebaNecro are correct.
26 not 25.
# Nov 10 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
There are 26 learnable languages so far. Not 25. granted it doesn't seem to matter since i got no more stat raises by learning it. Scroll down for more info.
RE: 26 not 25.
# Dec 12 2004 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
List your 26 languages please
MAx Stats for this
# Nov 08 2004 at 5:29 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
I now have all 25 Languages Max'ed, and am at the 9 / 72 / 11 stage with this. I can confirm that it is the 12 'exotic' languages that give Stats, and not the 13'ordinary' ones - ordinary being those of the 12 playable races plus Common Tongue. It doesn't matter in which order you learn the 12 exotics - it will increase in Stats at a set rate, and obviously as it is Max'ed out at +9 stats, it cannot increase each time you learn one of 12 tongues - they increase gradually, just as when you approach the 'recommended' level of an Item. Finally, to test, I have a Mule with Erudian, Common, and the 12, and She has the 9 72 11 stats as well. Just learn th eexotics, ignore the rest.
Learned languages example
# Nov 06 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
81 posts
I got one of these for my level 62 Erudite wizard. He had no language
skills other than his two base languages to start, but my wife's mage is
a master at all fo them. I sat her down to teach him, and kept track of
the progress of the stats on the charm.

My shorthand:
Stats = AC, Cha, Wis, Int, and Agi scores
HME = HP, Mana, and Endurance scores
Saves = Save Fire, Save Cold and Save Magic scores

Started with these two, and no stats of the charm:
1. Common
2. Erudian

Learned with no changes to the charm:
3. Barbarian
4. Elvish
5. Vah Shir
6. Dark Speech

Learned with the marked changes:
7. Elder Dragon = +6 HME
8. Dragon = +2 Stats, +2 Saves, +18 HME
9. Faerie = +3 Stats, +3 Saves, +24 HME
10. Orcish = +4 Stats, +4 Saves, +30 HME
11. Lizardman = (no change)
12. Elder Teir'Dal = +4 Stats, +5 Saves, +36 HME
13. Combine = (no change)
14. Gnoll = +6 Stats, +7 Saves, +48 HME
15. Goblin = +7 Stats, +8 Saves, +54 HME
16. Froglok = (no change)
17. Elder Elvish = +8 Stats, +9 Saves, +60 HME
18. Old Erudian = +8 Stats, +10 Saves, +66 HME
19. Thieves Cant = +9 Stats, +11 Saves, +72 HME

And learned the rest of the known languages with no further changes:
20. Halfling
21. Gnomish
22. Ogre
23. Troll
24. Dwarvish
25. Dark Elvish

So, that middle set is probably the "uncommon languages" that it is looking
for. Not really sure if you have to have two languages to get the first
stats, in which case Dark Speech is probably required as well.
RE: Learned languages example
# Nov 07 2004 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
Look at your list of uncommon languages: 13 Combine = (no change)...There is a change with combine, as I've noticed it last night when I learned/mastered it. What happend to me a few times was that the stats didn't update immediately and it looked like a non-uncommon language was learned. But, it did eventually update after about a minute or so. Also, look at your progression of Stats, Saves, and HME--they seemed to have skipped a step over Combine. This leads me to believe that when you checked the stats on it, it just wasn't updated yet after you mastered Combine.

Also, reguarding Theives Cant: do thieves get this upon creation or do they have to learn it?
RE: Learned languages example
# Dec 06 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
Indeed. I maxed all the non-player except combine and was at like 64 hp/mana. Maxing Combine raised it to 72 hp/mana.

Thieves start with Thieves Cant. As a Cleric, I simply had a thieve teach me 1 in the rank, then spammed it group untill I reached 100. Still searching for the last language.
got it
# Nov 03 2004 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
I have thieves cant, have had it, I have 26 languages mastered. 26. Still not showing full stats.
RE: got it
# Nov 03 2004 at 6:27 AM Rating: Default
it makes sense that the 72hp is the max stat since every lvl of increase is +6 hp. 72/6 = 12

sounds like a round number to me; why would the last increase be only 3?? unless someone does actually acheive that, then they should submit a screenshot or something...
RE: got it
# Dec 01 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
My human enchanter started with thieves cant so it is not only rogues.

Could you please list your 26. I have 23 I do not have either dragon or elder dragon.
I also understand that Kobold was taken out of the game. Also Giant was renamed Combine.

I am curious as to the other one.

So far I have (in language help order)
1. Common
2. Barbarian
3. Erudian
4. Elvish
5. Dark Elvish
6. Dwarvish
7. Troll
8. Ogre
9. Gnomish
10. Halfling
11. Thieves Cant
12. Old Erudian
13. Elder Elvish
14. Froglok
15. Goblin
16. Gnoll
17. Combine Tongue
18. Elder Tier'Dal
19. Lizardman
20. Orcish
21. Faerie
22. Dark Speech
23. Vah Shir

(edit spelling)

Edited, Wed Dec 1 17:47:13 2004
Missing Language
# Nov 02 2004 at 10:24 PM Rating: Default
Check carefully, it's probably Thieves Cant that your missing. It's not trainer learned and only rogues know it. Search out a friendly rogue :)
# Nov 02 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
Well like I said I got 26 languages mastered and no change, but I'm sticking with magelo saying 96% there is something else missing.
RE: 26
# Jan 17 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
i've seen alot of lists here, with no more than 25 listed. if in fact you have 26, what is the 26th language and where do you learn it? a few people here have said they had 26 but they have neglected to list the 26th one and how they got it. therefore i suspect some fabrication here.
# Nov 01 2004 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
Either the stats shown on this page of "full stats" is incorrect or there is yet a 26th or even a 27th language that many have never heard of.
# Nov 01 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
So why is it not at full strength then, because it isn't, and what about "an unknown language", and no stat increase in that once it hit 100?
Reposting old post
# Nov 01 2004 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Only exotic languages matter to the charms effects. Exotic/uncommon meaning languages not native to any played races ---
*Old Erudian
*Elder Dragon
*Elder Elvish
*Elder Tier'Dal
*Thieves Cant
*Dark Speech

having all of these at 100, gives the 72 hps/mana and 11 resists.
26th language
# Nov 01 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
Mastered "an Unknown Language" tonite. No change in stats, but that makes 26. No idea where it came from, learned from a mage friend who learned from a Wizzy friend etc.., but the actuall name is "an Unknown language". Still at plus 9 ac and stats, plus 72 hps/mana, and plus 11 to resist. /shrug.

Edited, Mon Nov 1 01:52:40 2004
26th language
# Oct 30 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Everyone seems to be looking for the 26th language. It is not a myth. It does exsist. It is Thieve's Cant. It is a language and body language ability. I have no idea how you would go about learning it. But in the book that came with my game CD's, it is listed as a learnable language.
RE: 26th language
# Oct 30 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Thieve's Cant is included in the 25 known pic below is from my cleric with 100 in all and shown maxed stats.

Maxed Languages

Edited, Sat Oct 30 16:12:31 2004
25 languages
# Oct 29 2004 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
I have tried asking all over the place, i have only found, and mastered 25 languages.... is there in fact 26? or is it just a myth, im going crazy trying to get the last upgrade on charm. Smiley: yikes
RE: 25 languages
# Oct 29 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
293 posts
So far as anybody has been able to document here or anywhere else I have searched there are still only the 25 known languages.

If you type this in the game you'll get the full list of languages you know:

/language help

That will also tell you how to use the language command to change languages.

Must be One more
# Oct 28 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
My Enchanter has one and I've spent 4 days learning every language people can throw at me and all I get is 9 all and +11 to saves, +72 Hp, Mana and Endurance. So if the Max is 10 Thier must be another I'm missing. I've chect this site and others but I cant find it.
# Oct 28 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
so, did anyone ever find a 26th language?
re:quick way
# Oct 24 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
Tried this on Sun oct 24, didnt seem to work, maybe it has been fixed or I am doing something wrong, both are viable options, any more feedback on this method plz?
It's not the number of languages
# Oct 24 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
The problem with this isn't the languages, it's the recommended level.

With the rare languages at 100, my level 34 enchanter gets the same effect (9 stats, 72 hp/mana, 11 saves). Now I don't mind this *cough*twinking*cough*, but it's apparent that the effect calculation in regards to level is not correct.
RE: It's not the number of languages
# Oct 28 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
139 posts
at 65 I still on get the +9 with every language maxed
quick way to learn
# Oct 18 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
I found a neat little trick to quickly max language skills.

- I group with a friend in the same zone.
- I teach him up to 2 or 3 in the language.
- Then I zone and continue spamming, my skills increase rapidly, his does not. In fact, he doesn't even need to spam me anymore.
- It takes less than 5 minutes to max a language with 230 INT spamming my group.

Sorry if this technique has already been discussed.
RE: quick way to learn
# Dec 10 2004 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
Zoning isn't necessary. Learning a language is based on your intelligence/wisdom and a randomizer... you can "fail" at levelling a language skill just as when you fail to level at fletching or jewelcrafting, etc.

I taught 5 people all 25 languages available to me in under an hour and a half (with bathroom breaks, thank you very much!). I did this by creating a hotkey with all five lines filled with "/g I'm learning a new langauge!" (the actual words aren't necessary, but it does seem to help if you use the same phrase each time)

If the people you're teaching repeat what you said in the same language, they will go up twice as fast.

My own language skills were all started at the same time by learning 1 point in every available language. The time it took me to teach them maxed me out as well.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 06:24:51 2004
RE: quick way to learn
# Oct 28 2004 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
I've found that if you zone as described above, then reenter the original zone, you can teach yourself and your friend simultaneously. With 230 and 255 WIS respectively, both characters learned each rare language in a matter of minutes with only one person spamming.
RE: quick way to learn
# Nov 01 2004 at 5:11 AM Rating: Default
This works once you are grouped and have zoned, you can teach yourself a language and anyone else in group. Just used this technique to teach myself and couple buddies everylanguage for heartstone
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