Everyone i heard you have to kill a goblin shaman to spawn Zacaroomi and kill a goblin Wizard to spawn Corflunk and goblins spawn greenbloods i dont know if its true nut i hope it help ya'll(i have killed em both 3 times).
dropped by the crazed gobbies...anyone know what this quest might be? I understand it's supposed to be a pally quest...It's a no drop. So I figure it must be a quest. Help?
Y cant you just give 2 korn heads they bothe are just labeled ogre's head dwarfs a stupid they wont know at least thats what imma try respond if you dare (^_^) twistedx barb war (the best race)
Ahh, yeah, maybe you shouldn't. that'd be a waste of a head or two. I tried that with the soulfire quest. I needed to give a Testament of Marr to that Dunshire guy in the Hall of Truth for the Brilliant Sword of Faith reward. However, throughout the game, there are 3 or 4 different items entitled "Testament of Marr", and I had one I had gotten from a small quest, and not the one off of Sir Lucan, like I was supposed to. Thus, when i turned it it, i didn't get the sword. Instead, I got a "thank you". Items can have the same name and be different things.
if you kill corflunk, zac will not spawn. there for you cannot kill korflunk. sorry but is true. i didnt do the quest but i know of it and thats how it goes, zac will spawn if corflunk is still around
i just posted under zarchoomie. I was told the same thing. you kill, i believe the gobbie wizard, and then Cornflunk spawns. Then you have to keep him alive for a certain amount of time. and you have to engage in combat because otherwise he will roam the road way and guards kill him. poor guy. So oddly, for the level, it coul dbe dangerous, you have to keep him alive. Then she spawns. my new theory is to take him to a spawn point, and or THEN take him and kill the Goblin Shaman? or whatever it is? or kill another wizard and she will pop. while, he is alive
If you really want Zarchoomi's head and your on the lanys t'vyl server, I'd be glad to help you out just send me a tell. For everyone else, just keep on trying or you can ask a fellow ranger or druid to help you (of course if you have the track ability...use it!). Hope that you all get what you want. Good luck and good hunting to you all! =)
both of them spawn in the general area of southeast BB. no exact spawn point, no way! the male USUALLY walks the road, the female i spotted (and slaughtered) left to it in the green, direction towards east. but remember, i am sure there are NO EXACT SPAWNING POINTS, so keep running along the road and look left and right, eventually climb a hill to get a better view.
Zarchoomi runs very fast, so have a sow or an excellent range weapon skill
I have Corflunk's head, but the same problem for myself as well. I can not find Zarchoomi. She is supposed to be quite powerful, and spawn less. I also put Corflunk's head in the bank. I can not find his female counterpart. I have been to other places looking at a map. To be quite honest I have seen Corflunk about 5 times. I am a LVL 9 Cleric. He actually seems to come after me. Its the female I cant find.
I also was wondering WHAT is that tall tower over int he chessboard area? It looks like its made of wood, it is NOT the Orc Pillar, its something else. does anyone know what this is? It looks like somehting would spawn here.
The map I have shows Zarchoomi as just south of the Crossroads. (the "T" shaped road, south into the zone... Where the guards hang out. (great hunting for lower levels, good monsters and if it gets ugly you can run to a guard). IS THIS TRUE? is this where she spawns? and DO i have to be LVL 10 to confront her? On a side note I have NOT YET spoken to the guy that wants their heads. I just happened apon the male Ogre. If I remember correctly he was already hurt, or I found his body. I dont think I could have taken him at LVL 6 or so.
I found Corflunk a little ways down the crossorads towards the GFaydark ent. Zarchoomi was almost in the same place. I killed them both with a lvl 10 druid. Zarchoomi is the hardest of the two since she can cast so watch out. I put the heads in the bank while I build up faction in order to turn them in. Hope this helps.
they BOTH spawn at the same place: the goblin camp near the chessboard! corflunk spawn regularly (about every 30 min I think), but zarchoomi spawns seldom,usually at same time as corflunk, but her place-holder is a goblin shaman, so, if you see him, shes not around! hope this helps some of y'all.
If you know around where in BB Zarchoomi spawns, Please Reply to this message. Also can you send the answer to BlackFire6457@aol.com. Corflunk is easy to find usually he is on the road.
I have found corflunk below the xroads. The best bet is to have a ranger help with the quest to track.) Also its been awhile but there is an ogre in SF that spawns not to far from the zone to lfay. Sorry im not positive but that might be zarchoomi .. I payed it back a few lvls back :)
Found Corflunk right as i zoned into BB, but after 3 days of shoutting if anyone had seen him I'm at a dead end. any help getting the head of zarchoomi would bring me the greatest joy
I just have a simple question that how those two orges spawn. Is there a trigger? Or they spawn themselves periodically? I know where they spawn, I just have NO clue how I can find them because I've looked for one of them for a long time but no luck at all. If there's a trigger, what is it? Please someone help me. Thank you.
I was heading to Felwithe when i saw Corflunk wandering around BB he attacked me and i found his head=) so he does spawn first time seeing him though.But no luck with the other guy Zarchoomi.sorry