Secrets of the planes
First part is your shopping list: I recommend getting at least 5 to 10 of each non-lore item incase of loose durring a failed combine, maybe sell the rest, if any, in baz?
*Collect Blue Diamonds while you're out hunting for the following drops.*
1.) Plane of Disease
A.) Bubonian Blood: Drops from Bubonian mob types.
B.) Rattican's Head: This item is Lore and No Trade, so only need one. Drops from the named mob Rallius Rattican. 3.5 day respawn timer with a +/- 12 hours variance.
C.) Tainted Planar Essence: Drops from Pusling mob types.
2.) Plane of Nightmare
A.) Hobgoblin Meat: Hobgoblin mob types.
B.) Nightmare Mephit Blood: Mephit mob types.
C.) Slarghilug Blood: Slarghilug mob types.
D.) Tainted Planar Essence: also drops here from Hobgoblins.
E.) Heart of Vhaksiz: This item is Lore and No Trade, so only need one. Drops from the named mob Vhaksiz the Shade. 3.5 day respawn timer with a +/- 12 hours variance.
3.) Plane of Innovation
A.) Junk Beast Power Source: This item is Lore and No Trade, so only need one. Drops from the named mob Junk Beast. 3.5 day respawn timer with a +/- 12 hours variance.
4.) Plane of Tactics AKA Drunder, Fortress of Zek
A.) Battle Worn Trinket: Drops from Diaku mob types.
B.) Symbol of the Diaku: Drops from Diaku mob types.
C.) Rage Filled Gem: Drops from Diaku mob types.
5.) Torden, Bastion of Thunder
A.) Tornado Gem: Lore item, drops from Vind Giants.
B.) Blizzard Gem: Lore item, drops from Vann Giants.
C.) Sandstorm Gem: Lore item, drops from Jord Giants.
6.) Plane of Valor
A.) Valor Crystals: Drops from any mob in PoV.
7.) Elemental Planes: Air, Water, Earth, Fire
A.) Hope Stone: I personally have seen this drop many times in PoAir.
8.) Plane of Knowledge - NPC Venders - *tried useing only the newer NPCs near small bank.*
A.) Caden Zharik
1.) Soda
B.) Brewmaster Berina
1.) Cask
2.) Cork
3.) Grapes
C.) Engineer Beri
1.) Toolbox: *Only need one of these, for they are not consumed*
2.) Grease
3.) Gears
4.) Sprockets
5.) Cogs
D.) Chef Denrun
1.) Water Flask: I'd get about 20 to 40
2.) Bear Meat
3.) Bottle of Milk
4.) Cup of Flour
5.) Pot Mold
6.) Standing Legs Mold
7.) Loaf of Bread
8.) Pie Tin Mold
E.) Sculptor Radee
1.) Quality Firing Sheet
2.) Ceramic Lining Sketch
3.) Small Block of Clay
4.) Block of Tanaan Clay
5.) Glaze Lacquer
6.) Glaze Mortar: *Only need one of these, for they are not consumed*
7.) High Quality Firing Sheet
8.) Sculpting Tools: *Only need one of these, for they are not consumed*
F.) Blacksmith Gerta
1.) Small Piece of Ore
2.) Jar of Lacquer
G.) Jeweler Nonny
1.) Peridot
2.) Jeweler's Kit: *Only need one of these, for they are not consumed*
9.) Foraged Item from Eastern Wastes
A.) Branch of Sylvan Oak
This concludes the shopping list, next are the combines.
10.) Trade Skill Combines
A.) Soda Water: Brewing, Trivial at 58 skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Brew Barrel.
a.) Soda
b.) Water Flask
B.) Corking Device: Tinkering, Trivial at 174 Skill.
*Only need one of these, for they are not consumed*
1.) Combine the following in a Toolbox.
a.) Blue Diamond
b.) Grease
c.) Gears
d.) Sprockets
e.) Cogs
f.) Branch of Sylvan Oak
C.) Planar Blood Brew: Brewing, Trivial at 241 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Tannan Brew Barrel.
a.) Bubonian Blood
b.) Cask
c.) Cork
d.) Corking Device: Returned on success and failure.
e.) Grapes
f.) Nightmare Mephit Blood
g.) Slarghilug Blood
h.) Soda Water
D.) Metal Bits: Smithing, Trivial at 18 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Forge.
a.) TWO Small Piece of Ore
b.) Water Flask
E.) Pot: Smithing, Trivial at 50 Skill.
*Only need one of these, for they are not consumed*
1.) Combine the following in a Forge.
a.) Metal Bits
b.) Pot Mold
c.) Standing Legs Mold
d.) Water Flask
F.) Brown Gravy: Baking, Trivial at 111 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in an Oven.
a.) Bear Meat
b.) Bottle of milk
c.) Cup of Flour
d.) Pot: Returned on success and failure.
G.) Unfired Ceramic Lining: Pottery, Trivial at 36 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Pottery Wheel.
a.) Water Flask
b.) Ceramic Lining Sketch
c.) Small Block of Clay
H.) Ceramic Lining: Pottery, Trivial at 17 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Kiln.
a.) Quality Firing Sheet
b.) Unfired Ceramic Lining
I.) Pie Tin: Smithing, Trivial at 35 Skill.
*Only need one of these, for they are not consumed*
1.) Combine the following in a Forge.
a.) Ceramic Lining
b.) Metal Bits
c.) Pie Tin Mold
d.) Water Flask
J.) Hobgoblin Surprise: Baking, Trivial at 302 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Spit or a Tanaan Oven.
a.) Brown Gravy
b.) Hobgoblin Meat
c.) Loaf of Bread
d.) Pie Tin
K.) Crystalline Valor Glaze: Pottery, Trivial at 15 (No Fail) Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Glaze Mortar.
a.) Glaze Lacquer
b.) Valor Crystals
L.) Lacquered Peridot: Jewelcrafting, Trivial at 115 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Jeweler's Kit.
a.) Peridot
b.) Jar of Lacquer
M.) Unfired Planar Stein: Pottery, Trivial at 216 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Pottery Wheel.
a.) Water Flask
b.) Ceramic Lining Sketch
c.) Sculpting Tools: Returned on success and failure.
d.) Block of Tanaan Clay
e.) Tainted Planar Essence
N.) Planar Peridot Encrusted Stein: Pottery, Trivial at 33 Skill.
1.) Combine the following in a Kiln.
a.) High Quality Firing Sheet
b.) Lacquered Peridot
c.) Unfired Planar Stein
d.) Crystalline Valor Glaze