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Journal of Gimblestan XIV  

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Language:Common Tongue
Item Type:Book
Merchant Value:0 pp 1 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:kaiytlyn
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-29 09:39:50
Page Updated:Fri Oct 26th, 2012

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Book Text:

From the notes of Gimblestan,
First Assistant to King Ak-'Anon the XVII, Master of the
Tinkering Arts.
Volume XIV

Today our party embarked upon
a quest of high adventure,
setting out to catch that most
elusive of prey, the crafty
minotaur. Zookeeper Visgig
had posted a rich reward for a
live capture - I believe that
he is looking for a new zoo
exhibit. The rest of my party
seemed to be interested in the
money; my reason was to field-
test my latest inventions.

Once into the Steamfont
Mountains, I produced the
first of my new toys, a
portable location detection
unit. I call it a COMPASS,
after my wife Compassvna,

who never can seem to orient
her way anywhere. The design
is quite simple. Taking a
pie tin, I filled it with a
flask of water. After
running a static orb over an
old skewer, I stuck the
skewer into a cork and
placed it in the pie tin.
The others were quite
impressed with the

Journal Note: Transvin
suggested a new device, a
I think this could be
accomplished quite easily.
Materials to try - lockpicks,
gears, sprockets. Perhaps a
rat ear, for use in the
amplification of the sound.
Must try to make one when we

As night approached, I
brought out my FLAMELESS
TORCH. Yet another simple
device I am surprised nobody
else thought of. Taking a
large lantern, I removed the
regular fuel system and
replaced it with a flask of
firewater. Wrapping it with
metal twine produces a
gentle light, as the heat
from the firewater causes
the twine to glow.

Our hunting party was very

As we approached the minotaur
settlement, our warriors
unstrung their bows.
Jarnikiv, Master Fletcher,
had provided us with a new
type of composite bow, one

using CAMS. The gears and
gnomish bolts, once greased,
gave our composite bows
range superior to our old
recurve bows. With these
ready we crept stealthily
through the night. Transvin,
scouting ahead, reported the
far-off sound of minotaur


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