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Fabled Darkforge Gauntlets  

Lore Item No Trade
AC: 12
DEX: +2 HP: +10 MANA: +10 ENDUR: +10
WT: 2.5 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Lore:Forged to defend against the ogres
Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):73, 7, 1
Lucy Entry By:Gya
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-28 00:51:33
Page Updated:Thu Apr 27th, 2017

*This item is Fabled.
Expansion: Gates of Discord Gates of Discord

Rarity: Fabled
Level to Attain: 20

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Butcherblock Mountains
NPC Name
The Fabled Corflunk
The Fabled Zarchoomi

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Butcherblock Mountains

Item Lore: Forged to defend against the ogres

Uploaded November 14th, 2022 by iventheassassin
Updated December 12th, 2022
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ogres are shadowknights
# Apr 02 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Bloodforge is a Kaladim quest. It had a nice head piece for awhile and the rest was decent for its time. Before any of the cultural or noob quests or kunark there was this. Why is darkforge in this zone, maybe the dev's didn't know about the quest. It's bad when you been playing longer than the people making the game.

It's Darkforge which was a shadowknight (quested iirc) armor. Cornflunk and Zarchoomi are on the Ogre Shadowknight faction. Therefore makes sense that they would be wearing/carrying darkforge armor. Because it is fabled and anniversary loot, SOE opened it up to other classes as well, just like they did on much of the other items. Such as the Fabled lambent. Original was bard only. Fabled can be worn by pretty much anyone who can wear chain armor or better.

Edited, Sat Apr 2 07:50:39 2005
RE: ogres are shadowknights
# Apr 11 2005 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Cornflunk? or maybe Zarchoomi? will also give a hit to a shaman faction. Found this out while running my Froggie Shammy alt through the area and stumbled on her.
I do know that's one of the shammy factions you need to have a good standing with if you want to do the Shammy Epic.
Brainfart by the Devs
# Mar 29 2005 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
Bloodforge is a Kaladim quest. It had a nice head piece for awhile and the rest was decent for its time. Before any of the cultural or noob quests or kunark there was this. Why is darkforge in this zone, maybe the dev's didn't know about the quest. It's bad when you been playing longer than the people making the game.

Bloodforge Helm
Weight: 6.0 Size: SMALL
Slot: HEAD
AC: +5 Str: +5 Fire Resist: +5 Disease Resist: +5 Cold Resist: +5 Magic Resist: +5 Poison Resist: +5
Classes: Cleric Paladin Warrior
Races: Dwarf
Slot 1: Type 7
Last updated: Tue Mar 2
Average Price: 25pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Uncommon
Level to Attain: 10

Posted @ Mon, Nov 12th 9:25 PM 2001
By: MrFixit
"Hi. I did this quest with my human warrior at lvl 15 and I got the helm on the first try! WOOT! =)"

Edited, Tue Mar 29 18:46:21 2005
# Mar 19 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Excellent
I dunno, I know these are for the Beginner/early levels but I think that they could of come up with something to make these real cool for a lower level char and not upset the " balance" of the game...I clickie 5 hp heal, a 1 hp dmg shield, regen .5 ,who knows? anything would be better considering the short amount of time before they No Longer Drop

Just because your not level 70 dosnt mean you shouldn't have nice things

For the most part though love the anniversary thing, I loved the 5th anniv scavenger hunt and this on is cool too, at least just to visit zones I havnt been in for ages.


Safe hunts and Fabled drops to you!
# Mar 18 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Killed Fabled Corflunk last night. He was blue to my 20 ranger. Dropped the gauntlets

Caught him strolling through the crossroads
Lazy Punks.
# Apr 16 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
Fabled Ogre was headed North towards the PoK Book when he foolishly attacked my 65 Cleric. I pulled him off to the side of the path where I could put him down without any witnesses. Did not want the Gauntlets so I did a /ooc with /loc. That is when I got about 6 /tell asking where. Back in my day ,when I first started a /loc hotkey was a must. I instructed the 6 noobs how to make a /loc hotkey. After that they all started crying " I dont know how to use it." I started to tell them about Maps and Grids (something the Public Schools should of taught them) and click the hotkey as they were running. I am not sure what pissed me off more. The fact these kids were to LAZY to even try to learn how to make the hotkey. To LAZY to learn how to use /loc or that our School system pisses away my tax dollars to teach punks everything but simple MATH. What is really sad is I cannot remember the last time I met a kid online with any manners or civility. We all know one of the 9 yr. up to 26 yr.old KIDS that are all about,Pimpin,Sup bro,smack dem Ho's,Suck deez...,Need Weed,STFU,Paper or Plastic,PUNKS who should be doing a little bit more Math instead of playing EQ on the 21st Centry Babysitter machine. Think about the last time you got a 'Please','Thank you' or a 'Your Welcome'. Instead you get 'gimmy', nothing and 'NP'.

B.T.W. I myself just turned 23 yrs. old and sound like my Grandfather because that is how bad thing have become. Think about it, you know it is true.

I gave up on helping noobs because MOST of the time it plays out just as I stated above. <<NOTE:I said MOST NOT ALL>>I know I am going to get flamed for this but come on folks when did telling the truth about bad behavior become a bad thing in society? Is there anyone out there who has not been infected with Political Correctness who agrees with me?

Edited, Fri Apr 16 20:13:12 2004
RE: Lazy Punks.
# Sep 29 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with most of what you stated,but your own grammatical errors doesn't really help your case :-) At least it's nice to see someone under 30 who actually cares about politeness,manners and truth. All this "political-correctness" is irritating and demeaning. I agree that "Native Americans" is better than "Indians" since they aren't from India,but most politically-"corrected" words and phrases are just masking the truth,and is as insulting to me as racial slurs or violent threats. We are in a WAR right now,not a "Police action" like Vietnam.
Thank you for clarifying my belief that not all kids/young adults are snotty brats who desperately need a spanking(oops....DSS alert)
RE: Lazy Punks.
# Mar 17 2005 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
Actually, most Native Americans I have met really don't want to be called that. They would much rather be called Americans, like the rest of the people that live here.

I agree with stating the "political-correctness" is irritating and almost insulting to my intelligence. For example, we can't say, "black" because it is not "politically correct" even though all the "black" people I know prefer "black" to "african-american" because guess what, a lot of them are more european than african. Why don't we call all "white" people "german-american" or "english-american"? Why don't we call all asians living in the U.S. "asian-american"? Furthermore, why is it we cannot call "native-americans" "indians" yet we can say Canadians are not American? (Guess what, they live in North America too!) Actually, I know a guy who is part Japanese, part "African-American", he calls himself "Blackanese" and encourages others to.

Anyways, I am 18 years old, and very little irritates me more than snotty brats or know-it-all teenagers, they give me a bad reputation just because I am not over 30! And believe me, I know several. Heck, I live with one, my little brother actually created a new character just to beg for money and gear from people because his main character was too high leveled for most people to give him anything. This is what I have to live with. God help me and keep me from hurting him...

Too badly.

Edited, Thu Mar 17 05:04:54 2005
RE: Lazy Punks.
# Mar 18 2005 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
17 years old here and I always give my courtesies multiple times just to be on the safe side. I can't stand it when somebody walks up to me and says "Give me a SOW." The answer is no and calling me a *** doesn't mean I suddenly want to give you one. Please and thank you goes a long way. The sad part is that some of these pricks end up being on the "uber" side, a part of life they should never be allowed within 100 feet of.

My 2 cents on the matter.
RE: Lazy Punks.
# Apr 04 2005 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
I know the feeling. The main reason these creeps get uber fast is because 1. they cheat 2. they pay someone to PL them 3. They join a Guild and get PLed .
I've also found that most of them are whiny jerks who once they're maxed,they sit around complaining that they're bored....LOL They rush to max a character without actually taking time to PLAY. There's a lot more to playing a game than leveling/gossiping. But don't tell THEM that. They might go into a tyrade and accuse you of being A. gay B. noob C. (insert pornographic expletive) LOL
RE: Lazy Punks.
# Mar 11 2006 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
The cheating and PLing isn't necessarily true, Some of the jerks are just massive powergamers. Besides, I see nothing wrong with PLing when you've already done the 9-5 job to 70 once or twice, it just gets tiring, though certain jobs definitely necessitate learning through good old fashioned leveling (i.e. encs, necros for groups, druid debuffs and other marvelous wonders we possess).
RE: Lazy Punks.
# May 10 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
You might want to check your own spelling, punctuation and capitalization before ripping on others about being lazy. It usually helps.
# Apr 12 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
I killed Fabled Corflunk with my level 9 SK. He has good gear and had temp at the time. It was a good fight, but not difficult. He spawned during the day (Corflunk, not my SK) ;P
lvl 60 to get?
# Mar 24 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
easy kill for a lvl 15 even, dont need to be lvl 60- to get, allakhazam put the 60 lvl recommendation there cuz it says fabled, BAH!
# Mar 22 2004 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
GO MT server people!!
# Mar 21 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Default
Both the named ogres in BB are fabled now, and both have dropped these for me. Both times I let a newbie have them. Very easy kill for a 40 ranger.
lanth is wrong : P
# Mar 20 2004 at 1:44 AM Rating: Default
lanth, ur the one who got it wrong.

they are NOT supsoe to be named after the SK sol ro quest armor
RE: lanth is wrong : P
# Mar 20 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
they are obviously named after the sol ro armour. just like the fabled crafted is for all classes and not just warriors, same with fabled lambent, was origionally for bards and now is for all plate classes. get your story strait BillCalJay.


Edited, Sat Mar 20 19:36:18 2004
RE: lanth is wrong : P
# Mar 25 2004 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
ages ago zarchomni (sp?) and corflunk each dropped a head. When you turned in both heads to a dorf in kaladim you get a random pieces of black iron armour, which was uber at that time (especially the crown). They nerfed the quest to give "bloodforge" armour that was short races only (crown had no stats either).

so I think these were meant to be fabled bloodforge, but got mixed up with the SK plate from sol ro temple
Wrong name?
# Mar 17 2004 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
59 posts
Shouldnt these be named Fabled Bloodforge Gauntlets? If i remember right, you had to kill Cornfluk to get a piece of Bloodforge armor.
Reorx Fyreforge
Black Dragon Legion
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 17 2004 at 6:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No.
RE: Wrong name?
# Mar 17 2004 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
350 posts
Yes it should be bloodforge not darkforge which is the shadowknight only armor.
RE: Wrong name?
# Mar 18 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
are either of you two guys actually SK's? heh

these gauntlets ARE named correctly after the SK only armor quested in Solro Temple.

Darkforge Gauntlets
Weight: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM
AC: +12 Dex: +2 Magic Resist: +5
Classes: Shadowknight
Races: Ogre Troll Gnome Dark Elf Erudite Human
Slot 1: Type 7

RE: Wrong name?
# Mar 21 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, the SK quested armor (which was to replace Rubicite when it was removed before RoK came out) is called "Darkforge"
However, there was a quest (and probably still is after these events are over) for Dwarf-only Plate class armor called "Bloodforge" - which was obtained by turning in items from both named ogres, Corflunk and whatever the chicks name was.
So - these really are misnamed with regards to what mob they are obtained from. If they were correctly named, they would drop in the Feerrott, off of the SK Lizzys outside CT (which used to be inside CT)
RE: Wrong name?
# Mar 21 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, the SK quested armor (which was to replace Rubicite when it was removed before RoK came out) is called "Darkforge"
However, there was a quest (and probably still is after these events are over) for Dwarf-only Plate class armor called "Bloodforge" - which was obtained by turning in items from both named ogres, Corflunk and whatever the chicks name was.
So - these really are misnamed with regards to what mob they are obtained from. If they were correctly named, they would drop in the Feerrott, off of the SK Lizzys outside CT (which used to be inside CT)

Edit: Hooray for double posts! WTG Internet!

Edited, Sun Mar 21 21:16:35 2004
# Mar 17 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
This fell off of the Fabled Corflunk in Butcherblock mountains
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