I'm the one who submitted this, so here's an explanation of it....I did not know that this was an alchemy potion, I won this in a GM event on legends server and didn't know what it was good for, so I came to these boards to find it and lo and behold....NOTHING on it, so I sent it in. Please post usefull information about items on the boards instead of rants and raves, noone wants to hear about those, we just want to know what things are.
Price of componants to make potions, including fails, will never make potions other than gate and SOW a money making proposition for Shamans. I was lucky and had help raising my skill from my guild but once players tried out the new potions, most decided the cost was too high vs the result. Even illusion potions have lost their luster and dont sell much anymore. I keep a full supply of potions up for sale but it is definitly a money sink. The return for gate potions is so low, you have to keep 20,000 to 30,000 Plat tied up all of the time.
I have been saying this for years, and will say it again. People need to start letting Sony hear how lame alchemy is because of the cost. There are some really nice potions out there, but no one is going to buy them at the cost it takes to make them. It was nice when they added the Luclin archery and grow potions, finally we could raise our skill without it costing an arm and a leg. But here's an idea, healing potions that give you more than a 1hp/pp (sarcasm not a real potion). I would love to see some useful potions that I can sell or wait... USE. Along the same lines how about a nice revamp of poisons while were at it??? Blacksmithing has actually become a viable trade, and most of the others have too. JewelCraft: what mid 50+ player doesn't have some plat and velium raid gear? Or tailored BP (monks probably not). I know I used the +10wis cloak a friend made until I got a Lodi (about 10-12 lvls out of it) So we still have sow potions, but on torv people sell them in PoK for 70pp Thats barely any profit assuming you don't fail.
Please, if you care about being a shaman post on the Sony site about alchemy. The warriors were able to get the fixing they NEEDED by getting the community behind them. And we are not asking for a major change here. Maybe a few new recipes that people will use, and reducing the cost of components. I mean it is the only criplingly capped skill I know about? Does tinkering have the cap that we do? I mean what is it 165-170 for the gate potions (everfrost, innothuel, field of bone and shadowhaven) that takes 30 seconds or some darn thing, who would pay 2k for 10ports? No one would, if they have PoP, and no one did before on any regular basis (think I sold 3 in 2 years) Maybe on other servers they do, but definitely not Torv that I have seen. Sorry to rant so much, guess you just got me on a cranky day. ;-) See you on the boards.
No it wasn't a knee jerk reaction. It was planned to come out before the Warrior stand down was gearing up, but it seems they had to move it forward a lot faster then they had planned (don't work at sony so not sure of dates). But I doubt even the programmers there could have put together as much as the did if it was a knee jerk. As a rogue I like the new changes. Makes things a bit more exciting than waiting for evade and BS to be ready to do again (PP if I am in the right group) And when they finaly get the opening moves online that should be great. Hey these are just my opinions I could be wrong. But I agree with Grim, my shaman has one boring and expensive time doing alchemy. I don't plan on going much past where sows become trivial and not fail regularly.
how is this a new item, its old alchemy, im a shaman on xegony and ive made these befor, the problem is feverfew is about 40pp depending on your Cha, and griffon feathers are 7 to 10pp at vendors and players in the bazaar want upwards of 50pp. This isnt like a sow potion where it cost 55 or 60pp to make a 10 dose it is gonna cost you 450 to 470 to make a 10 dose here without fails. Peopla ***** about paying 100pp for a 10 shot sow, and you think they are going to pay 500 or 600 (on the cheap side)for this. Its great in theroy but not in practice, i know i did it and all i got was people haggling with me, whineing cause it cost to much. And forget farming the wings its not worth the return in the end. Maybe if SoE made the mana return maybe 1/2 insted of 1/3 it might be in demand a litle more, but as for demand for this potion , there is little