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Shroud of Nature  

Lore Item
AC: 13
WIS: +6
WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: RNG DRU
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):0, 0, 0
Merchant Value:13 pp 5 gp 6 sp 6 cp
Lucy Entry By:Tiana
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-11 10:37:35
Page Updated:Fri Sep 8th, 2023

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Average Price: 800pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Very Rare
Level to Attain: 36

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Frontier Mountains
NPC Name
a goblin warder

Temple of Droga 1.0
NPC Name
a goblin warder

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Frontier Mountains
Temple of Droga 1.0

Uploaded September 29th, 2017 by Drewinette
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Drop Places
# Sep 07 2023 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
2 posts
This item also drops in same mob.

still drop?
# Dec 03 2003 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
does this item drop anymore and if so where says frontier mountains but off what mob or is it no longer dropping
still drop?
# Sep 28 2017 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
yes just got one off a goblin warden
# May 29 2003 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
I just got one in the Bazaar to replace my Beer Stained Coldain Tunic. I got a was only 150pp.
Nice upgrade
# May 08 2003 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
Picked one of theses up in the bazaar tonight for 40pp. Nice upgrade for the lockjaw vest that my druid was wearing extra wis is always nice so i snatched it up quick. Lots of great deals when you do some late night shopping in the bazaar.

leafrider 31 druid of Tunare

Edited, Fri May 9 04:04:06 2003
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 10 2003 at 9:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i WANT ONE NOW SOMEONE GIMME IT PLZ I NEED IT FOR MY RANGER OR MY DRUID D A M N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# Dec 21 2002 at 6:21 PM Rating: Default
This dropped for me in Nurga off Goblin Warder - easy MoB for a decent item. 39 necro pet dropped him in straight melee with a couple of DoTs added. He was near the Slave Pits and easier than most of the others in that area - probably killed 100 Gobs tho before this dropped.

RE: Nurga
# May 03 2003 at 5:24 AM Rating: Default
104 posts
it's actually not all that rare of a drop if you only kill warders. probably about 1 in 5 will have the shroud. Just bring a ranger or dru to track them often there are 3 or 4 up at once.if none are up just kill a bunch of other gobbys and wait it seems they can pop in any goblin spawn location in nurga.

Edited, Sat May 3 05:46:50 2003
# Dec 13 2002 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
Got one off the fourth goblin killed yesterday when walking into the place.

First warden in the first track room....after the drop from waterfall in nurga, clear first room and take a right.

Thinking of trashing it since its goodie/newt gear only....being a lvl 41 necro that started shortly before the POK books came around in Sullon Zek, I ain't fond of rangers and druids.

Edited, Fri Dec 13 12:57:47 2002
# Nov 15 2002 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
A 43 Druid, a 44 Rogue, 42 Monk, a 45 Pally, a 40 chanter and me (Poor little me, a stupid 37 Druid, I was only there because my BF brought me along *mumbles*) camped the dining room in the mines (I'm not sure if it was Droga or Nurga. I don't remember) and the druid supposedly wanted the Shroud (she didn't say anything) but I thought we were just there for the EXP. The monk pulled (horribly), Pally died, crapload of gobbies swarmed over us, druid got killed, monk me and my BF ran for our lives but unfortunately got killed.

We had a horrid corpse run. my BF, me, and the pally were the first ones there so we decided to get our corpses ourselves. the other druid, the monk, and the chanter didnt come yet. we found our corpses and tried to find a safe area but couldn't. we didn't even get rezzes, because it was dangerous and we were all invis. so my BF and the pally and me looted our corpses and told me to succor out and would kill anything that attacked me when I began to cast the spell. yet I succored out and nothing aggroed. the rest of the group popped in like 2 mins later after we got our corpses and so the pally could rez them (heh).

my point is lull or harmony or SOMETHING before you pull a whole dining room LOL!!!
shroud of nature
# Oct 12 2002 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
Got two drops of the shroud last night in about a 6 hour time span.. had 3 warders and two drops. The second one rotted cause im a necro soloing down in the mines and was only one there..
Dropped in Nurga
# Sep 27 2002 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
I was there last night with a 58 monk for XP and the Shroud of Nature dropped, but I don't know what creature it dropped off of, because I wasn't expecting it.

49 Druid
Solusek Ro
shroud of nature
# Aug 20 2002 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
well i spent 12 hours lastnight in nurga trying to get one for a friend and not 1 lousy shroud dropped :( killed about 20 warders it sucked
RE: shroud of nature
# Aug 18 2002 at 7:54 AM Rating: Default
It drops off the Warders in one last night.
Price is way down!
# Aug 06 2002 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
I'm not sure if it's because of the new Bazaar but I just bought one of these for 400p! The guy said He'll sell the next one to Me for 300p.
Nice AC, good Wis, and +8 to the most common spells, Fire and Cold! Whats not to like!
Guess I really didn't need it, I carry with Me a Mithril tunic, Foremans tunic, and have a Ulthork Hide tunic in the bank.
Mostly use the Nature Shroud for the high AC, put on the Formans Tunic when I need more str.(all that heavy loot)but most times I'm wearing the Mithril for the "spell haste II" on it. Fast spells really do make a difference!
Oh, bought the Mithril for 40p!!!! YIKES!!!!!
Shroud of Nature
# Jul 24 2002 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
Nurga warders also drop it maybe 1/5 warder kills you will get one maybe 1/4 if your lucky, we killed about 5 warders got 1 shroud and sold it =\
Lucky grabs
# Jul 06 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Just today I formed a group for Nurga. Originally consisted of CLR 32 (me), WAR 31 (my g/f), BRD 31 and MNK 35. In less than an hour, we killed 3 goblin warders and got two shrouds! I won the roll on the first one and was so happy to get it, seeing that my 53 DRU still had junk for a chest piece. Second drop, my girlfriend won, so she's putting it on her little 21 DRU.
I don't know what the drop rate is on these things, but I've been to Nurga to level my rogue and spend a fair amount of time there and still never saw one drop until today. Heck, I didn't even know they came out of that zone in the first place or I would have hunted one down eons ago!
So good hunting and good luck! This is a great item for a DRU... especially if you're not loot-happy or power-mongering as these are relatively easy to get.

Edited, Mon Jul 8 18:58:29 2002
It finally happened to me!!!!!
# Jun 04 2002 at 12:20 AM Rating: Default
If these prices are right,I'm in shock...I was in EC stubbornly trying to sell a stack of HQ Cat pelt for 200p(I know it's high,but if you're persistant,some high lvl char usually comes along and hands over the 200,and is happy to do so),when I get a tell asking if I would consider trading my stack of HQ Cats for the Shroud!...C'mon...what would you say exept for ...."well,I suppose"...:)!!!!!!!!
RE: It finally happened to me!!!!!
# Jul 16 2002 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
On Brell server, I have seen single HQ pelts go for 30pp. Thats just one pelt Kiddies!
RE: It finally happened to me!!!!!
# Jun 23 2002 at 3:47 PM Rating: Default
3,705 posts
I also sold 4 stacks of HQ cat pelts for 25pp per pelt. some higher level tailors would prefer to throw cash at tailoring, instead of time. Also, they probably were trying to be nice to a lower level character who still needs to sell pelts for cash.
Shroud of Nature
# May 07 2002 at 9:32 AM Rating: Default
44 posts
I got one in a mini-guild raid.

We killed maybe 6 or 7 warder, and got one shroud. I don t know if we were lucky or not. I was lucky to get it in the end.
RE: Shroud of Nature
# Jul 09 2002 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
6 or 7 warders seems about right, they seem to drop about 1 out of every 10 warders judging by my personal experiences.

Edited, Tue Jul 9 16:14:05 2002
#REDACTED, Posted: May 01 2002 at 1:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have one of these for sale on Fennin Ro for 3k. If you are interested, pst.
ONLY 2k!!!
# Mar 20 2002 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
this item is 2k now adays just bought one =)
Selling Shroud of Nature
# Feb 18 2002 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
I'm on Drinal and I have a Shroud to sell for around 2kpp, but I can haggle. My name in game is Candyin. You can contact me there or email me at and we will set up an arrangement.
# Dec 22 2001 at 8:15 AM Rating: Default
Can a beastlord truely use this item?
RE: Beastlord?
# Feb 09 2002 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
Droga Duo
# Dec 10 2001 at 10:55 AM Rating: Excellent
It was upon the occasion shortly after my dear fried Deellenea was promoted to the 8th circle of Druidic mysteries that she was contacted by her order regarding an artifact of great power that lay in the fell hands of the goblins of Death Mountain. It was tasked to her to retrieve this item from the Warders of the Temple of a foul obscenety named Droga. Of course I could not allow her to fare there alone.
Whisked by her divine powers from my steading in the Rathe Mountains off to the DreadLands of Kunark, and across the blasted waste to the range known as the Frontier Mountains. North we traveled and west until we found their spoor and tracked them to their lair.
It was a foul place fortified by many ofthe stinking creatures. Dirttracers, Bonechanters, and stonecallers all abounded with a strong presence of evil in the Stalagnights and Mosstroopers, Shadow Knights by any other name. Choosing discretion over suicide, we wove magical concealments about us and descended.
None there could pierce our veils of secrecy once drawn and we wandered deep within the depths. I would advise none to travel within if they do not have a map for the paths are circuitous and the pitfalls are painful. Finally we came to a corridor that lead to the only buildings within the wreck. It was there we dropped concealment and I called my flaming friend Jobober to aid us.
For the next few hours we did battle with the Goblins of that place, some easily felled and some even rendering experience to me and my diminutive friend. When all was said and done, we claimed 2 artifacts known only as a Shroud of Nature fom the wrack and ruin.

... as I sit and reflect upon the efforts of the day I begin to see some greater light and thought for what may come of the future, for neither of us could have succeeded alone, but together we persevered and won through the day. The artifact we recovered would not change the course of life for all of Norrath, nor even that area of the world, but the simple act of rescuing a work of art and power was sufficient reward to merit a good nights sleep.
RE: Droga Duo
# Mar 10 2002 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
Wow :) it's so nice to see a post by a literate person every once in a while. Nice job!
RE: Droga Duo
# Feb 01 2002 at 1:40 AM Rating: Default
Thank you.. so much.. the perfect blend of RP and walkthrough... this brings a tear to my eye (really, it does.) If only there were more men like you among us... I am at a loss for words. Thank you, Thayn. Thank you.
the shroud
# Nov 21 2001 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
Camped the dining room last night for about 3 hours, saw 5 warders spawn and got 2 shrouds off of them. We're considering ourselves extremely lucky since last time we did this we were there longer, saw more warders and got nothing but opals.
SoN drop
# Nov 19 2001 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
Our guild put on a raid for the lower people in our guild(35's to 40's) to start getting raid experince and to follow the raid leaders orders. We started camping the Idol and got one within an hour(we got lucky, and i won roll yay). Then one of our druids in our guild lost her corpse in the PoA a few weeks ago and was working on getting stuff and wanted the shroud so we moved over to this camp and waited for 4hrs....finally after 4 spawns he droped one. So im guessing ever 4 to 5 spawns he drops the Shroud of Nature. Droga is kinda hard unless you got full group of 40plus or cleric and a dmg dealer for 50plus people. Hope this helps

Aoein Bonecracka
46th Warrior on Bertox
<Sins of Wrath>
# Nov 09 2001 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
I was in the dining room for over two hours and never saw the warder once. A group of four was killing everything in sight and no warder must have been a bug or just a bad day for warder to spawn.
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