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Ivandyr's Hoop  

Lore Item
Slot: EAR
Charges: 6
AC: 6
WIS: +6 INT: +6 HP: +6
Effect: Spirit Tap (Any Slot, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL except DRU MNK BRD BST
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

Item Type:Jewelry
Merchant Value:80 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Submitted By:Stugg
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-12 05:13:28
Page Updated:Mon Apr 10th, 2017

Expansion: Original Original

Average Price: 25,000pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Uncommon
Level to Attain: 20

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Lynuga's Gem Collection

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Innothule Swamp

Uploaded January 6th, 2023 by iventheassassin
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Spawn point
# Feb 10 2001 at 3:23 AM Rating: Default
i wander innothule all the time and i can never find her. where does she show up?
RE: Spawn point
# Apr 26 2001 at 4:48 AM Rating: Default
Everytime I have done the quest (3 times) so far, she spawns very close to guk and starts walking to guards. I did it with an Ogre who had killed troll guards before the nerf so she is not troll guard faction. She attacks good aligned on site. If you can make sure you have friends around to give hoops to because you don't want to stop after you bought 20 rubies and the 9th ruby gives you one. I did the quest 3 times (60 rubies) and yielded 4 hoops which are fairly easy to sell, or was on Brell. I would like to know if Iksar can wear now, seeing as I play an iksar on another server. Good luck to you all!
Outside Guk.
# Feb 14 2001 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default
Wandering is where ive always seen her. Your best bet if she's not around is to kill lots of frogs and whatnot wandering around outside Guk. But just a warning, she's a somewhat random spawn. And can be rare. I've killed frogs for hours outside Guk to get her to spawn before with no luck. But then other times I'll kill just a few and next thing I know she's walking around.
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 04 2001 at 4:02 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you want a hoop every time, you have to give her 4 rubies , 1 at a time unstacked, then after those four, hand her 4 stacked rubies and you will get a hoop, also , if you train lynuga to the grobb zone, with arrow or melee (guards do not assist her which was hard for me to believe) if you train her there, then you can hand in one ruby and a time, run in sell the item you get unless its a hoop, and go back and forth thus, not loosing as much money as when you turn in all at once and have the other stuff you would get that is lore fall to the ground, I hope this helps you people out who want this nice earring, I have gotton over 100 of them.
RE: hoop
# Aug 02 2001 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
*sigh* this guy is obviously lying. please dont waste your money handing in 4 stacked rubies.
Worth trying...
# Feb 23 2001 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
For a chance at a hoop I'll give it a try. As soon as somebody turns me invisible so I'm not killed by guards =)
RE: hoop
# Feb 09 2001 at 4:39 PM Rating: Default
anyone verify this? sounds kind of iffy
# Feb 14 2001 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
I dont know if i'd believe this. It sounds like BS. But if anyone has the plat to spend on this test let us know, heh.
For a chance at a hoop I am definitely trying this method.
# Feb 23 2001 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
As soon as I find somebody to cast invisibility on me, I'm trying this one assuming I have the platinum for 8 rubies (how much do they cost?).
RE: For a chance at a hoop I am definitely trying this metho
# Feb 26 2001 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, I did this with a friend yesterday what we did was this.

I made a newbie high CHA troll and my other friend (who was a troll too) bought 4 rubies from troll city. I stayed with Lynuga and kept hailing her so she wouldnt walk off.

Once my friend returned he gave me the rubies and I would give her one at a time. She gave me about 7 axes (1 axe per ruby) they are LORE so I had to run and sell them off one at a time ( for 75 pp ..half the value of the rubies, I had a crude stine and max newbie troll cha).

Doing this process we got the hoop on the 7th ruby..Im sure results will vary.

Good Luck
RE: For a chance at a hoop I am definitely trying this metho
# Mar 02 2001 at 8:21 AM Rating: Default
What if yu just keep the axe and the mallot if they are lore wouldnt you get something different or nothing at all?
RE: For a chance at a hoop I am definitely trying this metho
# Mar 09 2001 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
No if she gives you the axe and mallet the others drop on the ground because there lore. I made a lot of money doing this while high lvls gave her rubies I picked them up off ground and sold them for around 70pp.
Can an Iksar wear it?
# Jan 17 2001 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
Can an Necromancer Iksar wear this thing? The top of the page says yes and on the picture stands no.
Yes they can....
# Jan 24 2001 at 4:51 AM Rating: Default
In fact I think they might have let a few other races wear it now, but not sure. The picture above is pre-Kunark.
# Dec 27 2000 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
AC 6 says enough ;)
Good melee item. I must obtain...
RE: Oooooo
# Mar 10 2001 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
You wish int and wis 6 says it all CASTER item if a caster has this he aint going to sell it
RE: Oooooo
# Jul 12 2001 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
Me tink dis jus` all aroun` gud ting. Me kno me gun wer--- wea--- use it as a happy ShadowKnight!
This being Very Rare?
# Dec 20 2000 at 3:47 AM Rating: Default
All you have to do is make a DE Enchanter buff the crap outa Chrisma, and buy 40 rubies, give them to the troll and you will likely get this Earring, if not then go buy another 40 OR you can just do what everyone else does and go to FP Auction WTB and spend 5-6K
RE: This being Very Rare?
# Jan 11 2001 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
I did it with my druid. She is dubious.
Very sad tale though. First time I gave her two rubies, she gave me 2 weapons. Second time I gave her 3 rubies. First ruby, she gave me a weapon. Second ruby I got the hoop. I had a 3rd ruby, so I gave it to her expecting a weapon and I'll be danged if she didn't try to give me another hoop. Since they are lore, I did not get the hoop. :( But what are the odds of getting it in succession like that? Made me cry.
Reason it is rare is because she is killed a lot for another quest, involving a jeweled skull.
RE: This being Very Rare?
# Jan 12 2001 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
OHH MY GOD!!! That sucks man, I want an earing after 4 tries, I'd KILL for that!
# Jan 24 2001 at 4:49 AM Rating: Default
4 tries... Your lucky. I've heard people wasting lots of plat trying to get one(even enchanters). By the way. Its not a good idea to keep the rubies before getting the item, unless you have alot of plat to blow. Reason is you still may get the same lore item and lose the ruby. Waste of a good deal of plat(well at least a good deal of plat to me)
RE: Jeez....
# Feb 18 2001 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
i just did this and i got the axe at first ruby. second ruby i got nothing. may be that she tried to give me the axe again and becuase it's lore, i didn't get it. No way to tell as far as i can tell. Said nothing about duplicate lore items or anything. i just checked my inventory and did not have anything in it. 132p down the drain.
luck of the trollish
# Apr 02 2001 at 6:12 PM Rating: Excellent
i tried this quest once before with my troll shaman around 18th lvl or so, only one ruby (all i could afford at the time) and got the midnight mallet...decent weapon but eventually sold it at a loss versus the pp i spent buying the ruby. later, at lvl 24 i happened to see lynuga in front of guk, but by the time i went and bought another ruby (again, i could only afford one) she was gone. after a week i got on and shouted asking if anyone had seen her. someone replied and said he would send me her loc if i gave him my extra rubies after i got the hoop. i informed him that i only had one ruby and he laughed his a$$ off, telling me that the hoop was an ultra-rare random drop between three items. i told him that i knew that but was going to try my luck anyway. I GOT THE HOOP!!! talk about a pissed off dark elf (the guy who gave me the loc), i can only assume he had been trying unsuccessfully for some time, because after i showed him that i actually got it with only one ruby, he walked over to lynuga and said, "f**k this b*tch!" and started attacking her! hehe i have to say that i was extremely lucky, and it was extremely funny watching his reaction to my luck :)
btw, i am keeping the hoop as it is just what the doctor ordered for us wis-challenged troll shammies :)
RE: luck of the trollish
# Apr 13 2001 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
However one must remember that Justice is of the Barb Shammies- the Hammers
RE: luck of the trollish
# Apr 04 2001 at 6:16 AM Rating: Default
that is sweet justice bro, woot for you!!!!
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