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Darkwood Bow of Suffering  

Lore Item Placeable
Skill: Archery Atk Delay: 36
DMG: 29 AC: 5
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STA: +5 WIS: +7 INT: +7 HP: +30 MANA: +30 ENDUR: +30
Recommended level of 50.
WT: 1.5 Range: 150 Size: LARGE
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:Archery
Lucy Entry By:zewt
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-17 03:18:55
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha Legacy of Ykesha

Average Price: 700pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 50

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Crypt of Nadox
NPC Name
an undead weaponsmith

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Crypt of Nadox

Uploaded August 14th, 2019 by stickleback
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# Sep 02 2005 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
BAH--now has---Recommended level 50 also endurance +30 old picture hmmmm maybe i should have read the top not just checking picture.

Edited, Fri Sep 2 09:56:25 2005
# Aug 14 2019 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
131 posts
- updated item stats pic
Mistake in the Bazaar?
# Apr 30 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Default
Just picked this up last night in Bazaar - Luclin server - for 10pp. Generally priced about 2k. I'm still whooping it up; not sure why it was priced so low, but thanks to the trader who sold it!
RE: Mistake in the Bazaar?
# Aug 24 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
Oops - I meant Drinal server - don't know if there's even a "Luclin" server. Duh.
Compare Vs Gemmed Jeweled Bow
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone have any information on how this one compares to the Gemmed Jeweled Guard Bow ?

Edited, Tue Nov 11 16:56:45 2003
# Jul 31 2003 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
I am a 55 pali half human, can anyone tell me why when I shoot mobs using this bow I get a message that that particular mob is INVULVRABLE

# Aug 02 2003 at 1:57 AM Rating: Excellent
because you're using non-magic arrows on a mob that requires magic weapons to be hit
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 31 2003 at 8:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am a 55 pali half human, can anyone tell me why whenever I shoot at something it says that that particular mob is INVULNRABLE.
Darkwood Bow
# May 15 2003 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone know where this guys spawns or hangs out?

Pathfinder 51st Season
RE: Darkwood Bow
# Jun 19 2003 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
91 posts
This bow is dropped by the Undead Weaponsmith in the Crypt of Nadox. He is a random spawn in the undead Troll caves. As you cross the lava bridge in Nadox toward the Luggald/Undead Troll side, take the middle tunnel. Go straight through the huge room to the other side and run down another tunnel. Ahead of you is a chappel area with lots of Undead Trolls. The Undead Weaponsmith spawns here. Any of the Undead Trolls located in this area can be his placeholder. He is pure melee and enrages and has a ton of HPs like all the Trolls do here. You can pull mobs to this tunnel and not worry about adds. The Luggalds do not see invis, so running through the huge room is not an issue. However, Undead Trolls have about a 1-5 chance of seeing invis. Keep this in mind when you get close to them in this area.

Good luck!

Edited, Thu Jun 19 16:14:28 2003
# Apr 20 2003 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
has reccomended level of 50, got this in bazaar for 1k, lucky me 8)
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 28 2003 at 4:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) bout time they get more bows in genral.. not a ranger or anything just seems like bows are eather noob **** or way uber no inbetween
Nice Bow
# Mar 07 2003 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
I picked this up for 1.5k, while someone else was selling at 15k, so make of that what you will. I was more then pleasantly surprised to find out that this has a slightly better ratio then the Blessed Faydark Thunderbolt I had been after (not to mention costing me significantly less - even if it was due to luck perhaps.)

Graphic-wise, it is a dark brown bow with silver accents and a black grip. Not overly fancy, but very attractive in my opinion. It is an excellent graphic for those of the darker persuasion.

Level 40 Paladin
I love this Bow!
# Mar 01 2003 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
Got this Bow from a very kind hearted player the other night. Thanks so much you know who you are!

Really great bow and the graphic is killer.

Will be keeping this one for a long while.

Edited, Fri Mar 21 09:36:32 2003
RE: I love this Bow!
# Oct 26 2004 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
For a lvl 35 Warrior this bow is awsome. I love my bow and paid only 1k for it.

Fuglaguur lvl 35 Warrior
Rodcet Knife server
Dragons of Exile
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