i hate to say it, and sound like those damn monks, but it would be a nice SK peice considering the int and ac on it, not to mention all the extra stats. it seems to me high ac belts are hard to come by nowa days, and i think this is a great item. and needless to say it would be a wonderful item for any other pure caster classes. well thought id post my opinion, although, i probably wasnt very helpful considering i have no clue what zone it drops, what mob it drops off, and the specifics of the camp it drops in. and i know some Idiot would say something about it, to make them selfs feel superior to someone else, an make them selfs feel better about there own insecurities. theyd probably get me on my spelling to now that i think about it. so flame me, suckers! HAHAHA! .... HA! ahh, i feel much better now..
"i hate to say it, and sound like those damn monks, but it would be a nice SK peice considering the int and ac on it, not to mention all the extra stats. it seems to me high ac belts are hard to come by nowa days, and i think this is a great item."
Hiya. I'm a monk. Just thought I'd let you know that there is indeed a SHADOWKNIGHT ONLY belt that drops in this encounter as well.
"and needless to say it would be a wonderful item for any other pure caster classes. well thought id post my opinion, although, i probably wasnt very helpful considering i have no clue what zone it drops, what mob it drops off, and the specifics of the camp it drops in."
The mob it drops off of is a dragon in the swamp of no hope. That dragon has on its loot table a class belt of similar power for EACH class.
I started quoting the posts here on Alla's awhile back when I noticed some of the ones I reply to get knocked off the boards, and then you just get this odd set of posts referring to some post that is no longer there.
At least this way, someone can refer to what I say in context a little clearer.