Dont know if this will help or not, but I have been going to Black Burrow just to get the XP for killing gnolls and the gold and plat for their goodies. (Doesnt hurt any I am still PO'd about getting killed so many times by gnolls in my youth.) Any armour I get is just a bonus. Have the Tunic Leggings and Boots. Working on the rest.
Just my 2 Cp. Hope it helps. My druid hunts on the Stromm server.
May Tunare Bless you by making it hard on your enemies.
I just started a new character, druidess of Karana on Stromm. With 50p (wow) from my main character to spend, I went shopping. Lucky was I to find a Ruined Gnoll Leather Cap and the leather leggings on a merchant in Qeynos. I paid 1p5g for the cap and about the same for the leggings. A quick trip to Everfrost for some Wooly Spiderlings to get silk and a short run through Qeynos Hills for the rat parts was all I needed to get the first 2 pieces of my newbie armor. The no-drop bat fur can easily be found on rotting bat corpses outside of North Qeynos or in Qeynos Hills. If any newbies on Stromm need help finding that Giant King Snake and you see ranger Donbayne in the zone, send me a tell and I'll help you look for a while. I know how hard they are, believe me.
Half elves have it THE BEST for ALL newbie gear right? I mean none of this armor is diety based, so all a half elf has to do is travel back and forth between gfay and SFG and pick which pieces of armor they would like right? i mean they could have a full suit of Leafrunner, and then go to SFG to get the scimitar bcos its better than the leafrunner scimi! just like to point that out!
no. human monks have it the very best. A human monk can do the Queynos new person armor quest AND the freeport. and deside what he wants best. I am not sure if there is a weapon or not? but if its LORE who cares. if its primary OR secondary he could get BOTH.
as earlier stated this quest will become frustrating very quickly if you start it by looking for a specific piece of armor. my suggestion is lvl normally in BB, then if ruined gnoll chain stuff does drop start the quest for that piece. much less frustrating IMO
This quest is becomming very frustrating. I have killed 100's of gnolls and have only obtained the gnoll leather gloves. For me this quest is taking the fun out of this game. I'm so tired of looking at gnolls, i'm dreaming about them. Now that is scary! Does anyone have any suggestions? Or idea's. I don't mind doing this quest, i understand and accept the fact that nothing will come easy. But this is rediculous! SNOWL (Druid/Half Elf)
This is just my opinion, but...rare or even fairly uncommon drops on newbie quest items are a real drag. At that point in the game, there are way too many other fun places to explore and adventure in without mindless camping of items. These are hardly epic scale items! :) Not saying they aren't nice for newbies, because they most definately are, but not of the caliber where people should be having to kill more than they would to actually level off these creatures. Just my 5cp's!
camping? Camping? Ok just for anyone else that feels this way.
1. you should make a list. and then just play the game normally. you loot what might sell well and what you need.
2. Dont dwell on one item, dont fixate. Just play the game. Level up.
3. If you absolutely do not see an item. try a zone over. most of this is to encourage you to explore your surroundings. to go out a bit from home. Most leather and chain drops indie of blackburrow. Not in Queynos hills or everfrost.
if you dont fixate. get a group. have some fun. hit black burrow before you know it. you have made friends, explored and your in full new person gear and bam hit 10-12...
hell, look around. as a ranger of your level to team with you. track all your mobs. you help him with heals and dots. he helps you track and fight. make some friends people.
my BIGGEST problem with the new person gear honestly? is the weight of the containers. Whoever thought it should weight 10 pounds (in most cases, inclusing I think Eru necro) that is a CRAP load of weight. I also kind of feel the kit should be able to be turned in for something also. it makes decent bank container i guess.