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Artisan's Prize  

Lore Item No Trade Augmentation
Augmentation type: 7 8
Slot: EAR
AC: 300
STR: +75+150 DEX: +75+150 STA: +75+150 CHA: +75+150 WIS: +75+150 INT: +75+150 AGI: +75+150 HP: +3000 MANA: +3000 ENDUR: +3000
Attack: +127 HP Regen +15 Mana Regeneration: +15 Clairvoyance: +200 Spell Damage: +200 Heal Amount: +200 Endurance Regeneration +25
Required level of 105.
Effect: Artisan's Finesse (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 1.8 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Information:
You must use the solvent Class XXI Augmentation Distiller or greater to remove this augment safely.
Item Information:
Gains power as your tradeskills progress past their initial specialization caps.

Item Lore:Fortune smiles upon you
Item Type:Augmentation
Charm Effect:Gains power as your tradeskills progress past their initial specialization caps.
Lucy Entry By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-11-27 19:16:57
Page Updated:Wed Oct 13th, 2021

Expansion: The Broken Mirror The Broken Mirror

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 105

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
The Artisan's Prize

Artisan's Finesse:
- Reduces your chance of failing tradeskill combines by 5%
- Improves your reputation with citizens of Halas
- Increases your faction with Rogues of the White Rose by 1300 points
- Increases your faction with Wolves of the North by 1500 points
- Increases your faction with Shamen of Justice by 1000 points
- Increases your faction with Merchants of Halas by 900 points.

Uploaded October 13th, 2021 by Drewinette
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Stacking with trophy's
# May 31 2020 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
Does this 5% stack with the trophy additional percentage?
Stacking with trophy's
# Dec 08 2020 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
7 posts
The effect on this is different than a modifier. Modifiers like the tradeskill trophies improve your base skill by percentage whereas the effect on this item decreases failure rate, much like the tradeskill AA's. So to answer the question, yes they stack because they are different alterations.
Hamas Faction boost is significant
# May 22 2018 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
161 posts
As a necromancer, went from scowling to amiable. That is huge. Never thought i would be able to walk through Halas uninvis.
Hamas Faction boost is significant
# May 30 2018 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
OzadarZek wrote:
As a necromancer, went from scowling to amiable. That is huge. Never thought i would be able to walk through Halas uninvis.

There are 4 factions that Artisan's Finesse boosts. Do you happen to know which ones that it boosts? I'm guessing it is the main Halas factions of course but I'm trying to figure out the exact factions.
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Tradeskill levels
# Jan 01 2018 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
New question........... What does everyone think? Will the new RoS tradeskills count for your quest to make 350, OR to make the 350 is that all from learning the recipes PRE-RoS? just a copper for your thoughts =P

EDIT Found the answer, my JC went up to 349 while I was cutting conflagrant diamonds for the belts

Edited, Jan 1st 2018 7:50pm by laxcat
Mulila Forestwarden
110th season RANGER

aaror-95th lvl cleric
tahnorma-110th lvl shammy
kutekittie 93rd lvl beastlord
darkmulila 81st lvl necromancer
and a few other classes like druid, enchanter, magician, and rogue
Torvonnilous forever =)

"never turn down a good fight and always help friends in need =)"
which tradeskills does this cover
# Nov 22 2017 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
I was wondering which tradeskills are required, right now I have 350 in brewing, pottery, and fletching. My others are 346/350 Smithing, 344/350 Baking, 348/350 Jewelry making, and 344/350 Tailoring. Also I have 250/250 fishing and 319/330 Research. My artisan's Prize is at 285 AC, 2850 H/M/E, 142 to heroics, and 190 Attack.

Is research required to level it all the way up or is it just the basic 7. I heard there was a 30 point leeway if that is so then I am guessing research is required, is there anyone who has maxed this can verify for me? thanks.

06Dec2017 edit thanks for the response Drewinette ............ Tonight finally maxed it out got my research up to 338. now to quit slacking on other things =P

Edited, Dec 6th 2017 11:05pm by laxcat

Edited, Dec 6th 2017 11:07pm by laxcat
Mulila Forestwarden
110th season RANGER

aaror-95th lvl cleric
tahnorma-110th lvl shammy
kutekittie 93rd lvl beastlord
darkmulila 81st lvl necromancer
and a few other classes like druid, enchanter, magician, and rogue
Torvonnilous forever =)

"never turn down a good fight and always help friends in need =)"
which tradeskills does this cover
# Nov 24 2017 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
Yes, research is required to max the Artisan's Prize. You could have all 8 other TS to 350 and this one to 320 and get the max stats (that's the 30 point margin, but it can be spread among every TS as well).
Maxing out stats
# Sep 28 2017 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
It appears that the way to max this out is with AAs. I have my Artisan's Prize equipped and with modified stats it was at 120AC, 1200 each to HP, Mana and End etc. I looked at my skills tab and my brewing was at 300/300 and I looked at my AA window and I had Brewing Mastery at 3/13. I spent 20AA on Brewing Mastery to get it to 4/13. I then looked at my skills window and saw that my brewing skill is now 305/305. I inspected my artisans prize again and it now shows 123AC, 1230 each to HP, Mana and End etc. I had already spent some AAs on fletching before I started checking on the stats of the Artisan's Prize and noticed that it only shows 301/305 in the skill window.
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