First thing to do is hail your guild master. Follow dialog and he will give you a note to give to his sister name Mimtia Zethkog. She is located close to the guild master. Her location is @ 2168, -590. You can also find her now by using the "find" feature in EQ (she will not be listed but if you use the feature to find Clockwork SmithXIII, she will be by him).
As for the collecting the materials...
2 crude bronze came off of kobolds. When you zone into Steamfont Mnts, go straight and then turn right and follow the wall. You will see a camp of kobolds that should con either blue or white at lvl 4. These kobolds have the crude bronze.
Water flask can be bought or looted off of mobs.
2 clockwork spider lens came off of rogue clockworks located by the mill. Conned blue @ lvl 4.
Ruined cat pelt was bought off vendor right before "zone in" to Ak'anon. Cost was a silver piece and a few coppers.
Combine the 2 pieces of bronze, helm mold and the water flask in a forge (it is a "no-fail combine"). Then take the resulting helm and put it in the kit and combine with the 2 clockwork spider eye lens and the ruined cat pelt (it is a "no-fail" combine).
The helm on a female gnome is a flat lime green in color with a very unique graphic.
Hope this helps everyone out.
Regards to you all,