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Jerard, the Doll of Silent Confessions  

Lore Item No Trade
AC: 140
STR: +24+13 DEX: +24+13 STA: +26+14 CHA: +24+13 WIS: +24+13 INT: +24+13 AGI: +24+13 HP: +3163 MANA: +3163 ENDUR: +3163
Attack: +28 HP Regen +3 Mana Regeneration: +3 Clairvoyance: +42 Spell Damage: +30 Heal Amount: +30
Required level of 100.
WT: 1.3 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 8 (General: Raid)
Slot 2, Type 3 (General: Spell Effect)
Item Information:
Increases in power as you complete more quests and missions in early Call of the Forsaken zones.

Item Lore:Always there to listen to your hopes and fears
Item Type:Charm
Charm Effect:Increases in power as you complete more quests and missions in early Call of the Forsaken zones.
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 1 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Teferi_Zebuxoruk RoI
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-22 03:08:44
Page Updated:Fri Jan 24th, 2020

*This item is the result of a raid event.
Expansion: Call of the Forsaken Call of the Forsaken

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 100

[Drops | Adventure Merchants | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Raid Expedition: Hate Rising


This item is found on creatures.

Neriak Fourth Gate: Raid Instance #2
NPC Name
a dark chest

Adventure Merchants


Uploaded July 13th, 2014 by __DEL__1629678335238
Updated July 14th, 2014
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True maxed stats all CotF quests done T1a and B
# Mar 30 2014 at 1:33 AM Rating: Good
49 posts
Jerard, the Doll of Silent Confessions
Magic, Lore, No Trade
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Size:SMALL AC: 168
Weight: 1.3 HP: 3795
Rec Level: 95 Mana: 3795
Req Level: 100 End: 3795

Strength: 28 +15 Magic: 72 Attack: 33
Stamina: 31 +16 Fire: 72 HP Regen: 3
Intelligence: 28 +15 Cold: 72 Mana Regen: 3
Wisdom: 28 +15 Disease: 72 Spell Shield: 3
Agility: 28 +15 Poison: 72 DoT Shield: 3
Dexterity: 28 +15 Combat Eff: 7
Charisma: 28 +15 Shielding: 3
Dmg Shield: 2
Dmg Shld Mit: 2
Stun Resist: 3
Avoidance: 8
Accuracy: 8
Strike Thr: 2
Heal Amount: 30
Spell Dmg: 30
Clairvoyance: 42
Slot 1, type 8 (General: Raid): empty
Slot 2, type 3 (General: Spell Effect): empty

Maxed Dont have challenger, hunter, or all collections other wise all done
True maxed stats all CotF quests done T1a and B
# Jun 07 2014 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
You need to toggle modified / unmodified to see the real stats (which are the ones posted). No idea how to make the charm more powerfull. Finished progression (partisan / mercenary / hero), hunter and collections (but I doubt the last 2 count).
True maxed stats all CotF quests done T1a and B
# Apr 11 2014 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
I have all quests, missions, raids done for this expansion so far and these are the stats I have as well. So this is AC 168, HP 3795, Mana 3795, End 3795 is maxxed.
# Jan 28 2014 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Heroic str nose dives on it from the quintessence. Question? QUESTS and missions? exactly what all does one need to have "done" ? Missions n tasks for tier1 for me are all done but I dont want to waste my time on this if there is more to do outside of that ?
Got mine maxed
# Jan 24 2014 at 11:00 PM Rating: Excellent
37 posts
Finished up on all the new merc tasks tonight and mine is at, 165 AC, 3693 HP mana and end, 70 to all resists, 24+14 str, 28+15 sta, 24+14 int, 24+ 14 wis, 24+14 agi, 24+14 dex and 27+14 cha, 29 atk, 3 HP regen, 3 mana regen, 3 spell shield, 5 combat effects, 3 shielding, 2 dmg shield, 3 dot shield, 2 dmg shield mitigation, 8 avoidance, 7 accuracy, 3 stun resist, 2 strike thru, 30 heal amt, 30 spell dmg, 43 clairvoyance.
Got mine maxed
# Jan 27 2014 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
8 posts
165 AC, 3693 HP mana and end, 70 to all resists, 24+14 str, 28+15 sta, 24+14 int, 24+ 14 wis, 24+14 agi, 24+14 dex and 27+14 cha, 29 atk, 3 HP regen, 3 mana regen, 3 spell shield, 5 combat effects, 3 shielding, 2 dmg shield, 3 dot shield, 2 dmg shield mitigation, 8 avoidance, 7 accuracy, 3 stun resist, 2 strike thru, 30 heal amt, 30 spell dmg, 43 clairvoyance.

Can confirm this, the stats shown are incorrect for having all missions/quests done
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