Actually, no. The item you are thinking about is a Sonic Tooth Earring The Sonic Tooth Earring is dropped by Gnarlick, this item here, the Sonic Wolf Claw Earring is dropped by Fireclaw Wolfkin.
Posted:Jan 10 2003 at 1:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I heard this goes for about 1k plat, and I had picked one up about a month or two ago while hunting with some friends. Anyways, this morning I was in teh bazaar shouting out my wares, when a guy asks me if I'd sell the earring, and for how much (I didn't really know, nor care what I sold it for, it was taking up space in my bank). I said 'Sure, I'll sell it,' and he asks, 'Is 10k enough?'
Posted:Feb 12 2003 at 9:05 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Either you are joking, or you got extremely lucky. 1k is high for this earring now days, sounds like you ran into a real stupid ****.
Just wondering if everyone has found the level to obtain listed here as accurate, and whether that would be solo or in a group. For example, can I manage this camp as a Lvl 44 Ranger or should I bring friends? =) Thanks info in advance...
Fireclaw Wolfkin spawns in the left room of the Owlbear Caves once the Sonic Wolves have taken over the cave. As a 43 Paladin, I soloed him fairly well. He hits for up to 80 damage, but he doesn't seem to be consistant with that damage...expect to be hit for around 40 -50 damage for the most part.
The fight was close, as pound for pound, our life pretty much dropped in sync, so when I hit one bub of life, I rooted, Greater Heal - finished the job.
At 43, most of the wolves are green, with an occasional light blue. Light blues will usually aggro if you get in range, but greens are 'iffy', if you can get by them fast enough, you won't aggro them. I think I had 3 wolves total aggro me before I made it to Fireclaw Wolfkin.
A moderately well equipped 40 druid solos this zone (with KEI) with little or no difficulty. My 42 beastlord with KEI makes mincemeat of this zone. A 44 ranger should be able to handle the zone pretty easily..
i took him at 40 with a 39 easily, both of us rangers and i lost about 2 bub's cause i took all the hits plus we kept getting add's, could have solo'd the camp with C3 for the heals, so at 44 should be a breeze. just snare him and watch the adds.
alright here is the best info i can provide. i just camped this earring (2 to be exact) for my monk last night as i could not find any for sale. the earring drops off fire claw wolfkin. he spawns in the owl bear cave when the wolves have controll of it. he will spawn in the LEFT chamber. his place holder is the sonic wolf all the way in the back and to the left. you can easily tell he is the one cause he takes about 10 minutes to respawn where as the others pop in like 30 seconds to a minute. and the earring IS his common drop, rare is some crappy shield. hope this helps -=)
Posted:May 24 2002 at 1:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) why can't someone just post some information on the spawn time or place holder, the location of this spawn, <not mob, becauze a mob iz MANY THINGS, NOT ONE FREAKING CREATURE! arg people are stupid sometiems, like a bunch of freakin sheep.>
Posted:Jun 22 2002 at 2:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ROFL speaking of idiotic ramblings :P
Don't criticize the people who take the time to camp the items.
Fireclaw spawns in the Owlbear caves when the wolves hold the caves. I don't remember if it is in the left or the right chamber. PH is a sonic wolf. To find the spawn location, kill the all of the spawns in one of the back rooms. All will repop in about two minutes except for the one where the named and his PH spawn.
There is one named for each of the back chambers I mentioned.
The spawn points for the named are consistent for all named, no matter which faction holds the cave.
These are not lore or no drop. The no drop earring that drops here is called a Broken Fang Earring, or something like that and is AC +5, STR +5, CHA -10.
Posted:Apr 08 2002 at 9:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I CLAIM THIS ITEM A MONK ITEM! No, I really don't, though I'd take it over Cougar and Orc any day.. (One of these with Vah Shir Claw.. Mmm)