Unless the mobs were moved to any of the following zones Sleepers Deep in the Hole (havent been there in months) Deep in the Kedge (as above) Any newbie zone on Faydwer
this item does infact still drop, and it is better than chetari bonecrafted shield for those who can use it. you take one ac hit, you get 5 of the SV fire in magic instead (which comes in handy), and you get a few extra hp... definately worth it IMHO. I still wear seahorse cloak over it tho. It does drop, camp loc is pos900 pos2400... be prepared to get your A** kicked by the guy who drops it tho, hes a lvl 60 named that hits very hard, very fast, has a ton of hp, and MR off the charts. he also drops sword of the Arisen Cultist which is a bit of an upgrade to centi SS and looks like a kunzar ky'junk.
Grendon, 55 Ogre Myrmidon of the Southern Crusaders. Bristlebane Server Grendon's magelo profile: http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=193009
THey added CUltests and a Band of Frogs that fought each other. But took them out of game when the loot they droped wa way too good for such a trivial encounter. (well fighting a camp full of lvl 55-60 mobs kind of trivial)
Good back slot - little bit of hp and saves plus some nice AC. AC on Chetari is better though, as is the AC on Ancient Seahorse Hide Cloak, so I'd imagine this to run 2k less than either of those, approximately. I kind of wonder where one can find this or the ring that bears the same name (Ring of the Arisen Cultist).