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Soldier's Helm  

Lore Item
Slot: HEAD
AC: 13
STR: +3 DEX: +1 STA: +3 HP: +8 ENDUR: +3
WT: 2.1 Size: MEDIUM
Class: WAR
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):153, 131, 113
Merchant Value:10 pp 0 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 02:54:49
Page Updated:Mon Feb 19th, 2024

Expansion: Shadows of Luclin Shadows of Luclin

Average Price: 200pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 45

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Warrior Twilight Helm

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Twilight Sea

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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hold on a sec
# Sep 04 2002 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
i am aa iksar and looking at the ac and the fact it has stats and i can wearthat pretty much does it for me i can't wear coblat and crafted... is everyone forgetting about us we are warriors too...
battle horror
# Jul 21 2002 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
was wondering if anyone knows if the Battle Horror is a random spawn, or if ya gotta kill something to get it to spawn, camped thought horrors for a few hours gettin pcs for a quest sheild(bane warding) and never saw one, any info greatly appreciated. Oh, yeah and the fire blossom in SD, man i killed every sunflower tryin to get this one to spawn all i got was some fruitful thing? what else might i need to murder to get it to spawn

Edited, Sun Jul 21 02:01:24 2002
uh wha...
# Jun 27 2002 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
man i am half tempted to quest this LOL. i mean i can keep the SSB which is by far more warrior met than this...and is super cheap see them sell fer 75pp all the time. mostly for 150pp


Or this huh... dunno /sigh /cough whish this helm was better pic is cool
# Jun 24 2002 at 11:58 PM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
/flame on
OK I had to chime in and say We are not all TWINKED! We do not all buy PP from the Net. Some of us would like this armor and the fact that you Quested it makes ya feel better. You earned something instead of buying it. God I hate total Twinks that bash.
/flame off

Edited, Tue Jun 25 00:49:08 2002
# Apr 13 2002 at 8:43 PM Rating: Excellent
You know, not everyone is uber such as you :) maybe some 50ish warriors don't have 100,000k pp in bank to buy uber armor. Just cause some may quest for this and is actually better than what they have doesn't give you permission to bash them. Just stick to your own little world of fungi tunics and leave others be ok? quit being everyones judge and jury.
# Mar 08 2002 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
well, considering not everyone in the game is a 50+ warrior, and that crafted armor is about the same level as this stuff, I dont see why you idiots are complaining about it. its low to mid level armor that requires a mid level group to get. If you are a 50+warrior and are wasting your time getting this stuff, then you are a moron.

sorry, someone had to say it
#REDACTED, Posted: Apr 30 2002 at 8:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok, shall i eat you with my @$$hole now or later? hey ******, some people dont get EVERY chance to go on a raid, for example i only go on EQ on the weekends, there are uber guilds that raid like everyday, but the ones that dont raid, are ones that pick up the low loot, like my guild, sucks at raids, that last ToFS raid i went to sucked, and didnt get any loot, but i dont really care, cuz im uber enough, but thats not the point, some high level people have not too good armor, and thats prolly you, acting like yer the fookin shat, when yer a level 46 in a rygorr tunic with 2 rusty shortsword that are "uber" weapons, now, what did we learn here today? to stfu, good job!!!!!!!!!!
like a said verat sucks
# Mar 07 2002 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
heheh the only reason why i would do this quest are going to be mentioned below

1. im lvl 50 plus warrior or what ever class im already tired of raids and want to chill end explore the moon for the mean time so i take on compleating this quest bamm i go the quest done so what do i do with it ? heheh i eather go to ec and sell it for a couple more pp than crafted (since is new lol) or i use it to twink my lvl 1 warrior lol !!!

2 new guild member is in bad need of a new armor set !! so i take my happy a$$ and quest this for him (yes i would do that kind of stuff thats what guilds are for p

3 new guild member is after a new look ( trust me there are some out there that like the looks over the stats) so i repeat step on # 2

i do think this armor stinks for the lvl mods and zones you have to adventure into but look at it like this at least they didnt make it no drop !!!!
so here is my analisys =p

if you are bored!!! dont feel like going on a raid !!! and want to explore and have fun go for this one p is the perfect time killer!!!!

if you have a lvl 12 member on your guild who is in need of armor upgrade and your guild is cool like that then why no gather u0p you lvl 45 players and go do this for him =p if you look at it both of you are ganing in the end cause he gets a new pice of gear and you guys get xp !!!!!! wow did anybody ever think about that one ??? it sure beats dl and the over camped places out there p you can even put it in guild bank for the future !!!
RE: like a said verat sucks
# Jun 25 2002 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Ok if Verant sucks so bad why don't you quit and let the rest of us Play. If you don't like it don't bother with it. If you are such a twink then good for you I would rather group with someone that Earned their stuff instead of buying it all.
RE: like a said verat sucks
# Mar 21 2002 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
230 posts
Can I watch you solo in Mon Letalis with your 50 - 54 warrior, I'll shout for a res for you afterwards.

Not worth the effort
# Mar 07 2002 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
16 posts
Cost of gems not withstanding, I can kill pretty much everything required for most crafted pieces solo (all but the bp anyway) at 48. Matter of fact, when re-equipping my big naked self after a long semi-retirement, I killed trazdon while wearing nothing but the kilt I was born in. (still had WS and a wraithbone hammer, gave all else away) Try that with the mobs for this stuff and see what happens. The ac on crafted is as good or better, and at the level you'd be getting this AC is more important than stats anyway, or at least as important. I've looked at the melee armor quests for Luclin and found all to be disappointing. Maybe they'll take the hint and up the AC or seriously up the stat boosts on these things and make them worthwhile.
RE: Not worth the effort
# Oct 14 2002 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
The shaman set is actually a big improvement on Totemic Armor which came with only 1 piece that had wisdom on it. That was the helm.

still would do this
# Mar 07 2002 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
i still would do this for my warrior it's much cheaper then Crafted armor =)for a whole suit you can probably save about 800pp

Kilta Baane
Shima Wolvesblood
Phria Manaburner
Huntra Trueshooter
Great name!
# Mar 06 2002 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
Musta taken at least 2 Mountain Dews to think of the name! About twice as many as it took to think of the l33t stats
RE: Great name!
# Mar 06 2002 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
LOL No kidding. What a piece of crap. By the time a warrior can get up here to get this thing, they'd have already worn out their crafted helm and replaced it with something else.

Speaking of crafted helm, I guess it'd be a semi-decent piece for twinking instead of the crafted, simply because of the stats, even if it is 1 ac less. What warrior needs int and cha anyway?

I dunno... I just see this as another piece to stuff in the tinker bag and drop at a newbies feet.
RE: Great name!
# Mar 06 2002 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
Yes, the stats on all of the Twilight quests are pretty messed up. Way too low for the difficulty on single items, but if you have the whole suit the stats aren't that terrible.
RE: Great name!
# Mar 06 2002 at 9:59 PM Rating: Default
Skull Shaped Barbute> this hunk of junk.
Every piece of soldiers I've seen is the same or less ac than crafted. I thought TS quest armor was supposed to bridge the gap between old world quest armor and Kunark/planes armor?
RE: Great name!
# Mar 07 2002 at 2:57 AM Rating: Default
Aye, I guess everyone would have liked that bridge, most of all the int casters that are pretty screwed with armor quest until they can do Kael raids.
RE: Great name!
# Mar 07 2002 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
360 posts
From an outsiders point of view, it looks like the INT caster Robes are the only TS quests even remotely worth doing.

Oh, the druid tunic is quite decent as well. The Ranger stuff, especially the BP, is a joke and not a funny one. Both RyGorr and Ivy are better.
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