Beta (EQ2 Server)  

  Redirected from (test copy (eq2 server)).

Now available via the launcher, Beta uses the old Test Copy server. As of September 2012 access to the Beta server was open to all, but that may change when there is NDA content to be tested.

Copy a character to the Beta server by using the /beta copy command in the chat box in the live game. As of September 27, 2012, the new Beta Copy tool should work instantly. However, your character copies with only what it is carrying and what's in its bank. Shared banks, housing, and guilds do not copy over.

To patch and get into the Beta server:

  • Start your live launchpad
  • In the top-left corner, click the ‘Version’ link which will open the ‘Select Game Version’ panel
  • In the drop-down you can choose ‘Beta’ or ‘Public Test’ then hit ‘Apply’ to patch the corresponding server
  • Hit ‘Play’ once the patching completesTo access the beta server, open the EQII launcher. Click on Version in the upper left corner of the Launchpad window. In the Select Game Version tab that opens select Beta from the list and click the Apply button. The Launchpad will now start downloading the ~14GB of data for a full install of EQ2. Players have reported mixed results with copying their Live data to the Beta folder.


  • This server replaced the Test Copy server. The Beta server may not be accessible at all times.
  • This server is wiped periodically, meaning all current characters will be deleted.
  • You can copy your Live and/or Test characters over to the Beta server.
  • Beta and Test install into subfolders and both require about the same amount of space your live install takes.
  • Remember to set the ‘Version’ back to your regular setting to get back onto your normal servers.
  • It's recommended that you run the default UI while on Beta, as the popular UI mods may not have been updated for it.

Other Beta server info (subject to change at any time):

  • Buffers available
  • Free Marketplace
  • Grants Gold Membership (all classes and races available)
  • Grants free Alternate Advancement respecs
  • Claims are disabled

EverQuest II

  1. ^ SOE Forum Post October 4, 1012

Categories: EQ2 Servers | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2014-07-22 11:42:54.