Found on Live server as well as Agnarr (classic era) in the norhwest corner of the zone. Didn't appear to swim out of the cove into the open lake. Upon turn-in, spawned Princess Lenya properly and was able to turn in before she moved (hence I do not know if she will start swimming).
The faction which players con her is on Clerics of Tunare, and it's a 500 point hit. Same goes for Lenya when she's no longer a fish. And finally, she's been fixed to directly move towards the small rock island to the SE of Arena docks next to "a fallen student", where she doesn't seem to despawn.
My Test server Ranger found the Royal Fish just to the left of the passage between the Arena and gnoll settlement several years ago. He killed it just for fun and is now hated by the entire race.
give here the fish food but if you dont want to get screwed when princess lenya spawns, have someone root the fish at the bottom, then leave the water... only then should you give the fish the fish food
So does anyone know of some quick ways to repair the faction hit?
.....yup...didn't check the boards...offed the I'm hated...all for trying to participate in a shoddy GM event.
Was looking for some lost jewelry on a creature, the only clue was, "there was lots of water around" A Royal Fish came up on track in Lake Rathe I thought Jewelry + Fish = Royal Fish...well it made sense at the time.
Been There, Done That, gives a message something like "You feel the Hatred of an entire Race upon your soul". Went from Kindly to like doubious for killing this little guy.