He spawned for me in the underwater tunnels under Gallowglass Arena, after I'd killed a few of them. He was DB, so I didn't know he was Lvl 73. Kicked my hind-end but *good*. I was 3-boxing a 75 ENC with around 600 AAs, a Lvl 75 CLR with 400 AAs, and a 65 DRU with 55 AAs.
"A perfect splorgath" dropped all 3 of us within 30 seconds.
My ENC has max defensive AAs, 1500 AC and ~12k hp/mp. CLR has 2k AC, 12khp and 10k mp. DRU's a gimp I won't mention. I even had Divine Intervention (maxxed Unfailing Divinity) on all 3 toons, and it *still* tore through us like a blender set on "puree".
It dropped some sleeves today, I'll try and get stats from guildie who looted. They were wiz/mage/ench/nec usable, I think 15ac and like 175 mana/hp. forgot the name.