Your faction standing with Greater Jord Giants has been adjusted by -2. Your faction standing with Lesser Jord Giants has been adjusted by -2. Your faction standing with Askr the Lost has been adjusted by 1.
Dropped a Midnight Mantle for us today while we were hunting for the Askr quest drops.
I've killed hundreds of these and this was the first time I've seen the Mantle drop. Either I've been unlucky or it's rare.
Marshall Stamm Bladecaster - <Temerity> - on Al`Kabor for EQMac...the closest thing to a "Classic" server that we'll ever see.
Just solo'd one of these mobs 5 minutes ago and here are the details according to my log parser:
- They have a little over 25k HPs, but I was kiting for over 7 mins, so regen may play a factor in this.
- They are rogue types, so they can backstab instead of kick/bash.
- They mitigate slow.
- Got hit only once by the 750 dmg proc and was hit for a max of 674 with an average of 432 dmg a hit (64% accuracy) and did a total of 17000 dmg to me (sounds a bit high, since I don't remember healing myself that often).
- Dropped the Storm Taarid Bone and a Brick of Electrified Copper.
- Got about 10% AAXP for the kill with 100% xp going to AA.
I found this mob standing alone by a rock close to the wall, between the waterfall and exit to the forest side. I'm also lucky to have got the bone on my first kill. Finishes up my flag to BoT.
You telling me these don't summon? Because the ocean and forest giants sure do, seems a little odd that the desert ones would not. Anybody want to confirm whether these summon or not?
This guy is partially slowable(means shm slows him and gets a message it didnt take full effect), didnt hit me 62 war for more than 600, and 750 proc is a pain. Trick to this guy is have the dps to kill before def disc wears.
As the 60 warrior I pulled and tanked one Her megir (he conned yellow - so lvl 62) - and he hit for max 678 and procced the 750dd rarely. He malo'ed, (partially) slowed and crippled easily enough, none the less one heal landed when I was on only 88 life.
I didnt use defensive (No combat stability yet either, hp 4865, ac 1203) and cheals started at 50% with the druid on patches. Not really that scary - but no pushover.
Dropped a head for the BoT key quest. After that we restricted ourselves to cactii and armadillos for a bit (was only a short trip).
Storm Avalanche Classes: None Description: 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 750
Details: Raw spell data Spell Type: Detrimental Skill: Innate Mana: 0 Target Type: PB AE Casting Time: Instant Duration: Instant Recast Time: 30 Resist: Magic (0) Fizzle Time: 2.25 Range to target: 0 AE Radius: 150 Interruptable: Yes Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Melee damage seems to be 600 - 715.
I didn't notice the spell hitting anyone other than our MT, so not entirely sure it is really PBAE or maybe just a lot smaller radius than this spell description I usurped.