We had a 59 pally tank these things in PoN at Hedge camp, no way they can be 65, we took them like cake.other than 59 pally our only melee was 54 monk with epic (me) and 56 ranger
I been able to solo one of these, has CoB tanking and just chain Death Touched pet... threw in some dots when the mob missed some swings or when it was casting.
When there slowed there easy, only double for like 650 or so. Also run at low health.
Have done this camp a few times now with sub 60 chars. Im a 57 Enc. SK or Monk to pull and FD to split. have someone tag, malo/tash, slow will stick (i used Forlorn Deeds) then they pussycats. Get a BL or someone wif a pet to take the HT. Had two parchments drop out of four mobs. Once you break the spawn pulls are even easier.
We rocked on these last night with just a good group of 6, two shammys doing all heals and slows. Terrific exp and one of the best looking creatures in teh game I think. This may be some of teh best exp in the lower tiers. Just a few tidbits they use Blood of Hate and Cascading Darkness allot and I had buffed Magic resistance of 189 so they are very tough. They also get a ton of 500+ hits on ye so heals need to come fast but over all the exp is grand and the battles are epic -- What else can ye ask for!!!
This is some uber PoP exp here and I farm these guys regularly amd they spit quickly so all that harmony stuff isnt even needed. Do this all the time with 61 monk, 61 shaman, 64 Warrior and a 56+ cleric. Too easy was getting 2 sometimes 3%aa per kill!
Did this camp the other day (me, 62 beastlord, 60 ranger, 55 druid, 62 cleric, 61 shaman). Slow always landed, and shaman rarely got aggro. HT me for 1151, max hit 656, but once slowed and with 1200+ ac unbuffed rarely hit me for full damage. For their level and damage output they don't seem to have a ton of hp, they dropped pretty quickly and we had no problems staying alive hehe. The exp off these is great, was getting about 1% every 2 killed at 59, which beats CY camps in PoD. (And these guys seemed less likely to summon/peel off on casters) Ranger pulled with harmony, only had one resist the whole time we were there. We were pulling these, and while waiting for re-pops pulling the horsies and hobgobs. All in all, a great time and good exp for all.
Will *always* slow if you have malo, I was slowing early expecting the aggro, but it saves the tank if he isnt too good hp wise and usually will only hit you once or twice before returning to your tank. Never dropped at all.
Easy once slowed. But the typical mid-high 50's groups in hedge just do not have the levels for lowering the resistances of these and landing a slow, which is why they should be totally avoided without a 61+ sham or ench.
some of my guildies and myself camp these somewhat regularly. We've only had 2 parchment drops in about 80-ish kills on them, but they do drop them. Also, the HT they toss out is closer to 1200 (upper 1100, can't remember the exact amount right off hand). I know, because I've taken agro off the puller a couple times before it got back to camp (trying to slow prior to getting there).
Anyway, these are fairly easy kills. Happy hunting
These are great exp. I have found the best way to split them is to have a Ranger or Druid use the new Harmony spell and pull. They are on a 10 minute timer, so kill one, pull a couple trash mobs and kill, then go after the other. Once split, you should not have to worry about it again. In all the weeks of fighting them, I have seen one parchment drop. They drop no other loot whatsoever, but are definitely worth fighting for the exp.
Been fighting these with a small grp,me a 57 barb warrior, 61 highelf cleric, 63 human monk and a 62 barb shammy that is being botted. Harm touch is for 1051 but doesnt seem to use it every time. and seem to drop parchments on about 1/10 or 15 mobs
Marlus Wyndosnorth Barb Warrior of the 57th Battle Descension Xev
Was in PoN a week or so back headed to banshees with a group and saw a group of people taking these on, and all I have to say is that this screenshot hardly does them justice. Hehehe they are quite imposing and from the other posts on this page I'd say just as formiddable as they appear.
I have tried to feign death many times against these things, and (so far) they have never bought it. They always just continue to run up to me and whack me until I say Uncle.
It's kinda tough to FD pull these as a Shadow Knight but the best way I've found to do it is to throw up that crappy rest the dead spell(Which an undead moss snake with a head cold can usually resist) hit em both with it low resist at 58th and then send in my pet. While it eats the HT from one and they head towards me I run a few steps straight out and FD. Because one takes a couple seconds to squash my pet I get the separation needed for the warrior to tag one. Sometimes it doesnt work but more times than not it does plus at the very least I wont be eating two 1051 HTs from them. :)
was hunting them last night, 65 ranger, 62 druid,61 cleric,58 shaman(me), quite ez for us, did get an E parchment so they do drop em, def worth hunting for exp alone,parchment a bonus, lost on roll though, bummer
Killed many, many. HT for 1k, runs when about 1 bubble of health sometimes more, slowable. Used to be able to slow every time without malo; now often cannot slow even with malo and malosini until slow is tried multiple times. Means you have to be able to take their HT plus 650 hits plus DOTs for a while. Also, they debuff, but usually only after they've landed a few other spells. Have lost aego/focus/sta a number of times this way. After killing uncountable dozens over a couple of weeks, not one spell has dropped, nor any other item. Some are much stronger than others, it seems, so maybe not all are 65? Some resist much much more, etc.
Others my level or lower have reported better luck slowing than I have(60 shaman), even lately -- luck exactly in line with what I used to have before the last patch. Post-patch, I noted an immediate drastic change regarding resistances.