Spent a few hours at this camp after searching the zone for these guys and I thought I'd share what I learned...
These scaled wolves share the spawns with rotting hunters in the "kennels" below the cook area. I've been looking all over the place for a map thats already been marked off with spawns to link here, but I can't seem to find one. When I do I'll edit it in I suppose. It was late when I left, and I didn't even have the presence of mind to write down a /loc. =(
The wolves are slightly easier than the hunters, hitting for less and had fewer HPs. I can't give you actual numbers since I wasn't really getting hit, but from the damage I did I would have to estimate their HPs around 18-20k. They didn't have any special attacks and they didn't run at low health. They're pure melee, and can be single pulled very easily within the area. In total there are 7 spawns, if I remember correctly, with a respawn of approx. 18 mins.
Once you get to the stairs leading down to the kennel your first spawn will be right in front of you. Then another around the corner to the right. Both can be killed where they are or pulled up to the top. The remainder of them are seperated by dividers, which will shield you from the others adding if you engage them within that area. You can also just pull them out to the bottom of the stairs and engage there. All seem to have a rather small agro range so adds shouldn't really be a prob at all.
I spent about 3 hours here duo druid/mage. With KEI I was clearing all 7 spawns with time to spare. After KEI dropped I was more conservative and would miss the last 1 or 2 before medding for the next cycle. With a group 55+ you shouldn't have any prob holding the cook area, the kennel, and the PH for an undead chef...(btw, a post at the bottom of that link are some general directions to get to this area)
Was about to log when I got what I had come for, the Moss Covered Hood. Then, deciding to just clear out the rest of the cycle, got another on the next spawn. So, 0 for 3 hours, then 2 in 5 mins.