a bloodgill barracuda  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

This animal has the same appearance as a deepwater barracuda. It seems to be much more rare, however, and appears to have significantly more hit points. Loot was similar to the deepwaters (fresh fish and fish scales).

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:05:27.

Level: 40
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-02-29 09:04:49

Known Habitats:
  Lake of Ill Omen
Factions Increased:
  Pirates Of Gunthak +1
Factions Decreased:
  Bloodgills -1

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Faction hits
# Feb 28 2020 at 5:45 PM Rating: Excellent
190 posts
Your faction standing with Bloodgills has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Pirates of Gunthak has been adjusted by 1.
# Dec 14 2002 at 1:06 AM Rating: Default
200 posts
Found some bloodgills barracuda on track at level 56, they were light blue. Thus more around 40 but certainly not 46 or 47.
RE: level
# Jun 17 2003 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Fought one last night and it was white to a 42 bard. Had another on track that was dark blue, so they look to range in level from 40-42 at least.
RE: level
# May 01 2003 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
The one I killed was a fairly easy dark blue at 55. It dropped 2 fish scales. All "a deepwater barracuda" were light blue and green. "tainted barracuda" that spawned the corrupted was DB but had more HP than the bloodgill variety. Both the bloodgill and tainted spawned at a loc where I had seen deepwaters. There appear to be 8 spawn points for all of these.

Edited, Thu May 1 04:54:56 2003
# Aug 04 2002 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
I was running around LOIO looking for tainted / and any named that might drop the bloodscale hoop. This thing was on my track, caught my eye because it was a mix of two mobs in the lake (deepwater barracuda, and bloodgill goblins) .. so I tracked it out into the lake. It conned DB so I figured might aswell kill it, snared it and pulled it to land to see if it would follow, it didnt so I just doted/nuked up and down the lake shoreline. Used only 80m and dropped nothing.

Overall it was a very easy fight, just wonder why it had such a different name?
bloodgill Barracuda
# Jun 29 2002 at 9:22 PM Rating: Default
i thought i should put in my 2 cents here:

at lvl 56 (hlf Dru) i have been camping the Tainted for some time now on and off over a week
:Trust me when i say: the Blood gill Barracuda is Very mean coned D.blu to me at 56,
hits very hard.is very fast,

anywho's he can be rooted and doted was np killin just kinda gives you a rush when he hits you hahaaha
# Apr 18 2002 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
So I was camping the neg900 neg900 spawn like every 50+ druid should for tainted/corrupted cuda. Im killing these things with fairly simple ease (help of a 49 monk i just fear dot and he eats) and this fish spawns. Dark Blue con, figured it was just like other deepwater cuds, throws a nice double 103 on me with change, fast like the other fish, couldnt get repulse off had to wait for monk to steal aggro (by then id lost 1200 hps and was almost to hp aggro)... MEAN fish folks and will EAT you druids up if you dont get the jump, no serious resists or anything out of ordinary, no loot either. First five seconds was a real 'break out in a sweat, ask the guild if anyones cleric is near loio' stress out. Happy hunting

Supertrunx 53 wanderer
# Mar 19 2002 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
There are two tainted fish, one looks just like a reguler fish and will NOT follow you onto land. THe other if you look close, is blueish tinted and Will follow you on to land, he spawns the corrupted for druid epic... Corrupted isn't too bad, just snare, drag away from water a ways then either fear kite, or root/dot it :)
Super Mean Fish
# Mar 15 2002 at 1:28 AM Rating: Default
I'm a level 41 druid, and this fish gave me the the fight of my life. I'm not sure about it being a level 46 - 47 mob, because it con'ed blue to me. Anyway, even with 210 WIS, I drained all my mana on DoT'ing a fearing. I was OOM, so I decided to try and finish him off with melee. Big mistake. Snare runs out (long fight). He hit for over 100 a pop, and I was already low from all the cheap shots it got in on me as I was casting fear. Needless to say, going toe to toe resulted in my death. Super mean fish. I only saw one the whole time.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 12 2002 at 4:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WRONG
Tainted Reply
# Dec 21 2001 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
The tainted barracuda will not drop anything...it is but a placeholder for the corrupted barracuda, a mob for the druid epic.
I have heard tell that killing this bloodgill barracuda can increase chances of spawning the tainted barracuda. But have only seen this 3 times, and only killed it twice.
I have not found that any fish in loio follows me up onto the land yet (just the goblins). Thank you for the warning
Tainted Barracuda
# Dec 20 2001 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
I recently encountered a "Tainted Barracuda". This vile beast looked just like a Deepwater Barracuda, but it conned even to me at 46. It agro'd me from a great distance while I was in the Lake. I took a few whacks at it on the shore, figuring I could just jump out. The fish had other ideas, and followed me well onto the land. I was able to root it on the second try, drink a sow potion, and run to FM with half a bub of life. It hit me for up to 130hp with 890ac. Didnt cast any spells.

Does anyone know what it drops?

Balveny 46 Paladin of Tunare
RE: Tainted Barracuda
# Dec 24 2001 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
The Tainted Barracuda doesn't drop anything. It is a placeholder for the corrupted Barracuda, which is a mob related to the druid epic quest. It is my understanding that the tainted that will follow you onto land is the one that, when killed, will spawn the Corrupted Barracuda. I just recently killed the Tainted, but it wouldn't follow me onto land. So apparently it wasnt the right one to spawn the Corrupted. Sure enough after killing that Tainted, a Deepwater Bloodgill Barracuda spawned (not the Corrupted), which had loads of hit points, resisted root and Repulse Animal many times. Took me 30 minutes to finally kill it (with help from a friendly druid on the shore who healed me and thank God for my ES Vambraces which cast manaless Drones of Doom!). But still no Corrupted. I guess I'll keep trying and maybe bring a chanter friend :)
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