You say, 'Hail, Trnaslocator Tradil'
Translocator Tradil says 'Hello there, _____. You look like you are on an important adventure. I have some fantastic news for you. The Barrel Barge has once again resumed sailing between here and Timorous Deep.
Translocator Tradil says, 'Hello there, _____. Fantastic news from the Academy of Arcane Sciences! The Barrel Barge has once again resumed sailing between here and Timorous Deep. Of course, if you are truly so impatient that waiting a mere minute to [travel to Timorous Deep] is impossible then I am still able to transport you to my companion there.'
You say, 'travel to Timorous Deep'
Translocator Tradil begins casting Portal to Timorous.
Translocator Tradil says, 'Off you go!'