Trakanasaurus Rex  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

The Barbarian in the screenshot is not shrunk. Trakanasaurus Rex is gigantic.

Trakanasaurus Rex is one of the 16 named mobs in the froglok hunter cycle.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2017-11-24 11:35:20.

Level: 50
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-06-05 18:32:08

Known Habitats:
  Trakanon's Teeth

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Max Hit points
# Mar 06 2008 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
How many hps does this sucker have
Please Repley
Could I
# Mar 06 2008 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
Could a Level 39 pally and a 39 cleric take him.
Please tell me.
# Apr 16 2007 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Im sure this guy is super easy to kill but hes a pain to spawn .I tried for a few hours once killing all the other traks in the zone but he never poped , he might be on the forager cycle but im not sure. I just wanted to see what he looked like.
Dances : gainus pass me my bow
Gainus : which one is it?
Dances : the one that says bad *************
Shared spawns?
# Sep 30 2009 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
I thought the same - that perhaps Trak'rex is on a spawn common to other raptors... and tracked then killed all raptors in the zone.

Interestingly I went back after a couple hours and no new raptors spawned. 24hrs later and still no raptors, BUT, Prince Yinlen seemed to be the only (noticible) new spawn. So, I followed Yinlen for a short bit.

So, I recorded a couple paths.. (these aren't pretty, but they're accurate to Yinlen's pathing).
L -986.6683, -2618.0020, -329.6093, -984.5511, -2602.4155, -329.6423, 0, 0, 0
L -89.5242, -2803.3779, -144.1964, -115.0440, -2806.5168, -136.4371, 0, 0, 0
L -118.2186, -2806.4070, -133.6659, -89.5242, -2803.3779, -144.1964, 0, 0, 0
L -422.3071, -2805.9907, -240.0040, -293.0513, -2790.3379, -162.4248, 0, 0, 0

Killed him, and immediately a Trakaraptor popped about 700 units to the west. I think one of the above lines recorded his location.

Is there a connection? Dunno yet. Gonna check back a lil later to see if another Trak-spawn pop'd.
Shared spawns?
# Oct 01 2009 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
4 posts
I've confirmed Trak'rex is on the Froglok Forager / Hunter spawn-table.
Insta-respawns, mostly random locations - generally within 500units of their previous spawn location.

Kill those two anywhere you see them, kill the named-spawns that occasionally appear, and eventually you'll get a Trak'rex.

Got my tooth last night, so I can close the books on this one.
could a??
# Apr 11 2005 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
3 posts
could a level 61 warrior, about 7.5k hp with conv and wunshi, solo this dude? or duo with a 61 necro with 4.4k hp..dunnno lol and if so where he spawn in zone? -please help
RE: could a??
# Jun 04 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Default
He wanders the zone I think and a necro should be able to solo him at 65 as a wiz I could so I'm sure a nec could.
Solo'ed with 45 druid
# Jun 07 2003 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
After reading some of the posts here, I got my confidence and said what the hell. Ensnared him first(thankfully it wasn't resisted), ran him to the wall, and root/dotted like crazy until he was dead. He resisted root alot and broke it quickly when it did stick. He's very fast so try not to let him resist the first ensnare :)
Trak vs Fanrik
# Nov 15 2002 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Charmed him repeatedly onto Dreadlord Fanrik. Was surprised to see Trak Rex taken down to 25% while Fanrik never went below 80%. I chanted Trak dead, looted, camped to de-aggro Fanrik. BTW Fanrik gated onto Trak after fearing him. Poor Rex. Gave me his tooth, though.

Also, Fanrik, hunter and forager were all up at the same time. I had thought Fanrik was part of the cycle, but maybe not?
RE: Trak vs Fanrik
# Jul 10 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
heh, i've seen 2 hunters,2 foragers at one time on my track screen. =D
Rogues can solo
# Jul 27 2002 at 10:44 AM Rating: Default
I know a rogue, the most uber on Innoruuk Server atm.

HE has 5500+ HP unbuffed
# Jun 10 2002 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
280 posts
Would this guy be charmable by a 54 shaman with level 34 charm animal spell? Our spells are not level limited like the druid ones but there are so few animal mobs in the zones I fight in I have almsot no experience with the spell. Last animal I tried to charm was a 38 or so sabretooth tiger in OT when i was 36 and it said something like " This mob is too high for that spell". Sounds like it would make a cool pet especially with alacrity ( I like playing with fire ). Id even be willing to pack on my CHA gear to try this out ( I can get to about 142--not bad since ogres start at 37 CHA). If any shamans/druids have used this guy as a pet please post. Thx in advance...

54 Ogre Battlemystic on Luclin Server--Aggrok
RE: Charmable?
# Jun 12 2002 at 6:35 AM Rating: Excellent
The lvl 34 Shaman Charm Animal spell is the same spell that druids get at lvl 24. Therefore, yes, it is "level limited." The level limit on the spell is mobs lvl 34 or lower, so you would not be able to charm this guy with it.

I personally have never tried to charm this guy with any of the higher lvl druid charm spells, but it bears some thought; may give it a shot next time I see him up. Cool idea.

Kidric Karnivorous
58 Druid of Tunare
RE: Charmable?
# Jul 29 2002 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
280 posts
I had heard that even tho the shaman and druid charm spells shared the same name they werent level limited. Maybe at one point shamans could charm higher level creatures, but I just tried on a level 38-39 sabretooth tiger in OT ( was still light blue to a 55 ) and I got a message like " Target is too high to be charmed" " A Sabretooth Tiger resists the spell ". Oh well, its not like befriend and charm animal spells were on page 1 of my spell book anyway. I guess if I want this guy as a pet I'll have to make a chanter or a bard.

55 Ogre Battle Mystic on Luclin server--Chaotic Winds--Aggrok

Edited, Mon Jul 29 02:01:56 2002
RE: Charmable?
# Nov 05 2002 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
If you are high enough yes. Bards can charm things from different lvls depending on your lvl, right now at 54 I could charm this guy. My druid could also do it at 56, because the lvl cap for us is 52, but higher up you get better charms. Same goes for enchanters.
# May 22 2002 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
whats his loc?
# May 16 2002 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
1) It doesn't outrun sow.
2) It's attack range is between a normal mob and a wurm from SF.
3) It's not overly magic resistant. Easily snareable but roots rarely last for full. Not nearly as resistant as Luclin mobs. Not even close

Run it to a zone wall, root, dot, wait, loot.
Tough ass
# Apr 27 2002 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
Hard to snare, root brakes fast, and he has a HUGE HUGE attack range.... he could catch up with me as I stopped to cast root. He finally stunned me for 30 minutes which left him enough time to kill me. When I came back he got KSed by an infamous high lvl guild. Not trying him again... but then I do have long strokes of bad luck. Be VERY carefull and unlike me, try to fight him near the zone---

54 druid, Quellious
Fear Animal works
# Mar 16 2002 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Druid Repulse works fine on him. Make sure to snare him first, he is very fast.

[Sat Mar 16 12:22:34 2002] You begin casting Ensnare.
[Sat Mar 16 12:22:36 2002] Trakanasaurus Rex has been ensnared.
[Sat Mar 16 12:22:41 2002] You begin casting Repulse Animal.
[Sat Mar 16 12:22:43 2002] Trakanasaurus Rex is utterly repulsed!
[Sat Mar 16 12:22:43 2002] You tell your party, 'snared'
somebody from inny server
# Mar 11 2002 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
all your prices are cracked out you can find this thing eaassy for 2k if you get lucky you can get it for 1k 30k ppppp its not even a great weapon!
Pretty Cheap now
# Jan 09 2002 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
Bought one for 2k the other day
Could a bard kite it?
# Dec 26 2001 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
Anyone know if a 47+ bard with a magic instrument and jboots could 3-chant kite this mob, or at least 2-chant kite while twisting with selos?
RE: Could a bard kite it?
# Dec 31 2001 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent

Devaryen (5/17/01) i was a level 57 bard when i soloed Rex. i just kited him with fire and cold dots. took me about 20 mins. he is not that tough. i died up in a tree so i couldnt loot him, yeah i was pissed.

I think you'd better wait level 49 new selo song. It lasts 2min30 and it allows us to sing the 3 DOTs on the mob having always selo up.
# Dec 19 2001 at 9:29 AM Rating: Default
Dude, why are you screaming in dont need to do that to say what you wanna say :P
# Dec 04 2001 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
always drop TT
# Oct 19 2001 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
that mob drop TT alaways ?
RE: always drop TT
# Nov 25 2001 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
Nope..not always. Me (51 druid at the time) and a 55 necro were kiting him near zone to EJ (i guess someone trained him there), but fear kiting it only took minutes to take him down, necros pet did die fast because fear wouldnt stick right away, but even without pet, dots just keeeled him.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 02 2001 at 6:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok, your very right, rogues CAN solo and can solo WELL, but it costs, in money and time. thats why most rogues poke the mob in the ***. BUT, for those hard guild raids and PvP, watch out, because thats when a rogue shines threw. Enspecially if your a caster and your mana starts to disapeer :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 17 2001 at 4:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Rogues deal so much damage that you wouldnt believe! My 37 rogue HALFLING who i put no str points in at the time LOL can out damage a monk my same level! It is true that rogues dont have so many hps but hey, they deal sooo much more damage. If rogues use their poison abilities wisely and their ability to scare away mobs if they are in trouble there is no doubt that a rogue can solo the trex. And did anyone forget about disciplines? They do have a str/haste etc discipline i believe called kinesthetics? So long as a rogue uses their skills wisely they have a chance to solo. And on Rodcet Nife trak teeth sell for 5k-8k...prices are dropping realllly fast.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 23 2001 at 4:47 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No kiddin, in order from least to most in terms of damage, untwinked normal gear, it gos hybrid tanks, warrior, monk, rogue. Depending on what gear the person has it can definatly change this. So yes, rogues can open up a can of whoop ***.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 10 2001 at 1:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ...has NO chance to solo this big fella. Let me emphasize ZERO. That mean's you CAN'T. Thanks I am done.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 30 2001 at 11:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ...most rogues are lazy also and dont want to either spend the cash for the materials or think its too much trouble..well then if thats the case NOONE should say rogues can't solo when everyone is too damn lazy to try and take the time to get the poisons together. they much rather just set it to auto attack in a group and just hit the bstab button every 8seconds..ZZzzz boring
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 22 2001 at 7:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You're right, sort of. Using poisons a smart rogue can, in fact, solo VERY well, I've done up to white mobs at lvl 36 that hit for 1/8 of my toatal hit points, and we kill in pvp, especially if the person isn't expecting it. There are problems with it though, the first isn't too big, but it can get in the way, poisons don't stack, neither in your invintory or on your blade; this means that before every battle you have to decide how your're going to go about slaying your mob and make a set of poisons accordingly, snare and ID? snare and blind? root and DoT? Most poisons last upward of 30 to 40 seconds, as far as I know only 1 poison lasts more than 60 seconds (blind), therefore you also have to estimate the duration of each battle ahead of time and make spare poisons accordingly. This doesn't sound too bad I suppose, no different than memming appropriate spells before combat. However, like spells, poisons can be resisted, poison application can also fail, when soloing with poisons these two mishaps can mean a world of trouble as often your only choices are to forget the poisons and stand toe to toe with the mob, or zone, rarely do you have time to make a second application attempt if one fails or is resisted, because applying poisons take time. However, the biggest detourant rogues face when soloing with poisons is cost, and time. Lets not forget that rogues don't come into the world equipped with summon white helbore bags, or an infinite supply of skyash bile. Nope, for each poison we attempt to make we often need 3 or 4 components in addition to vials and suspentions, which alone can run upward of 20pp per attempt with the higher lvl poisons. The components also can run up to or a bit above 5pp. As for the dropped items, we are usually forced to farm these ourselves; how many stacks of bloodthorn extract have you destoryed while hunting in EJ? Every time you find a cyclamine corm or a *****'s bane do you ask yourself "I wonder how much that rogue in the zone will pay for this"? Nope, it's worse than words, worse than runes, worse than most quest item. So we're talking about 5 minutes of hunting plus 25pp of preperation per attempt at higher lvls or about 30 minutes and 125pp in advance for each battle a rogue solo's using poisons. Thank you, I think I'll just let my group keep the mobs attention will I stare at it's butt and hit the bstab button every 8seconds...ZZzzz, and save all of the trouble for guild raids and what not. I'm not arguing with you, I can raise hell when I want to go through the trouble, but throw away that time and money for each battle you plan on doing tomorrow, then call us lazy.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 22 2001 at 7:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You're right, sort of. Using poisons a smart rogue can, in fact, solo VERY well, I've done up to white mobs at lvl 36 that hit for 1/8 of my toatal hit points, and we kill in pvp, especially if the person isn't expecting it. There are problems with it though, the first isn't too big, but it can get in the way, poisons don't stack, neither in your invintory or on your blade; this means that before every battle you have to decide how your're going to go about slaying your mob and make a set of poisons accordingly, snare and ID? snare and blind? root and DoT? Most poisons last upward of 30 to 40 seconds, as far as I know only 1 poison lasts more than 60 seconds (blind), therefore you also have to estimate the duration of each battle ahead of time and make spare poisons accordingly. This doesn't sound too bad I suppose, no different than memming appropriate spells before combat. However, like spells, poisons can be resisted, poison application can also fail, when soloing with poisons these two mishaps can mean a world of trouble as often your only choices are to forget the poisons and stand toe to toe with the mob, or zone, rarely do you have time to make a second application attempt if one fails or is resisted, because applying poisons take time. However, the biggest detourant rogues face when soloing with poisons is cost, and time. Lets not forget that rogues don't come into the world equipped with summon white helbore bags, or an infinite supply of skyash bile. Nope, for each poison we attempt to make we often need 3 or 4 components in addition to vials and suspentions, which alone can run upward of 20pp per attempt with the higher lvl poisons. The components also can run up to or a bit above 5pp. As for the dropped items, we are usually forced to farm these ourselves; how many stacks of bloodthorn extract have you destoryed while hunting in EJ? Every time you find a cyclamine corm or a *****'s bane do you ask yourself "I wonder how much that rogue in the zone will pay for this"? Nope, it's worse than words, worse than runes, worse than most quest item. So we're talking about 5 minutes of hunting plus 25pp of preperation per attempt at higher lvls or about 30 minutes and 125pp in advance for each battle a rogue solo's using poisons. Thank you, I think I'll just let my group keep the mobs attention will I stare at it's butt and hit the bstab button every 8seconds...ZZzzz, and save all of the trouble for guild raids and what not. I'm not arguing with you, I can raise hell when I want to go through the trouble, but throw away that time and money for each battle you plan on doing tomorrow, then call us lazy.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 22 2001 at 7:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You're right, sort of. Using poisons a smart rogue can, in fact, solo VERY well, I've done up to white mobs at lvl 36 that hit for 1/8 of my toatal hit points, and we kill in pvp, especially if the person isn't expecting it. There are problems with it though, the first isn't too big, but it can get in the way, poisons don't stack, neither in your invintory or on your blade; this means that before every battle you have to decide how your're going to go about slaying your mob and make a set of poisons accordingly, snare and ID? snare and blind? root and DoT? Most poisons last upward of 30 to 40 seconds, as far as I know only 1 poison lasts more than 60 seconds (blind), therefore you also have to estimate the duration of each battle ahead of time and make spare poisons accordingly. This doesn't sound too bad I suppose, no different than memming appropriate spells before combat. However, like spells, poisons can be resisted, poison application can also fail, when soloing with poisons these two mishaps can mean a world of trouble as often your only choices are to forget the poisons and stand toe to toe with the mob, or zone, rarely do you have time to make a second application attempt if one fails or is resisted, because applying poisons take time. However, the biggest detourant rogues face when soloing with poisons is cost, and time. Lets not forget that rogues don't come into the world equipped with summon white helbore bags, or an infinite supply of skyash bile. Nope, for each poison we attempt to make we often need 3 or 4 components in addition to vials and suspentions, which alone can run upward of 20pp per attempt with the higher lvl poisons. The components also can run up to or a bit above 5pp. As for the dropped items, we are usually forced to farm these ourselves; how many stacks of bloodthorn extract have you destoryed while hunting in EJ? Every time you find a cyclamine corm or a *****'s bane do you ask yourself "I wonder how much that rogue in the zone will pay for this"? Nope, it's worse than words, worse than runes, worse than most quest item. So we're talking about 5 minutes of hunting plus 25pp of preperation per attempt at higher lvls or about 30 minutes and 125pp in advance for each battle a rogue solo's using poisons. Thank you, I think I'll just let my group keep the mobs attention will I stare at it's butt and hit the bstab button every 8seconds...ZZzzz, and save all of the trouble for guild raids and what not. I'm not arguing with you, I can raise hell when I want to go through the trouble, but throw away that time and money for each battle you plan on doing tomorrow, then call us lazy.
Soloing rogues..
# Aug 30 2001 at 11:01 PM Rating: Default
..the problem with most rogues is they dont use the poisons provided to them. A rogue can easily solo blue if he had the right poisons on him...especially with jboots and the snare poisons and root having a good bow and a high skill in archery. Landing a nice bstab then a snare/dot poison then just kite the rest of the time with a whole **** load of arrows or throwing daggers with crit hits. Bstab , hit with snare poison(and not with the SBD - effects dont last as long)..then run far enough away and apply root poison if it sticks just hang out at a distance constantly shooting arrows at it..apply another root or if snare poison effects are gonna wear off soon (must know your poison durations). Either way a rogue that snares a mob and has jboots its all over :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2001 at 1:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL. Your a moron. You can't kill a 45+ mob with arrows.
RE: Soloing rogues..
# Sep 05 2001 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Wrong, you can kill 45+ mobs with arrows. I have done it quite a few times with mobs I didn't want to stand toe to toe with. Granted it takes awhile and A LOT OF ARROWS but it can be done.
# Aug 26 2001 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
He was even to me at 50 when we killed him today.
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