Found him roaming around near the Goo's. CLR, SHM, MAG (all 80)put him down. Earth pet tanked. His 1 buddy seemed to be leashed to him, we tried to CoH split, but add always seemed to return. Pulled to safe spot, sent in earth pet, SHM slowed named & add, CLR spam healed pet. All was going smooth until Gearmarshal enraged, he popped pet at 4%, summoned & killed MAG; however CLR & SHM were able to nuke and finish him off. His add aggro'ed SHM which ran away, CLR rez'ed MAG back in, who then CoH'ed SHM out of harms way. Was a very fun fight, and great challenge for the 3 of us. Dropped All-Purpose Longwrench.
Roams around on bottom level. Our group knocked him out incredibly easy (druid-enchanter-bard-monk-warrior(warrior boxxing cleric) all of us 77+
warrior listed hardest hit as 2954.
Roams around on the bottom level, between a small circular building on the west to the middle of the southern area, seems to usually have 1 add with him (mezzing and blurring stops the add from even coming to him when mez fades)
It looks like this mob may have been adjusted to be tougher after the last patch. The Gearmarshal had two steamwork menders escorting it and it nailed me for for 6k right at the start of the fight.
With the adjustment to the Tinmyn's Oil Can charm quest, it looks like this and other mobs in the zone have been toughened up a bit (ie - Cog Marauders).
This guy doesn't even hit for 4k, he doesn't quad. We killed him twice, dropped wrench the first time, shoulders the second. Don't be afraid of this dude. You want to be afraid of something, be afraid of the Firemarshal IV, if you're not expecting it, it hurts. ;p
Also as an update, he never ae ramped during the fight. Took about 1 and a half minutes for us to down him. He flurried twice during the fight, and did enrage at end. Other than that, nothing else.
What caster is going to equip this 2HB when there are easily-groupable or -questable one-hander/shield combos with combined better stats. Lousy reward for fighting a mob this tough.
My group was exploring this new zone last night and our ranger saw this mob on his tracking window, so we became a little curious of what he dropped and decided to pull him. Well, it turns out that he was the one that dropped us - all six - in less than 30 seconds...
Quadded me for a max of 4400 at 3800ac/full shielding (buffed). The others in my group were hit a little harder, so I'm assuming this thing is a 5k hitter. I think he ae rampaged also.
He looked like one of those steamwork robots that you see throughout the zone, except he was painted red and was a little bigger.
Don't feel bad... I was sititng at 20.4K HP 3.9K A/C with full Shielding and he One rounded me before I managed to click furious disc.
Ranger said he couldn't land a snare or root on it either... so not sure how other classes are snaring it. But definetely makes you feel un-ubber when you get one rounded like that, I tank Demi Mobs like they are Toys.