Soloed this guy today with 61Monk. Kinda took me by surprise, did not know there was a fabled chancellor lol. Was just looking for prod. Was not too bad though. had clicky haste but no other buffs at the time. Hardest hit was 338 but only did that once. Hit me for 200+ maybe 3 times. Most hits were around 100. Fight lasted 2-3mins. Used inner fire, whirling wind, mend, and leopard claw(a few times) durring fight. Was at about half HPs when fight was over. He spent a lot of time casting but resisted everything he threw at me (saves are a good thing). He does summon, probably unsnareable too but cannot say for sure.
WOOT! 65 Cleric soloed Fabled Chancilor today... 10 min fight with just KEI, SA, and self buffs only! was long fight, but just kept up HoTs on me, had lvl 64 Catastrophe AE DD spell up to handle adds, and me and pet hammer went at it.. my cleric had 4500 HP 1200 AC at the time and 4600 mana ended fight with 13% mana left =D
His loc is -2500, 5000 in the biggest room of the fort (as you probably already know).
He hits for a little above 300 max. Was DB to 64 beastlord and wasnt a contest. Slow wasnt mitigated and all spells landed in one try. Does summon. Lost under 1000hp in the fight. Seemed too easy if he was in fact level 55. I wouldnt be suprised if he was level 50 as Clarisen noted.
And yes, he drops both the fabled and original prod.