The Digger  

a rare creature

Uploaded August 21st, 2012 by Cylius

Spawns in the Decay area (one known PH is "a worshipper of decay" that roams the first tomb on the left, as you get out from the second tunnel).

Believed to spawn from any of the "pig" models --needs confirmation.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2015-12-05 08:25:08.

Level: 99
Expansion: Veil of Alaris
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Easier than I expected
# Aug 22 2018 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
275 posts
Found him up near middle of the decay area. First approach I agroed half the zone and was splatted.
Took a more careful approach and was amazed that I could single kill everything I encountered on route, even with all the masses of bones to work around.
Then Digger jumped me, no adds this time, he went down easily even with me healing pet since merc was LOM at fight start.

105 SMolo mage
Chard ~ 120 Magician of Bertoxxulous
Mean Ole Men
Formerly a soloer but now twin boxing another mage.
# Dec 02 2015 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
so I finally got this guy to spawn. It was not by the graves at all or the tunnel......
When you come into this room you are standing on a hill. Looking forward not sure the direction atm) but you will be looking at a barricade with big bone ladders. The zone is kind of L shaped to the right of that spot. Anyway if you were to go straight and over the first barricade you will be looking at another barricade thats parrellel. and one that is not parrellel. go to the lef of the one thats not parrellel and over the one thats in front of you. 3 static pig model;s here. 1 is solo and the other two spawn next to each other. Digger spawned from oneof the ones standing next to each other.
I can not confirm but I am going to assume he can spawn from ANY of the pig models in this room based on the previous posts.
# Dec 05 2015 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
solien wrote:
so I finally got this guy to spawn. It was not by the graves at all or the tunnel......
When you come into this room you are standing on a hill. Looking forward not sure the direction atm) but you will be looking at a barricade with big bone ladders. The zone is kind of L shaped to the right of that spot. Anyway if you were to go straight and over the first barricade you will be looking at another barricade thats parrellel. and one that is not parrellel. go to the lef of the one thats not parrellel and over the one thats in front of you. 3 static pig model;s here. 1 is solo and the other two spawn next to each other. Digger spawned from oneof the ones standing next to each other.
I can not confirm but I am going to assume he can spawn from ANY of the pig models in this room based on the previous posts.

solien wrote:
For once I would love some clear and accurate instructions from you guys. Hereis the deal...any of the pig names can respawn as any of the other pig names i.e. "a worshipor of decay" can respawn as "a soiled warrior" or " a worshipor of filth" etc. so you cant go by names when lookin for the PH here. This is a fact and I can confirm it as ive cleared the entire area.
Now for a PH for the digger...I have no clue as I been campin it for 7 hours total and no spawn yet. if i can get an accurate PH I will add an addendum. There are 3 pig models that ropam so I am going to assume those are the PH's. One roams around the graves, one roams around the pile where the Relic is at ( does a loop around the pile), and the other roams up and down the barriers next to the graves. Now that being said thereis also a puig model in the upper tunnel (exit tunnel) to the room that paths back and forth, and several other roamer mobs alraians, skellys and bone golems (which are HS'able btw).
Im going to keep the entire room clear but this guy is a pita to spawn for sure...btw if your making alist so is spernal, mindlock, and the two in the up/down rooms in sep east.

All the information here is submitted by users. The more concise and proven the data we are given, the clearer the resulting pages here.
confused much?
# Dec 01 2015 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
For once I would love some clear and accurate instructions from you guys. Hereis the deal...any of the pig names can respawn as any of the other pig names i.e. "a worshipor of decay" can respawn as "a soiled warrior" or " a worshipor of filth" etc. so you cant go by names when lookin for the PH here. This is a fact and I can confirm it as ive cleared the entire area.
Now for a PH for the digger...I have no clue as I been campin it for 7 hours total and no spawn yet. if i can get an accurate PH I will add an addendum. There are 3 pig models that ropam so I am going to assume those are the PH's. One roams around the graves, one roams around the pile where the Relic is at ( does a loop around the pile), and the other roams up and down the barriers next to the graves. Now that being said thereis also a puig model in the upper tunnel (exit tunnel) to the room that paths back and forth, and several other roamer mobs alraians, skellys and bone golems (which are HS'able btw).
Im going to keep the entire room clear but this guy is a pita to spawn for sure...btw if your making alist so is spernal, mindlock, and the two in the up/down rooms in sep east.
spawn location and spells
# May 03 2012 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
He spawns in the room where the Relic of Sholoth is. There are two tunnels that give access to this area. One is at the back of the guards in the Sentry Stone of Sholoth's room. The other tunnel is in that room, but you have to climb to enter.
I got him to spawn from "a worshipper of decay" that roams the first tomb on the left, as you get out from the second tunnel. I guess there is at least another ph, which should also be "a worshipper of decay". Those may be in the middle of the area, in between the tombs and the first tunnel entrance.

He has around 6.8 million hp and casts several spells
1. Dollop of Filth
2. Immunity Suppression
3. Cloud of Decay This triggers Strike of Decay
4. Strike of Decay

Was able to 3 box him with only T4 VOA gear on all toons
spawn location
# Aug 11 2012 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I have been camping this guy on and off for a couple weeks and have yet to see him, can anyone confirm ph w/ a loc so I know I'm pulling correct PH's?
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