You say, 'Hail, Tenlu Coi'
Tenlu Coi says 'Tunare bless you, Burynai. I am Tenlu Coi, the (Coppicer). I trust you come in peace.'
You say, 'Coppicer'
Tenlu Coi smiles and rests on his staff as he explains, 'Mortals tamper with nature constantly, often causing unknown or delayed chaos on the wild realms. When there is an (imbalance), it is my job to correct it.
You say, 'imbalance'
Tenlu Coi says 'It's not always pretty work. Right now, the (sarnak) threaten to overrun the entire region. We've been using sleight of hand to bolster the nearby goblins, who refused our overt offers of aid. And we're dealing with (treants) on our other flank.'
You say, 'sarnak'
Tenlu Coi says 'Fort Syldon, just over the ridge to our West is the sarnak's primary foothold in this region. We haven't been able to shake them from it, but we have mostly contained them so far. If you're looking for a challenge, I'm sure you'll find it there.'
You say, 'treants'
Tenlu Coi smiles and says, 'Does it surprise you to hear of a druid concerned with there being too many treants in an area? That's what makes me The Coppicer, Jeffro. I do the unpleasant work needed to bring all things into balance, not just the things I dislike. Sometimes, even treants must be cut down for a greater purpose.