Stitch`s ambush chest  


Uploaded February 27th, 2008 by __DEL__1595780897047
Updated February 28th, 2008

This chest spawns following "The Ambush" event in Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale: East.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2007-08-29 08:19:37.

Level: 1
Expansion: Serpents Spine
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Krait the Bloodletter
# Apr 16 2007 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Named mob during ambush.
# Feb 27 2007 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
Ambush event.

groups 1/2/3 - one MA
groups 4/5/6 - two MA
groups 7/8/9 - third MA

So three MA's have each MA grab a mob and those groups DPS it. When more pop off tank and just keep cycling thru mobs.

Sony has coded this event so chanter mezz is worthless. At first you can mezz mobs but when the yellow murderers start spawning all mezzes will break and all mobs will become unmezzable. Therefore don't try and mezz the adds, just DPS them.

If you do not touch an add it will despawn the event. So you have to pick up all of them.

2 dots during the events, 1 big 1 little. These are corruption dots 1 druid can cure a whole group, while 1 cleric can cure about 3 people in a group with 1 pallidan curing 3 people. Try and set up groups accordingly.

2 Big parts of this event. DPS and cure. Just keep curing and keep DPSing. RC9 will cure too, but it's not always up.

At the end a named mob will spawn, this kill this 1 mob and the event is over, all adds will depop. So when the named pops Kill him get all your DPS on him.

Rez up and move to stitch.

the chest
# Dec 27 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
The chest spawns at the completion of event.
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